Dracula Reborn
Dracula Reborn
| 18 May 2015 (USA)
Dracula Reborn Trailers

Horror about three journalists who travel from Vancouver to Transylvania to uncover the true story of Dracula. As they visit the area's historical sites and libraries to decipher the various clues behind the famed vampire's existence, the trio's determination to get their article may end up costing them their lives.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Detroitblue This movie is a kill fest and if that is all you want to see well then have at it sports fans! The vampire truly loves to kill and is having fun doing it. He acts silly before the kill and ravishes his prey. This is the problem, because once you have seen the first three kills you might as well skip to the end because all the rest are the same. Not one player ever has a plan to survive or any hope to kill a vampire. It is all about just getting bit in the neck and sucked dry without ever seeing it coming or putting up any resistance. The lead female star looked like real live vampire and could stand to put one a few pounds. I don't know how she got the part unless she was the directors girl friend. The only other thing is that the vampire didn't seem to have any of the usual vulnerabilities, not even sun light and this was disappointing because the characters never seem to have a snowball in hell of not being killed.
cdh002 It is rare that I find a movie this awful. Dracula Reborn was dreadful, and not in a good way. It was even bad enough I felt the need to create a review in the hopes that I save someone else the redbox rental. I really wish I read the reviews before I wasted my time.In general I only need a movie to do one thing well for it to be watchable, which Dracula Reborn did not deliver. I found the plot is poorly developed. The acting is z-list at best. The characters development is pathetic, The cinematography is nothing original, if you don't want to go as far as to say it is also bad. The visual effects are atrocious at points. The ending is the only thing that I am not certain about. Unfortunately I could not bare to force myself to watch the entire movie.This movie was soo bad it makes me want to watch "The Last Witch Hunter" a second time just to get rid of the bad taste Dracula Reborn left me.
norton-73521 It's a more than competent, worth seeing ! This is a great adventure! It looks like the film was shot in natural light. You can tell the actors were not in sets with green screens and laughing. They really feel the cold in their arse, as you can see it on screen. The Director saw the job through in spectacular style. This is my say in the creative process – the film was great fun, I enjoyed it very much. As good as any other vampire movie I've seen in years!! Lovely to have such distinct and interesting female protagonists, too. It would be a strange world if we all shared the same tastes and views. Definitely smart enough work.
crmackay-46187 This is easily the worst vampire film I have ever seen and I have watched some absolute stinkers. It is amateurish in every way, badly shot, lit and acted. The performances are so bad I actually thought it was a parody, apart from the fact that it wasn't even in the "so bad, it's funny" category. I bought the film and was really looking forward to watching it based on the cover blurb. I started watching it, then started watching it on fast forward waiting for something to happen, then realised it was over and that nothing had! The only time I have ever been more disappointed with a film was when I paid good money to see Jaws:The Revenge at the cinema. After watching Dracula Reborn, (an obvious attempt to cash in on Dracula Untold), the DVD was consigned to the local charity shop. Avoid this one like the plague!