Eat My Dust
Eat My Dust
PG | 01 April 1976 (USA)
Eat My Dust Trailers

Hoover Nielbold is a car-crazy teenager who, in order to impress the hottest girl in school, takes her for a ride in a souped-up race car owned by local racer Big Bubba Jones. Hoover's father Harry, who's also the local sheriff is furious at the situation and orders his bumbling deputies to go after him. With the Sheriff's office overflowing with concerned parents and citizens and his deputies failing to catch him. He enlists the help of Jones and fellow racers to capture him. It culminates in a thrilling car chase finale through the rural countryside.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Wuchak This is merely another one of those many 70s car-chase films. It's fun & mindless and features some beautiful rural California locations. Plus, how can you go wrong with the likable Ron Howard? The film was a box-office success for producer Roger Corman, which naturally led to the demand for a sequel. But Ron Howard didn't want money to perform in the sequel, he just wanted the opportunity to write and direct it (not to mention act in it). Thus came the hugely popular "Grand Theft Auto," Howard's first REAL stab at directing. The rest is history.This flick is merely okay, nothing special; what makes it worth purchasing for any red-blooded male is the supremely gorgeous Christopher Norris (yeah, it's a woman not a man). She's got some incredible God-given curves, to say the least, and she shows them off well in her skimpy hot-pants! Of course, if you're a "Brokeback Mountain" fan there's always Ron Howard.
gavin6942 From the winning team of Roger Corman and Charles Griffith, with Bill Paxton as set designer... we have a fun little film about a sheriff's son who has a race car and outruns every cop who tries to stop him. Throw in a girl named Christopher and you have a movie! Ron Howard stars, with family Clint and Rance along for the ride. Allegedly, Howard only agreed to do this film after being given the chance to direct "Grand Theft Auto", catapulting his Oscar-winning career. Well played, Opie and Corman! The film as a whole is fun if you like seeing kids outrun cops, but the Chow Fongs car chase scene is the best. How could the building be so fragile and poorly constructed? How can a car flip so easily? It is pure genius!
Michael_Elliott Eat My Dust (1976) ** 1/2 (out of 4) Hoover (Ron Howard) loves hot rods and when he finds out that the girl of his dreams (Christopher Norris) likes them as well, he steals a professional racing car and the two head off with just about every cop in town chasing them. EAT MY DUST, as the title would suggest, is a chase picture from the drive-in days and as long as you don't take it too serious you should find yourself having a pretty good time. I think a lot of credit has to go to director Charles B. Griffith who keeps the action moving from start to finish and there's really not any dry spots. We get all sorts of wild chases and the director manages to make several of them quite memorable. This includes one scene where a cop car crashes and takes out the front of a store but the memorable thing is that the entire front falls down and we can see what the people inside are doing. Another good sequence deals with a bunch of shopping carts getting hit and this leads to all sorts of trouble for people in the same area as them. Even better are the car's point-of-view shots. These here certainly aren't ground-breaking but they're so interesting and they put you right in the middle of the action. Another major plus is that Howard and Norris are just so charming together that they keep you into the story even when there aren't any crashes going on. The supporting cast is charming as well and that includes Clint Howard playing yet another weirdo. EAT MY DUST isn't a classic by any stretch of the imagination but fans of chase pictures should be entertained.
ltd1971 a fun boy wants girl car chase he wants to win her she loves the thrill of speed and he loves to drive very fast his dad (from memory ) was the local sheriff fun fast paced look back in time at the innocence of our youth lots of smash em up bash em up car chase scenes a modernised version of the key stone cops thrill to the speed of Ron Howard driving the fastest stock car in the county laugh as the deputies destroy their cars one after the other slowly come down to earth as boy (Ron Howard) realises it was not him but the car caution when looking for this film (in Australia) their was a film released on video with the same name and similar plot and contains some of the driving scenes from the original film Eat My Dust enjoy hope my memories of this film i last watched in the late seventies is accurate