| 06 October 2015 (USA)
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After their friend goes missing, five road-tripping friends must confront a violent biker gang, but after they narrowly escape, their nightmare goes from bad to spine-chilling.

MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
LouHomey From my favorite movies..
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Travis I love to watch horror movies. I watch them if they are bad or good, usually even the worst movies have something to redeem themselves. That is not the case with this movie. When watching it I kept wondering if this was a group of university students that got together and did this as their end of year project. Here are some of the points I had issue with.Plot: I am not sure there was much of one. Had they gone with the biker gang or the killers they might of had something going but this was just a jumbled mess. No idea where the actors were going or what they were doing there. No idea who the killers were. No idea what the story behind Boot Heel New Mexico was. Characters: No back story to any characters in the movie at all. The little back story they did give doesn't make sense. One had fought in a war and said that "Charlie" had been to a village. That got me to wondering if this was supposed to have taken place in the 70s but the cloths and hair don't look like it to. No idea who the good guys or bad guys were.Acting: Wooden would be the best way to describe the acting. It felt like they were reading from a prompt off screen. The biker leader I think was supposed to be scary but he did not come across that way. The best acting were the "killers" because they had no lines and you couldn't see their faces.intangibles: Most B movies throw in lots of gore or nudity to make up for other things that are lacking. This movie had little gore and no nudity. Sometimes a show is funny or for some reason or another makes you feel like your time wasn't wasted. This has none of that.
Jayson Densman I appreciate this type of film for it's simplicity. The actors are a bit green, the editing could have been tightened-up, the scoring could have intensified certain scenes and I might have enjoyed a bit more expansion or backstory on the masked ones. It had elements not too far removed from TCM and Hills/Eyes, but the suspense was a bit subdued and the antihero iconography couldn't seem to find it's footing. Nonetheless, nothing really pulled me out of the story and I enjoyed it for what it is - a novice indie road thriller that managed to tell it's tale without Hollywood money or big-name actors. So, for me, this film didn't suck at all, and unlike other reviews, I don't hold it up to any expectations. I know what it takes to get a film made and even tougher to get some kind of distribution - theatrical or not - so, hat's off to the filmmakers for a decent ride. Keep rockin'!
Gilly Vill I am in a very fortunate situation in my life where every few days I get to see A LOT of bad movies. However, this one takes the cake. So much so that it inspired me to follow steps needed to create an account on this website to warn others of potential loss of 90 good minutes of their life to which they will never get back. The storyline is appealing, just not very well executed. I never had an opportunity to emotionally attach to the character that went missing getting everyone in to this mess in the first place and that's unfortunate because this movie had a lot of things I can get excited about in a movie...huge wooden hammer thing that smashes people, gore, and attractive women just to name a few. However, those things, in my opinion, were not well placed or utilized. I would love to give more insight, but the way the whole thing played out I am left still a little confused as to what just happened in this movie. Typically our movie group ends with a resounding "your welcome" from our leader, even with the worst of movies, but this one left him in silence as well. I will end this review the way the movie ended, suddenly and no soon enough.
namaGemo It's obvious ANARCHYSOAP worked on, or acted in this garbage film. I find it interesting he mentioned character commitment, because while watching this piece of 5hit, I kept laughing at how the actors had absolutely ZERO conviction and telling my girlfriend about it over and over. Especially the least talented guy in the yellow shirt who was supposed to be getting married. He was the absolute worst, with second place going to the annoying 5hithead who gets tied up in the barn. You basically want to see this cast getting killed in the most brutal of ways, minus the girl because her body was pretty rock'n, and she had an attractive yet odd Maggie Gyllenhaal vibe going on. The first few scenes were nicely shot as the Mustang pulls into the rest area, and it makes you think it might be starting out good, and then it just collapses after the girl disappears. I've never seen a more disjointed film. Like 10 minutes of two idiots looking around, and you're thinking, wtf happened to the damn biker gang guy, or this guy, or this girl? I mean really stupid direction and pacing that's just awful. Mostly because instead of fleshing the story out, they added filler. I'd say 85% of this dung was filler.As others have mentioned, laughably long scenes of people hearing others screaming, and looking as if they hear nothing. It reminded me of WCW wrestling with Hulk Hogan seeing the image of the ultimate warrior in his mirror, yet Erik Bischoff couldn't see the warrior. WHA WHA WHAT???SO, endure this feces at your own risk. You have been warned.