Drew Peterson: Untouchable
Drew Peterson: Untouchable
| 29 January 2014 (USA)
Drew Peterson: Untouchable Trailers

The story of Drew Peterson, who is charged with the death of his third wife after the mysterious disappearance of his fourth wife.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
TheBlueHairedLawyer Lifetime movies are more often than not cliché dramas about girls who cut themselves or murdering housewives. This one takes a different turn - the murderer is a pervy old man named Drew Peterson.Pervy? How can he be pervy if he's a respected cop with loving children? Well, he's had two wives, and is about to leave the third for a much younger woman. When the third ends up drowned in the washroom of her own home, Drew immediately marries his intended fourth wife and has kids with her, and she doesn't listen to the warnings of her neighbors and friends...Maybe if she heeded their warnings, he wouldn't be missing.This movie has amazing acting, creepy soundtrack at all the right moments, and the plot is based on a true story. I highly recommend it, it's honestly no less creepy than a horror film.
Michael_Elliott Drew Peterson: Untouchable (2012) ** 1/2 (out of 4) In today's age where people are convicted by the media before there's even a trial, Lifetime comes out with this film, which aired just before the real trial of Drew Peterson (Rob Lowe) started. In the film we see his relationship with his fourth wife Stacy (Kaley Cuoco), which starts out great but slowly falls apart and things get media attention when she goes missing under mysterious circumstances. You know, it would be incredibly easy to sit here and bash the heck out of this movie because for a "drama" there were certainly many unintentional funny things here. However, I guess if you go to a Drive-In trash flick you know not to expect a masterpiece so perhaps watching Lifetime TV movies like this one you should just expect silly things. As far as TV movies go, this here really isn't too bad as it at least gets the main job done, which is that it's never boring and it does keep your attention from start to finish. As someone fairly familiar with the original media outburst, the film managed to have some nice suspense sprinkled throughout and this is especially true towards the end once the net around Peterson started to get tighter. Lowe does a pretty good job with his performance as he manages to make you understand why these young girls would fall for him but he's also good showing why they'd be afraid of him. Cuoco is also good as the fourth wife and we get some nice support from Catherine Dent as her neighbor and James Karen as a priest. As I said, there's quite a bit of stuff here that comes off with unintentional laughs including a sequence where Drew catches his wife having dinner with an old friend. Other issues with the film include what every TV movie does and that's make everything over-dramatic to the point that it nearly reaches camp. Still, for a TV movie this is worth watching if you're into this type of thing.
phd_travel Well done Lifetime movie about the still unresolved case of Drew Peterson and the media frenzy surrounding it. Maybe a bit premature since the trial hasn't taken place yet. Liked the way the subtle nastiness started coming out.Kaley Cuoco is watchable as the 4th wife Stacy who is still missing. She can do much more than comedy. She gives a good and touching performance and evokes sympathy. Rob Lowe as Drew is almost unrecognizable with white hair and a strange voice. Liked his jovial/sinister portrayal.Overall worth a watch.
Steve Pulaski In June 2011, when it was confirmed Lifetime was creating a film based on Drew Peterson and announced Rob Lowe would play the title character I was perplexed yet optimistic. When pictures of him in uniform were released in the middle of July I grew even more skeptical, at the same time keeping intrigued. The picture looked more like a parody than anything. It was also said that Lowe had to spend around six hours in the makeup chair before he could play Peterson. I guess Tim Allen wasn't available.Drew Peterson: Untouchable is an acceptable and passable effort at a film adaptation of one of the most talked about missing cases in a while. Being that this is a Lifetime film, it inevitably feels very limited in its script. For example, if had been a direct-to-DVD film, of even theatrically released for that matter, the film would've likely gone further in the one on one conversations with the characters, the violence, and even in the language. Instead, we get the cringe-inducing line "I'm untouchable, bitch" said with blunt honesty by Peterson late in the film.The film documents Peterson's sour relationship with his third wife, Kathleen Savio, and her mysterious death when she was found in an empty bathtub. At the time of her death, Savio and Peterson were divorced and while she was single, he was living with his new wife Stacy Peterson. The day of the court hearing settling the divorce, Peterson and a locksmith found her dead.After marrying Stacy, the two had another kid, contributing to Drew's two sons, and continued living like normal people. One day, Stacy vanished with no explanation except for Drew's "incorruptible" word that she was cheating on him. She left everything; her kids, money, etc. At the time of her disappearance, it was said that her and Drew were fighting and not getting along.This wouldn't surprise me because the media has informed us many times that Peterson was a controlling and manipulative husband. Rob Lowe documents it very well. Still, the violence seems incredibly tame, yet still a little reaching for a TV movie. The acting, script, and direction are all in good hands and all contribute nicely to the story. Although the writing is about as good as you'll get, it still moves a bit too fast, sometimes only picking out the key points in events, most likely to cut down on length.There isn't a plethora to say about Untouchable except it tells a story with intelligence and believability despite clear limitations in the substance. In a world where TV movies can be an absolute travesty on the film, Drew Peterson: Untouchable is enjoyable, factual, and sheds light on a big missing case that still has more questions than answers.Starring: Rob Lowe. Directed by: Mikael Salomon.