Eddie Izzard: Glorious
Eddie Izzard: Glorious
| 17 November 1997 (USA)
Eddie Izzard: Glorious Trailers

Eddie Izzard's routine has a loose trajectory from the beginning of the Old Testament and the creation of the world in seven days to Revelations. Along the way, we learn of the search for a career, bad giraffes, Prince Philip's gaffes, toilets in French campsites, the mysteries of hopscotch, becoming one's Dad and tranny bashing.

ShangLuda Admirable film.
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
edkipp Eddie Izzard is one of the only comedians that is worth seeing in person today. His humor works on many levels, and at times I out of the blue remember a line from Glorious or one of his other performances and it makes me laugh. As an actor he is pretty good but his strength is definitely as a stand-up comedian. It's almost as if a male college professor with a brilliant sense of humor and womens clothing is standing in front of a classroom of people and just lecturing about history, religion, whatever seems to cross Eddie's mind. If you haven't seen his stand-up performances, don't cheat yourself out of the pleasure.
CharltonBoy Here is another video of Englands best stand up comic and athough very funny it is not the best routine he has done. (check out Dressed to Kill).We do meet some of Eddie's reccuring themes,James Mason, Mrs Badcrumble and for some reason Mr Izzard has a bit of an obssession with Jam in the video but we wont hold that against him! His religous ramblings are very funny and quite true when you sit and think about it. If your a fan you will love "Glorious" , if your a first time viewer of Eddie Izzard try one of his other videos first. 7 out of 10.
wymhdv Eddie Izzard's finest hour (or two)... If you've never seen Eddie before, this is where to start. Eddie starts at the beginning of time (Biblically) and ends with Armageddon (out of here). On his way he covers the loophole in the great flood story, death and Death, the Trojan War, Bin Hood (he steals from the comfortable and gives to the moderately impoverished), machines and the end of the world.Izzard is an example of British humor at it's finest (and sometimes most surreal) taking his influences from the Goons, Tommy Cooper and Monty Python. He is, however, also very unique. No one else I know of rambles in the most entertaining way Eddie does, sometimes losing the plot himself. I've never had the opportunity to see Eddie live, but am sure I will. I bought Glorious, now I've been out and bought the rest of his videos. Every one is a classic, but this will remain my favorite.
skaz-2 Once again Eddie Izzard tackles subjects that the average comedian would not be able to handle. However, Izzard, who could never be called normal, manages to keep the audience in fits of laughter. This is one video which you will be able to watch over and over again.