Dragon Ball Z: Super Android 13!
Dragon Ball Z: Super Android 13!
PG | 11 July 1992 (USA)
Dragon Ball Z: Super Android 13! Trailers

Dr. Gero's Androids #13, #14, and #15 are awakened by the laboratory computers and immediately head to the mall where Goku is shopping. After Goku, Trunks, and Vegeta defeat #14 and #15, #13 absorbs their inner computers and becomes a super being greater than the original three separately were. Now it is up to Goku to stop him.

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
maxmages This is a completely story-less, low-content and suspense-less movie, (more a lengthy TV episode) It's not worth standing on a shelf with other Dragonball Z movies this junk has nothing to offer, the music is stinky boring, just like the fights, the characters the whole presentation and the little content I can not recommend anyone to look at it. The animation is nice, and at least the some fights are well animated.
ikrani No, I'm not kidding. I legit believe this is the best DBZ film I've seen, and I've seen 'em all, from Dead Zone to Resurrection F (dubbed, which is what I am reviewing here).An instant point in this movie's favor is how efficiently it establishes the characters. We get about 7 minutes of Roshi and Oolong being surprisingly funny to Future Trunks's annoyance, Krillin still looking for a wife (hang in there, Krillin, you'll find one soon enough), Goku and Gohan shopping with Chi-Chi, all while Androids 14 and 15 make their approach.Oh yeah, the androids. In one of the most badass ways to introduce the goons of the film, Androids 14 and 15 literally just walk through the city like they're the Terminator, pushing through walls and buses and I can't help but love how much of a f*ck they do not give about anything around them. It's pretty awesome, actually. What's more, I get a legit sense of tension as they approach Goku (who somehow doesn't see all the smoke outside, but I can forgive), making their way to the floor beneath him for a sneak attack.And then literally the rest of the movie is the kind of DBZ action I love: collateral damage (and yet somehow less of it than Man of Steel), ki blasts, characters getting punched, screaming, debris flying everywhere, even after the fight moves to the arctic. The fights are all pretty even with the good guys taking a beating but never feeling like they're completely outmatched like most other DBZ villains will leave them. They take hits, but they keep getting back up and ready to go again. It really helps make the fights feel even, and even after Super Saiyan is deployed the androids still put up a good fight before being destroyed. I don't care what people say about power levels, I like this. I like fights that feel knock-down drag-out scrappy. It makes the victories feel earned, not just taken.But what really sells this movie, for me, is the titular character. Android 13 has far more dialog than most movie villains and it really helps make him a memorable character. He makes quips, he taunts Goku, he just steals every scene he's in. No wonder they put his name in the title. He's the entire reason to watch the film.Not only that, but Android 13 is possibly the most subtly brilliant villain that DBZ's ever had, and it's a shame they wasted him as a one-off in the movie. With just a few lines of dialog, he manages to establish himself as an almost existential villain, completely aware of the fact that he has no business killing the main character, that his creator's grievances against Goku (said character) are completely meaningless at this point (since said creator is long dead), but he's going to do it anyway, almost like a soldier, following orders he doesn't agree with. That doesn't mean he can't enjoy it (shoot, the guy enjoys himself too much not to), just that he sees nothing after killing Goku and fulfilling his creator's ambition.What compounds this thought is how he reacts to being called a slave with no free will. He has a short rant about all the horrors we humans commit with our free will and how we have no right chastising him for being a murderous killing machine. He was created to fulfill a purpose, and that's all he seeks to do, regardless of how petty his creator's motives were. It makes me wonder what he would've been like if he HAD fulfilled that purpose and suddenly been without one.Would he have gone on to kill the rest of the world? Don't think so, because he really only takes interest in the other Z Fighters when they start interfering with his appointed task, not even killing them, just incapacitating them.Like I said, Android 13's the star here. He gets all the fun lines, he steals every scene he's in, and the creators SOMEHOW made the one-punch-to-the-gut defeat that Broly and Bojack lost to feel satisfying with him. It's kind of amazing, actually.That and the trucker hat. The trucker hat is the key to everything.Would be a 10/10, if they'd fulfilled Android 13's potential as an interesting, complex character, though I doubt they could've done so in the span of one movie. Still the best DBZ movie nonetheless, in my opinion.Oh yeah, the abridged version? Absolutely hilarious.
websurfer_7 When Trunks gives his last ditch effort vs super android 13, the android smashes his sword to pieces. Then he blasts trunks quite a distance away. the sword would have fallen to the ground and more than likely would have been destroyed completely or lost when Goku did the SSJ version of the spirit bomb. Yet when trunks is next shown he still has the hilt showing from the back. I doubt he would have gone back to the future so soon. Therefore it was probably just a slip on the design team. Another than this mistake it is a well done movie. Sigh i don't need 10 lines to explain how the design team messed up. This will have to do so i can submit this.
SSJAniFan SpoilersAfter hearing so many good things about this movie, I was sure I was going to be in for a real treat. Now, after watching it twice, I wonder: what were all of those people smoking!? This film is horrible, with bad music, a horrible story, and uninspiring characters.The fights between Goku, Trunks, Vegeta, and the new androids were horribly uneven. The three of them are getting beaten up badly by the androids even after going super saiyajin, which has a very cliche' scene of Trunks and Vegeta "just barely" defeating their android opponents. What suprises me is Trunks is actually able to kill no. 14 with his useless sword. Anyway, I won't spoil the ending, but since there's nothing worth spoiling, I'll just dwelve into more of the bad points. First, the Japanese title of the film(The Three Super Saiyajin) is one of the most misleading titles in existence. The three of them only go SSJ for ONE MINUTE! NO, I'M NOT KIDDING, THEY ONLY STAY IN SUPER SAIYAJIN FORM FOR A SINGLE MINUTE! And even though the movie's horribly short, that's not much time. Also, most of the film is donated to Kuririn acting like an idiot. He serves no purpose except to be the butt of the writer's cruel jokes(like almost have his face fried by a stray energy blast). The ending is unwatchable. I am going to say this: there is NO WAY Goku would be able to defeat Super 13 the way he did.BOTTOM LINE: If you've bought the DVD, I have two suggestions: 1., Sell it at a movie dealer(if they're actually crazy enough to buy it), or 2., use it as a frisbee. AVOID, AVOID, AVOID!
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