Du gehörst mir
Du gehörst mir
| 24 September 2007 (USA)
Du gehörst mir Trailers

Melanie und Wolf lernen sich bei einer Party kennen. Der sympathische Anwalt erobert Melanies Herz im Sturm. Für beide steht schon nach kurzer Zeit fest, dass sie keinen besseren Lebenspartner hätten finden können. Die Zeit ist reif, und so einigt man sich schnell auf den Termin für die Hochzeit. Im Familien- und Freundeskreis ist man zwar etwas irritiert, doch die bedingungslose Liebe der beiden scheint über jeden Zweifel erhaben. Melanie zieht in Wolfs Wohnung am Rande der Stadt. Doch bald schon schleicht sich in Melanies neues Leben ein Unbehagen...

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
Flyerplesys Perfectly adorable
Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
drizzt81 After being hyped up quite a bit through the local media, I decided to see this movie on TV. The plot itself appears somewhat appealing. It has intrigue, paranoia, fear, love and revenge. The partially horrendous acting and overzealous wanna-be artsy movie composition was what really killed it though.The main actor was not really getting his anger across, despite doing his best to scream a lot. Surely, he did seem a bit insane and conveyed the control-freak type reasonably well, but it just was not convincing. At times, I wasn't sure whether to be afraid of him or just laugh in his face for trying too hard to be scary and intimidating.And it appears that the director really wanted to make sure that everyone knows how artsy he is: let's throw in long, silent scenes with eerily lit rooms, the main actress swimming with loud music blaring to symbolize her mental change and random white-screen cuts... yep he did fill each and every cliché.