NC-17 | 05 November 2015 (USA)
Edge Trailers

A televised adaptation of the 'Edge' book series by George G. Gilman.

ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
zhombre I've seen a lot of Westerns; grew up on them, and watched the genre evolve over the years from John Ford to Sam Peckinpah and Clint Eastwood and to the postmodern revisionist dreck that now clutters the Hollywood production schedules. The Wild Bunch remains one of my favorite movies. In brief: Edge sucks. Monumental suckdom. Simple as that. Some interesting actors, sure: Max Martini, Bill Sadler, and Yvonne Strahovski though Ryan Kwanten and Beau Knapp are juvenile and subpar, worse than the worse spaghetti Western bit players. But on the whole this movie is violent, vile,senseless, and absurd with awful dialog and a hackneyed plot twist at the end (which I won't reveal and which I advise you not to wait to see). Skip it.
Leofwine_draca I saw this on Amazon Prime under the title EDGE THE LONER. It's the pilot episode of a would-be western TV series, directed by Shane Black and with a decidedly adult edge: this episode is chock-full of highly stylised combat and bloody battles, with fingers being blown off and bloody squib hits throughout. It makes a refreshing change to the usual sanitised stuff we see on TV.The predictable storyline (about one man's revenge) is the worst thing about this show. However, it makes up for that with Black's strong direction and the well-choreographed nature of the frequent action. The final shoot-out is particularly well handled and enjoyable to watch. Cast-wise, Max Martini (PACIFIC RIM) has little chance to show charisma as the lead, but there are dependables like William Sadler and Ryan Kwanten playing the baddies, so it's not all bad. If this test pilot does get picked up for a full series it has plenty of potential for greatness.
pburkej It amazes me how genuinely bad this show is. The characters are a random assembly of tired clichés; the bad guy who is actually good, the good guy who is actually bad, the fortunate son, the token "magic negro" black character. The plot is entirely predictable and trite. A retelling of a well-worn revenge tale, with the one "obscure item" every character is looking for story tacked on for good measure. The action is over the top cartoonish, but attempts to be gritty by showing occasional random body parts falling bloody to the floor.. The acting is pretty bad, with Max Martini technique seemingly based around having a gravelly voice and squinting. However with such one dimensional characters it is hard to blame the actors too much. The only good thing I can say is the pacing is quick. It throws the story at you fast enough that if you don't bother thinking at all you will miss the plot holes, poorly thought out characters, and just dumb story.Maybe some of this is a deliberate choice, a knowing attempt to create a tongue and cheek look at the genre, told in an implausible manner, but trying for a fun tale not to be taken too seriously. However it comes off as a genuine attempt, with little self awareness.
orientsteve-575-574882 I must begin by first of all saying that I am a western fan and a huge fan of the "Edge" book series by George G Gilman. I have been hoping to see this character in movies for years and was shocked and ecstatic when i saw it on Amazon. Whilst some of the plot and characters unfortunately deviated somewhat needlessly from the books it was still an exciting ride through the old west of "Josiah C Hedges". The acting and direction were first rate and the on screen action gritty and bloody. Quite how a previous reviewer can put it down in comparison to Hell on Wheels and call it almost unwatchable is beyond me. I can only assume he as not watched very many westerns at all. Don't get me wrong i do not dislike Hell on Wheels but i often find it plodding and slow. If you like your westerns and you like the style of the "Good Bad and Ugly" then you should enjoy "Edge" Please do not be put off by the previous negative reviewer and give this Title a chance to grow and flourish as a Series.