| 18 February 2004 (USA)
Dunkirk Trailers

Dunkirk is a 2004 BBC television docudrama about the Battle of Dunkirk and the Dunkirk evacuation in World War II.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
boblin2-1 I watched this dramatization some years back and thought it did an excellent job of telling the real-life story, capturing the desperation of the retreat, case in point, only smoke bombs for one group of soldiers tasked with holding back the German tanks!Buy it on Blu-ray or DVD if you can find it. Perhaps its also downloadable. Its well worth the time spent watching it.After watching this re-enactment, I found Nolan's 2017 Dunkirk to be an utter disappointment. It greatly saddened me to see how the Dunkirk story could be so badly told, and more so when I read reviews about how it gives you a sense of what war is like - rubbish. These people really should watch the 2004 Dunkirk dramatization and Saving Private Ryan, and I'd also recommend Schindler's List.
utdmad Having recently watched this again, for a third time, I must strongly disagree with a previous reviewer who described this as meretricious rubbish.It's true, some of the camera work was a little intrusive, and sometimes the music also got in the way, but these are minor irritations. On the whole, I thought the filmmakers told the story very well. Bearing in mind that at the time the incidents displayed were over over sixty years old, it must have been very difficult to tell the stories of so many men - from the government down to a private on the ground - with complete balance and historical accuracy, but overall I found everything very believable. The acting was top notch, with some well known faces, and Timothy Dalton's narration was also top drawer.I would recommend this series wholeheartedly.
scelerat Curious programme as it seems to almost deliberately and consciously write the Merchant Navy out of the evacuation of the BEF from Dunkirk. Even when what is clearly a Merchant ship is being attacked by Stukas, in contemporary black and white film, the narrator refers to Royal Navy destroyers! When Merchant ships are referred to they are almost invariably called personnel ships or supply ships, almost never Merchant ships. The only actual reference to a Merchant ship is where one is on fire and a group of Royal Navy people go onboard to fight the fire. Even then there don't seem to be any Merchant Navy people present. Is this a deliberate omission, or one based on ignorance?
malcolmgsw BBC have decided to show this abysmal effort again.The kindest thing that they could have done is dumped the whole mess in the Channel and forgotten about it.I do not know what possessed them to allow this to be transmitted in its present form.I do not recall a programme where the camera work and "music" was so distracting that it detracted so much from the subject.All i was thinking was why such a ridiculous camera angle was being used.Or wont that dreadful "Music" stop so that we can hear what is being said.The idea of incorporating black and white newsreels with colour footage went out with zero budget war films in the 60s.As far as i am concerned "Dunkirk" made by Michael Balcon and starring John Mills is far better in every respect.I just hope that the person who commissioned this meretricious rubbish is never allowed near the schedules again.