Elaine Stritch at Liberty
Elaine Stritch at Liberty
NR | 29 May 2004 (USA)

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Judy at the Palace. Sinatra at Carnegie Hall. Streisand at the Garden. Stritch on Broadway. Legendary performances come along so rarely. Elaine Stritch At Liberty is an autobiographical one-woman show written by Elaine Stritch and John Lahr. The show consists of spoken monologues from Stritch following her life and career, interspersed with showtunes and pop standards which compliment her stories. Many of these songs had been originated by Stritch in major Broadway productions, such as "The Ladies Who Lunch" from Company and "Civilization" from Angel In The Wings. Her experiences and relationship with show business are focal points, but she also explores more intimate, personal themes like her alcoholism and romantic relationships.

Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
EA Picked up the DVD without knowing anything about Elaine Stritch.More than pleasantly pleased. Her candor is laudable. One views her life through a cabaret act, full of song and dance routines... Despite which, one looks into an absolutely "naked" soul. Interesting to watch this 80 year old woman, whose life has been so difficult, be so alive and dynamic. When most of her compatriots are dead she is continuing to grow and learn and give to us. For the first half hour or so it was mostly "cute", tolerable but just "cute". The rest of the film grabbed my mind and heart.Well done. I recommend it highly.
MarieGabrielle While she is a familiar face to younger viewers;(she has played many cameo parts; ""The Cosby Show"", etc.) they would benefit to catch this show on cable; or rent the DVD.I recall seeing Ms. Stritch in the Woody Allen movie, "September", but her stage career, which was quite extensive, is well documented here, even for those of us of younger generations.If you don't have a chance to visit Broadway, this is your next best introduction to it. Ms.Stritch talks about Marlon Brando, her drinking problems, Rock Hudson, and her early stage career; all at once. The camera follows her to London, shows the extensive preparations and rehearsals; the anecdotes are all real; and more interesting than the dreck which is reported today about Hollywood couples; Brad and Jen; etc.; ad infinitum; I for one would rather hear about past mega-stars who had REAL talent, like Ms. Stritch. Do yourself a favor and see this performance; you will see real talent and diversity on stage; original comedic and musical routines; and you will learn what a real star is.
jotix100 Elaine Stritch at Liberty is a splendid documentary about the life of a survivor, who even at this stage of her life, shows she has what it takes to get in front of the public and bare her soul in the process.The documentary centers around her triumphant stage show that played at the Public Theater, and later was transferred to a limited commercial run on Broadway and then to London. The material was conceived by John Lahr and directed for the stage by George C. Wolfe, the amazing man who was in charge of the Public Theater in New York. Rick McKay is given credit as putting it all together in this version that was seen on cable, and it's available on DVD format.Best of all is Ms. Stritch herself. We get to know intimate details about her life, her successes and failures, the men in her life and how the drinking affected her health. To have the courage to go before a public in a play is courageous, but to be Ms Stritch's age, command the stage and charm an audience is something that only great performers can achieve. Thanks for the memories Ms Stritch!
mark.waltz There are few stage legends left in our world today who have so much to tell, and Elaine Stritch is one of them. While not a household name to people, her face and voice may be. Recent movie goers recall her as Winona Ryder's loving but emotionally distant grandmother in "Autumn in New York"; as the crabby Ms. Crock in the otherwise medicore "Screwed"; and as Dyan Cannon's crotchety but lovable mom in "Out to Sea". However, to those who have an appreciation for the theater, she is, to put it bluntly, one of the most riviting performers I have ever seen, on stage, on TV, and in films. I had the priviledge of seeing Ms. Stritch this past February in her one-woman show at the Neil Simon in New York. (It is scheduled to run through May of 2002, so if you are in NY before then, do not miss it!) Let's just say it was a priority on the top of my list, even more so than visiting the remains of the World Trade Center. It is for more reasons than the shere entertainment value of Ms. Stritch's presence; It is for the reason we go on; we are survivors, and so is she. Elaine takes no qualms in publicly discussing her battle with alcoholism; While others have done as much and made it seem like voyeurism, she takes us in to her bosom, and embraces us with the love and affection of an Auntie Mame who has had the life, and lived to tell about it. Her wisdom, humor, and heart make this performance one for the history books. Years from now, people will be remembering this as the theatrical event of 2002. I did not know it aired on PBS in January until I came across the listing on here, and I hope that they repeat it; However, had I known, I would have taped it, and saved it for after I had seen it.In my movie reviews, I try to give a thorough summary of the plot without giving away key elements; I cannot do that here because to say too much is spoiling a delightful surprise. To say too little would be difficult, because what do I choose? I will say this: if you are familiar with Ms. Stritch's film work and a few of her Broadway recordings (such as "Company" where she sang the legendary "Ladies Who Lunch"), you already know a little bit about her. She sings "Broadway Baby" just as she lived it, from her way up the ladder, to some surprising encounters with future celebrities, to understudying the first lady of the American musical theater, to how she was perceived by theatrical community as "difficult", and to finally, how she finally conquored her alcoholism. And to go into "I'm Still Here" (which has been sung by some of the best), she deserves that honor; She truly is. Ms. Stritch, I longed to see you in a live theatrical event, and you gave me an evening of live theater that I will never forget.