Dream Warrior
Dream Warrior
| 21 December 2004 (USA)
Dream Warrior Trailers

In an apocalyptic future, a man with superhuman powers goes on the run.

Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Celia A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Claidheamdanns This movie was a big waste of time. The knight on the front cover of the DVD never appeared in the movie at all. I got the distinct feeling that the movie was filmed with a home video camera ... or perhaps the person who said cellphone camera was not too far wrong.It's time for bed, but I almost have to watch another movie, just to flush this one out of my mind.I would say that this movie borrowed heavily from Escape from New York and Escape from L.A. I expect that it will not be too long before we see it available on the dollar movie rack at our local grocery stores.One positive note. This movie gives me new hope. When I was 13, I got a movie camera for my birthday, and a friend and I shot some take-offs on Indiana Jones. Seeing this movie in Blockbuster gives me hope that my movie might some day make it there, too. I pity the poor sap that rents it, though.
bpete333 I basically watch anything with Lance Henriksen in it; even if the movie is bad he's always gives a high-grade performance. This movie had a really cool idea with a very poor execution. If it only had a decent script backing it up, any kind of budget, a director with some kind vision, or even half-way capable actors (Henriksen excluded of course) it would have been much more enjoyable than what we have here. It's like a low-rate X-Men with a post-apocalyptic backdrop. A everything settles man named Parish (Lance Henriksen) becomes the leader (really more like a king) of the new world. Under his rule anything he deems unholy is banned, the main atrocity being people with supernatural, or mutant, powers. Then a mutant named Rage (horribly play by Daniel Goddard) decides to stand up a bring Parish and reign crumbling down. Too bad a cool concept, even if it's not that original, doesn't make a good movie.
skankified I must say, this movie should have received at least 10 Oscar nominations. Special effects alone should have received 5-6, (!!!!WARNING, SPOILERS UP AHEAD, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!!!!)you'll know what I mean when you see the sweet opening sequence involving a CG Asteroid and stock file footage of a volcano erupting! When I first rented the movie, I must say that I expected the movie would be set in new york and have a man dressed in medieval armor with his face painted, all of which were on the DVD cover. I was slightly disappointed when the movie had nothing to do with the man in medieval armor, a war, new york, dreams, or warriors. I was also very confused as to why the movie only included cars from the 1930s or 1960s. Even though there are about 13 trillion Toyota Camrys and Ford Taurus,' the characters apparently could only find cars that are rare in todays world, like some 1930s antique Hitler-mobile. I guess the asteroid mustve hit all the Japanese car plants and somehow all the rarest antiques in the world survived. And apparently they're all solar powered now, because all gas stations were destroyed as well. Although you would be pleasantly surprised at how simple it is to convert a gas engine to solar power, you pretty much just connect a couple wires to a solar panel. The battle-bikes or Nazi-cycles were also a vehicle highlight! Yet, the movie was oddly pleasing, especially the performance of the girl with lightning powers, who was a real scene stealer. I'm so thankful Isaac Hayes got time off his busy schedule to co-star with THE, yes THE Lance Henriksen. Not as good as Surf Nazis must die though, this movie did not have a character as compelling as Mama Washington.
wgg-1 In a cast of pros, Lance Henriksen and Richard Norton as villain and henchman respectively portray a complex chemistry between their characters that elevates "Dream Warrior" aka "Man Called Rage" above standard action movie fare. The chemistry between these two excellent actors is also obvious, and their scenes together give this movie its best moments of tension and drama. An opening stunt featuring Norton, also the film's stunt coordinator, sets the swift pace for the science fiction epic which will please the "Beastmaster" fans of Daniel Goddard, playing the hero. It's always a thrill to watch actors who excel at their craft, especially when they work together. Norton and Henriksen more than qualify!