Edge of Honor
Edge of Honor
R | 01 February 1991 (USA)
Edge of Honor Trailers

A group of scouts stumble onto a cache of stolen weapons hidden in a forest. They meet up with a girl and get involved with the men who originally stole the weapons. The men try to shoot the scouts every time - but are thwarted at the end.

CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Comeuppance Reviews A group of teenaged Boy Scouts exploring the Washington State wilderness come upon an abandoned shack. The boys, led by Butler (Feldman) discover some heavy-duty weaponry in the shack, namely rocket launchers and bazookas stolen from the U.S. government. Now that the scouts know about the weapons, they come under attack by a team of gun totin' rednecks led by the emotionless Ritchie (Swayze). But as the movie itself notes at one point, the boys are the small fish, the rednecks are the middle fish, and the big fish is the Shakespeare-quoting Blade (Neame). Now surrounded by baddies on all sides, the scouts end up teaming up with a local girl who shares their cause, Alex (Salenger), and they all use whatever booby trap-making knowledge they have to outwit and defend themselves against the onslaught of people that want their heads. Will they get their merit badge in REVENGE? Find out today! When most people think of Corey Feldman, they don't often think of Edge of Honor. They probably just assume that he's off somewhere, doing a Michael Jackson-like dance. That's a shame and an oversight, because this movie is among his best work. Viewers that get a chance to see Edge of Honor will likely be pleasantly surprised at how engaging and watchable the movie is. We're not really sure why someone would be surprised, except for the fact that video stores were filled with wilderness slogs at the time like Endangered (1994), and patrons had no reason to believe, at first, that this was any different. But it has a lot of fun, interesting touches that make it worthwhile. And the glasses-wearing Corey gets to do his best Jack Nicholson/Christian Slater/William Devane-like drawl. So you can't say he does the same thing in every movie. He wouldn't be this good again until A Dangerous Place (1995).That's not to say all wilderness movies are slogs, there are definite winners such as this one and Hunter's Blood (1986), and though Edge of Honor seems to be leaning towards the younger end of the R-rated demographic, its well-written, serious-intentioned, and competently-directed overall feel isn't insulting to audiences of any age. Bringing Don Swayze on board as the amoral backwoods murderer is always a good move, and this movie is among Don's best that we've seen, up there with Driving Force (1989), where he plays a similar character. Heck, he plays this character most of the time. It must be something in the bone structure of his face that make casting directors angling for a countrified killer to go, "Oh, get Don Swayze!" Besides Corey and Don, who are the faces we're most familiar with, the rest of the cast is very good as well, and we were also familiar with Christopher Neame from his appearances as similar baddies to this one in Diplomatic Immunity (1991) and Irresistible Force (1993) - as well as appearances in Street Knight (1993) and Hellbound (1994). So he pops up more than we realized. But all told, Edge of Honor is like a DTV counterpart to Red Dawn (1984) - and a pleasant romp in the woods at that. The Academy VHS is worth picking up if you can find it.
merklekranz While "Edge of Honor" certainly is no "Deliverance", it is one of the better hunted in the woods films. I would put this on a par with something like "Hunter's Blood". The movie benefits from Don Swaze playing an excellent villain. The plot is simple and easy to follow, with the Scouts trying to survive using their survival skills. Although the climax is somewhat of a stretch, what precedes it is totally acceptable outdoor entertainment. The photography in "Edge of Honor" is another huge plus. Seek this one out if you are a fan of this type. You will not be disappointed. ..........................................- MERK
monkey-man Edge of Honor (1991).This movie is about how some boy scouts find some weapons in a house in the forest.And they take them out side so they can take them to the cops to be hero's.But they decided to hide them outside the house and come back and get them at night.And the bad guys that owned the weapons came to the house to get them but they are gone and they do not know who took them.But the bad guys find a map on the floor of the house that one of the scouts dropped and the scouts camp is marked on the map.So the bad guys went to the camp to find out where there weapons are and then they start to kill the scouts and the scouts leaders.And some scouts manage to escape including the scouts who hid the weapons.Now the scouts have to escape the bad guys by trying to find there way out of the forest and get help.Before i rented this movie i thought that this movie would be OK but it turned out to be a fun,action packed,never boring movie and i really enjoyed watching it so much.I am not sure if this movie is out on DVD yet but i think that it would come out on DVD soon enough.And i am going to bye it if see it on DVD and you should bye this movie it would make a great addition to your DVD collection.Over all this movie is really good and Corey Feldman is so great in this movie and if u liked him in this movie you should watch him in this movie The Goonies (1985).My rating for this movie is 7 out of 10.
filmbuff-36 Interesting action film for teenagers, about a group of campers who stumble onto a gun-running operation in the woods. The people in charge of the smuggling find out that the kids know about them, and then hunt them through the forest to kill them. The bad guys are all zombie-like psychopaths straight out of a John Carpenter movie, with no scruples against shooting innocent children. Taut little thriller, with overtones of Walter Hill's own 80's "survival in the wilderness" flick "Southern Comfort". A true guilty pleasure movie for sure, but you will be strangely drawn to root for the teenagers during the final action scene where they reek violent revenge on their pursuers. I watched this film along time ago, but I still remember it because it was a good movie considering what it was about.