| 04 June 2008 (USA)
Eldorado Trailers

Yvan finds a burglar in his house. After some consideration, Yvan decides not to call the police and to drop the lad near the nearby city but he ends up giving him a lift home to his parents. Together, they travel through Belgium and meet some extraordinary people and find themselves in ditto situations.

Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
filmalamosa A man who imports used American cars to Belgium catches a young burglar who he begrudgingly befriends...we find out later that he had recently lost his younger brother to drugs and feels some rapport.This movie is hard to rate...if it hadn't gone on so long it would have gotten a 10---but the last 30 minutes are kind of out of gas.Let me say one thing about the dog scene...it took a lot of daring for the director to do this. However, animal cruelty no matter how it is twisted in unfunny.The essence of this kind of movie is bizarreness turned into comedy. If you find the idea of importing used American cars amusing you will understand this movie. I love these things and this one was done well. Except as I mentioned the dog scene.The movie used digital techniques for the sky and other scenery but it was beautiful anyway. Computers mean some really beautiful landscapes.In the end? Very good especially the nudist scene and others. Mentally sublimate if you can the dog part because the rest of it is really spot on.RECOMMEND
derekrankine A middle-aged man returns to his home in rural Belgium to find that it has been broken into, with a stranger hiding under his bed. He initially threatens the intruder, who refuses to come out, with violence and calling the police. When the stranger eventually emerges, he is found to be a scared young man purportedly seeking to return to his parents after overcoming a heroin addiction. His parents live on the other side of the country, and the older man offers to give him a lift. The ensuing road movie begins conventionally, with gradual bonding and chance meetings with various eccentrics as the Belgian landscape offers some choice cinematography opportunities. Although these initial encounters are mildly engaging and occasionally humorous, three incidents in the latter half challenge the low-key nature of the preceding action. This change of direction lends the film a more serious weight and a dark, meaty substance in place of a morality tale.An impressive piece of work, especially given the short running time (around 80 minutes). The older man is played by Bouli Lanners, who also writes and directs.
Pascal Zinken (LazySod) A guy lives on his own in a somewhat rundown house. When he gets home one evening he finds an intruder in the house: a junkie that is trying to steal some of his belongings. After some initial anger the two of them become a very odd pair and they start making a road trip through Belgium with the two of them.Running as a somewhat dark comedy this one is a good laugh. The pair is impossible enough to make for some very funny events and the pace of the film is high enough. Some things that happen don't make much sense at all but it never gets to the point where it becomes an irritation. With each passing mile the link between the two becomes stronger even though it is very clear that they will never be real good friends. The film is a tiny bit predictable but that doesn't work against it. It could have been stretched a bit longer though without turning less intense, which would have given some space to build on the characters a bit more.7 out of 10 stolen moments
alanf999 I could call the movie a disappointment except that after about 20 minutes I didn't have high hopes for it. I could see that it was following the basic arc of "Midnight Cowboy" or "Central Station": one lonely, marginalized character tries to take advantage of another, then they end up forced to depend on each other on a quixotic quest through a desolate landscape toward an illusory goal of warmth and safety. But "Midnight Cowboy" was a great film, and "Central Station" was worthwhile. There is almost nothing of lasting interest in this movie either inside or outside the two characters. (The scenes at Didier's parents' house are an exception.) There are not only one, but two conversations that are literally of the "Yes. No. Yes. No" form, which are not particularly amusing, suggesting instead that the writer had nothing much to say. The random wackiness that he occasionally attempts to pump into the action is a poor substitute because there is no follow-through. Yvan gets his hair taped to the ceiling of his car to keep himself awake, but later he crashes, without any even cursory shot to show us whether the tape gave way, his hair was pulled out, or he fell asleep still attached to that ceiling. And though the car goes off the road and drives through trees, it reveals itself as magically unharmed when a nudist appears from nowhere to tow it and give them directions, then disappears from the action. A dog is dropped from a bridge, crushing the roof of a car, but the ceiling is intact when we see it immediately thereafter.This lack of consistency and consequence compromises the character development that is supposed to occur as well. Yvan, who is supposed to be demonstrating a growing feeling of responsibility to assuage his guilt for not being present for his family in the past, abandons his plan to take the suffering dog to a veterinarian. (Why? How expensive could it be to have a dog put to sleep by even a private vet, let alone a shelter, and has Yvan ever shied away from expense in the past?) Instead, he indulges Elie/Didier in his plan to ostensibly buy heroin to euthanize the dog, though he suspects correctly that the money will not go to that end. In the meantime, the dog whimpers, uncomforted and unseen, in the back of the car, until it finally dies. That, thankfully, is also the point at which the movie expires.