| 28 December 2003 (USA)
Dreamkeeper Trailers

In South Dakota, in an Indian reservation, an old storyteller Indian asks his grandson Shane, who is in trouble owing money to some bad guys, to take his old pony and him to Albuquerque to the great powwow, an Indian meeting. While traveling, Grandpa tells mysterious Indian tales of love, friendship and magic.

Steineded How sad is this?
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
kandy16ukuk I would certainly recommend this film to anyone and everyone, especially as i've just watched this film and as soon as i'd seen it once, I immediately wanted to start watching it again, it was fantastic. I didn't even realise how much time had past between me starting to watch it and finish watching it. It certainly made me laugh, as well as cry, especially the end after Shane arrives at the Pow-Wow in Alberqueque & sees in the people there, some of the elements of the people in the stories that he was told by his grandfather before he died on the way, then watching him beat the drum to start the storytelling and remembering what he was like at the beginning rebelling against everyone & everything.
jcouncil Totally gripping; the story weaves between ancient myths and legends and present day reality. The characters are engaging, the acting is great, and the special effects are phenomenal.I was reminded what special effects are really for - used right, they really bring a story to life, enhance it, engage your imagination and convey more than could be done any other way.This film stayed with me for days. Full of depth, wisdom, action and adventure. a must see.(I also recommend the "making of" that accompanies the movie).
Claudio Carvalho In South Dakota, in an Indian reservation, an old storyteller Indian (August Schellenberger) asks his grandson Shane (Eddie Spears), who is in trouble owing money to some bad guys, to take his old pony and him to Albuquerque to the great powwow, an Indian meeting. While traveling, Grandpa tells mysterious Indian tales of love, friendship and magic and brings his grandson back to the Indian traditions and culture.What a great surprise was watching "Dreamkeeper"! Released on VHS in Brazil, with 167 minutes running time, it is composed by several wonderful mystical Indian tales, with gods, spirits, enchanted horse, evil serpent in a lake, all of them connected through the narrative of the Grandpa to his grandson and with the support of excellent cast and special effects. This feel-good film is a must-see entertainment for the whole family. My vote is eight.Title (Brazil): "Guardião dos Sonhos" ("Dreamkeeeper")Note: On 03 May 2014, I saw this movie again on DVD.
Daniella This film is, by far, one of the most thoughtful, authentic andentertaining films related to the Native American experience andstorytelling that I have ever seen. Few people know that there areover 500 different Native tribes in North America alone. This film isa great, educational experience. It combines stories from tendifferent tribes related to love, courage and redemption. The acting is strong and the storyline works well as it driftsbetween the contemporary story of a young teen driving hisgrandfather across country to the First Nations pow wow, and thetimeless stories. Please watch this film.