Drifting Clouds
Drifting Clouds
| 26 January 1996 (USA)
Drifting Clouds Trailers

The ever-poker-faced Ilona loses her job as a restaurant hostess, as her tram driver husband, Lauri, also finds himself out of work. Together they must hit the streets of Helsinki, facing up to hardship and humiliation in their quest for survival, guided through the gloom by a ray of hope.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
valadas Well this is neither Italy in the forties or the fifties nor USA after the Great Depression though it could have happened there and then. Nor is this a neo-realistic movie made then by Visconti, Lattuada or De Sica though it sometimes looks like one. This is bright Finland of 1996 showing however its dark side too. Man and wife of a modest couple lose their jobs simultaneously and have to endure a lot of hardship trying to get employment again. Th story develops itself in a simple way without great flashes of style but it's true and human indeed with some touching episodes though not too melodramatic. The acting is not exceptionally good except in what concerns Kati Outinen whose face seems expressionless but whose marvellous eyes tell you everything that has to be said and is in her mind at every moment. Not a brilliant movie but quite an honest one and moving enough.
niwasan This is a very interesting film, the complete opposite of the glamour of hollywood. It is very slow, but I was never bored, and the lack of sentimentality is very refreshing.If you ever get the opportunity, do sit down and take the time to watch it.
judy-19 The British film-maker Ken Loach manages to produce profound and uplifting films on the rather grim subject of poor people trying to cope with the nightmare that is modern urban capitalism ('My Name is Joe', 'Ladybird, Ladybird', 'Carla's Song'). Yet 'Drifting Clouds', which offers a Finnish version of the same old themes (poverty, unemployment, mindless sex, optimism in the face of repeated failure), makes me realise how truly boring an evening in a dark room in front of a flickering screen can be. This movie is dull, and two years later I have still not fully forgiven the person who persuaded me to go and see it. As I am married to her, this lack of forgiveness creates considerable problems every time she tries to take me to the movies. It's about a couple who both lose their jobs. That's more or less it, apart from the 'happy' ending. View at your peril.
Rislakki Kauas Pilvet Karkaavat (Drifting Clouds) is a moving film about two unemployed folks in Finland. This film is one of the best Finnish films there is. Finnish films aren't very good, though.There isn't enough real emotions in the movie. I can understand why it won the best foreign film award in Belgium. I just don't like the Finnish style of movie-making. Still, it is very enjoyable.