Edges of the Lord
Edges of the Lord
R | 12 October 2001 (USA)
Edges of the Lord Trailers

A 12-year-old Jewish boy hides with a family of Catholic peasant farmers to escape the Nazis.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
gregg r A very haunting movie. Pay attention to the last 30 minutes of this movie. Why this movie did'not win a Academy award is a shame. The best performance belong to young Mr. Hess as Tolo. He is amazing, very Oscar-worthy. It's not for the kids, but definitely a adult film. 10 stars for this epic movie. The movie was made in 2001, but still is a great movie in 2012. HJO performance was great, but the film still goes to Leon Hess. At eight years old, he was outstanding. I will never forget his last scene. Haunting and riveting at the same time. Whether you are a Catholic or a Jew or any religion, this is a terrific movie. The very next day, i purchased this movie and added to my very rare selection of movies. Simply mind-boggling.
alba500 It has been a long time since I saw a movie this great and this moving. The very unorthodox movie about the Holacoust. This is better than Shindlers List. It is a movie about growing up during the Nazi genocide of Jews. Brilliant! The performance of the character Tolo is beyond anything imaginable. The corruption of the polish peasants and the horror of it all. The horror is not just for the sake of horror. It corrupts the soul of the villagers and it refines the character of some of them like Tolo. Haley Joel Osment also gives one of his greatest performances. His conversion during the German occupation is so deep and so unexpected. It is also very probable and very convincing and yet dramatic.
artichoke6 I can't believe we all watched the same movie! I see many good reviews for this movie, but I cannot agree. First my family and I rented Edges of the Lord this past weekend. My husband and our almost 15 year old daughter could not stomach it. I couldn't either. By the time we got to the quarry scene where the main character gets thrown in, we said that's it. We stopped the DVD and ejected it. Later I did watch to see if the ending was better than the beginning and middle - it isn't. It gets worse! I returned it to Blockbuster, explaining they need to tag this movie for future families - warning, extremely disturbing movie! We were of course aware it was rated R, for violence and mild sexual content. We naturally assumed the violence would be WW2/Nazi related. It is but very sad. But in the end I thought an excellent message would unfold. It doesn't! We rented it because the young actor was also in Second Hand Lions (a wonderful movie I might add!). Do not rent this movie unless you want nightmares. I just cannot find anything good to say about this film. Nearly every relationship - child to child, adult to child, adult to adult is odd. The way the children play is disturbing. The priest was okay in the film. I half expected his character to stray from decency, since almost all of the main characters are strange. But he remained good. I honestly never thought a movie could top Pulp Fiction in the "too disturbing to watch" category for me, but Edges of the Lord tops Pulp Fiction. My daughter was so disturbed by Edges of the Lord, we decided to watch something nice, familiar and safe - we popped in a favorite episode of Friends! I was ready to pop in a Disney movie after attempting to watch this movie. Please, take my advice - do not rent it. Unless you want to watch a very bizarre movie, with little good in it. To be honest, I still don't understand what the exact message was here! I don't want to give away the plot but the ending was even confusing. Thank you.
wanatry_me Having just watched this film I am left quite speechless, not a common experience for me. I wasn't expecting this, neither will you if you see it, and I think it's the sort of film that everyone should see, not your usual hollywood trash, a truly great story that is brutally honest and will remind us all of our childhood. 10 out of 10 for this one