Elvis and Me
Elvis and Me
| 07 February 1988 (USA)
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The story of Priscilla's life with rock and roll star Elvis Presley.

Steinesongo Too many fans seem to be blown away
Libramedi Intense, gripping, stylish and poignant
Teddie Blake The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Fused0ne There is no proof to back up the mean events that it claims Elvis did. But there are 100s of things that prove Elvis was a kind generous man. I have not read the book, but its obvious that this movie could not be made without Priscilla's permission. She should be held accountable for bashing the memory of Elvis. The fact she would allow this movie to be made shows what kind of a person she is. A female dog. She'd be no one had it not been for Elvis. She just needed something to make money and used this. Seem's to me that allowing this movie to be made, she sold-out. Elvis must not have been important to her no matter what is in her book... allowing this movie to be made shows her true feelings. Every interview with Elvis friends, and workers tell of a kind man who would give the shirt off his back to anyone who needed it. Not a monster like this movie makes him out to be. A true Elvis fan would not claim this movie to be great. Its fictional trash.
WickerGal I saw this movie when it first premiered and was instantly captivated by the love story between Elvis and Priscilla. The movie traces their relationship from the time 14 year old Priscilla meets Elvis for the first time until his death some 18 years later. Walters does a terrific job portraying Priscilla. We see that Priscilla allows her entire life to become about Elvis, his world is all she knows, and we see her struggle to find her own way and her own person as his world of celebrity and drug use pulls him further away. This is not a tale of a woman scorned, rather a story of a woman who loved a man deeply and completely until love wasn't enough. The movie shows some ugly sides to Elvis that other biographies didn't cover, but it shows that he is as much a lost little boy as he is a controlling, sometimes violent man. The book does better justice when it comes to demonstrating Elvis' tender side, but the movie does capture the fact that he loves her. She does not invent the Elvis wanted her, brought her to live with him and married her. What this story says is that it is possible to love someone, flaws and all. We grow up with Priscilla through this movie and we suffer her heartbreak as well. I recommend reading the book in addition to seeing the movie, as many things in the movie are chronologically in error and some important personal struggles of both Elvis & Priscilla are left out. Ultimately though, if you want a movie that shows Elvis as some hero, this is not it.
chippyjr I am a die hard Elvis fan and I have read "Elvis and Me" the book twice. After reading the book I watched the movie which showed Elvis as a miserable person who raped and abused his wife. Nothing of the sort was written in the book. This movie should never have been run for it is only demeaning Elvis's legend.
Balou-6 I liked the movie, though Dale Midkiff as The King, Elvis Presley, has not much credibility in that role. Susan Walter, on the other hand, was incredible and very sexy. She played her role very well. Midkiff wanted to do too much.