Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
| 15 July 2008 (USA)
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog Trailers

Dr. Horrible, an aspiring supervillain with his own video blog, is attempting to join the prestigious Evil League of Evil (led by the legendary "thoroughbred of sin", Bad Horse), but his plans are usually foiled by the egotistical superhero Captain Hammer. Dr. Horrible's life is thrown for a loop when he falls in love with Penny, a beautiful and optimistic advocate for the homeless he meets at the laundromat.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Pluskylang Great Film overall
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
jwiley-86292 After seeing how high the overall rating is on this, I felt compelled to give my honest opinion. I'll be going off of considerable memory, because I saw it a few years ago and I don't want to bother watching it a second time. The line between clever and obnoxious is thin indeed. I certainly didn't feel that Dr. Horrible was so smart that it went over my head. I felt it was tailored for an audience easy to make laugh. Much like the lyrics to Wicked, the lyrics to these songs sound unnatural to human speech (for example, the usage of the word "dolt,") like the writings of a pubescent nerd itching to show you how sophisticated he thinks he is. I should know. I was that kind of kid once. As for the composing, the orchestration is flat and un-musicianlike, more suited to Dora the Explorer. Something about the sound mixing rubs me the wrong way as well; I like voices in musicals to echo. The story didn't make me worry for it, in the first place because I don't take the superhero-and- villain setup seriously (CAMP!!) and in the second place because I don't like Harris or Felicia Day as screen personalities. From my high school friends' affection for the movie, I expected I should feel a connection, but it wasn't there. Now that I think about it, I know why. Your mileage may vary, but I despise the cliché of the gawky, immature male protagonist pining after a woman much more attractive and on top of things than him. It appalls me that even women tolerate this trope, as I find it demeans us. I have read a few anthropological, sociological and scientific texts embracing the fact that women gravitate towards "alpha males." Captain Hammer, of course, is both an alpha male and a jerk. Dr. Horrible is, dare I say. . . such a Nice Guy. So it's not sad that he kills the woman he loves. Wait a minute, is this supposed to be like a Greek tragedy where we're supposed to recognize the protagonist's fatal flaws? It doesn't matter, because I didn't enjoy watching it.
thegirlwiththeblackcrown The moment I saw the cover of this film I said to myself "This is going to be a 'new turn' on a TV movie, but like majority of these types of TV movies, it will fail in the long run". But to my surprise, I saw the film as a big success, conquering in originality and humor. Pros: The movie had a well-balance of humor and action. Neil Patrick Harris's humor was brilliant but not overdone as well as the action in the film. And surprisingly, Nathan Fillion was the lovable cocky jerk whom I thought stole the show. The songs used in the film were catchy and fun. Also, who knew a harmony between Nathan Fillion and Neil Patrick Harris would work so well?I can't compare the plot to anything I have seen before because in all honesty, there has never been a plot I've seen so close to it. This is a rare film in which the audience will cheer the a lovable villain during his journey.With only a 45 minute run time, the story goes over a lot without a drag to the film. Cons:Although the plot is great, I feel that there is a significant amount of plot holes in the storyline. I definitely pose questions about Dr. Horrible's and Captain Hammer's life and hope both character's stories will be unraveled in a sequel or prequel. Conclusion: This film is great for ages over 12, and is enjoyable for the whole family. I give this film a 7 out of 10 because of it's original but lacks in detail. I highly recommend this film if your looking for a quick humor and melodious movie.
btgrant-809-424456 Starting out in a dreary apartment, you see menacing looking fellow, dressed in a creepy landau long lab coat and a pair of welder's goggles. Similar to all of the generic comic book stories, there is the one main character that falls for the girl, a super hero and the evil villain. In this specific cinema, this well-known evil villain, Dr. Horrible, has fallen deeply in love with this girl. In his pursuit for Penny's love and for happiness, he succeeds at certain goals, but at a very dear cost. Billy, the hidden identity of Dr. Horrible, had forever fantasized and itched after becoming an official member of the Evil League of Evil, or E.L.E. He was performing renowned and adept heists and starting to finally make his call to the spotlight. His whole story is narrated through his animated and realistic adventures told by himself through both video and written post. Dr. Horrible is on the verge of a very enormous heist, stealing the final piece needed for his freeze-ray. With his freeze-ray successfully built, he will be able impress Bad Horse, the leader of the E.L.E., and impress the love of his life! Just after Dr. Horrible fails hard with his public attempt at use of the freeze-ray, he received another letter from Bad Horse saying that "assassination is just the only way" to gain entry into the E.L.E. Then the horrible mishap of events continues to continue, Dr. Horrible introduced the love of his life to his nemesis, the "super hero" that turns out to be a total jerk, Captain Hammer. Penny and Captain Hammer go out on dates and "French kiss and stuff" and the news of this devastated Billy and had turned his heart black with hatred. With Dr. Horrible's plan for revenge plotted, he was aiming for success: death to the Hammer. Dr. Horrible had engineered his freeze-ray into a death-ray. He designed the method in which he'd use to execute Captain. Hammer. He then just had to be patient and wait until the time was right. In the end, in the ultimate showdown, Dr. Horrible is mere seconds away from exterminating Captain Hammer when his death-ray wares off due too internal electrical faults. Captain Hammer winds up equipped with the faulty death-ray. When he tries to blast Dr. Horrible to smithereens, the gun recoils and splinters shoot all around. The scene was a city council meeting, and one of those spectators just happened to be Penny. Penny was also one of the casualties in this "explosion." This event was what got Dr. Horrible into the E.L.E. and a successful career, yet on the other side, it's also what killed the love of his life and completely broke his heart. Dr. Horrible's dream finally came true; becoming an official member of the E.L.E., yet he still felt so empty. With the loss of his love, he loses his drive in life. The thing that makes this movie unique is the point of view that it was shot from and how the story was told; through Dr. Horrible's posts. Through his video responses and text posts, the story of how he successfully got in to the E.L.E. and "inadvertently introduced his nemesis to the girl of his dreams." An online post is a frequently updated web page, typically consisting of fairly brief posts presented and archived in reverse-chronological order. Many people are able to express themselves, their thoughts and information, through posting online. Dr. Horrible's posts specifically are formatted to display "the natural progression of feelings" as his story progresses. Part of the success of online posting is due to the ease and accessibility of "superior editing and management tools" along with the aspect of posts being a compilation of all their posts, an online diary of sorts. Just like Dr. Horrible, "sharing the ongoing story of one's life with others is a primary use of many posts." There are four main divisions along two dimensions, as Krishnamurthy researched, "personal vs. topical, and individual vs. community." Dr. Horrible's posts would be defined as a personal and individual. In another study, McCrae and Costa came up with five dimensions. They're research helps to define Dr. Horrible as a person. Because he posts, it shows signs of insecurity and anxiety issues, an introvert, strict to routines and almost weak willed. Billy has always been too afraid to talk to Penny – an example of an introvert. Afraid of rejection from Penny, because of his anxiety and insecurity issues, he could barely muster up the courage to talk to her, "I'm just a few short weeks away from a reel audible connection." Dr. Horrible might be an evil villain, but he does have a good heart, caused by his weak will.There is one specific scene that demonstrates all of the proper uses and dimensions of posting by Dr. Horrible. He rants, in a sarcastic manner, about how awesome the new love interest between his nemesis and his dream girl is. You see Dr. Horrible clearly upset when he puts emphasis on specific words and stretches them out. With his facial expressions, you can also tell just how unsatisfied he is. He discusses his plans on how he will get into the E.L.E. by using his newly invented freeze-ray at the mayor's dedication for the super hero memorial bridge. Then the scene flashes black to show a skip in time between his two video posts and a text post. He refers to the text post to give background knowledge in a easier manner than to act out the scene. As Dr. Horrible receives a call from Bad Horse, the leader of the E.L.E., his face turns pale with fear as he is relayed the message of "assassination is just the only way" to make it into the league.
Catt B. Combining two seemingly discordant movie themes such as a theatrical, offbeat musical and a superhero flick may seem like cinematic suicide to some, but Joss Whedon's low-budget production Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog meshes the two genres seamlessly, creating something new and enjoyable for both musical and superhero fans, alike.Dr. Horrible, played by Neil Patrick Harris, is portrayed as a sad excuse for a villain, as his values are genuine and his attempts at badness are mostly foiled. Despite his poor attempts at being a super villain, Horrible's ultimate dream is being initiated into a clan of notorious villains called the Evil League of Evil, headed by the most terrible villain of all, Bad Horse, who is quite literally a terrible flesh and blood steed. Dr. Horrible records his feeble evil efforts on an online blog where he reveals his latest evil attempts and his unwavering love for a girl named Penny, portrayed by Felicia Day, who he has quietly adored from afar at the local Laundromat. Amidst one of Dr. Horrible's "evil" heists, he is surprised to find himself face-to-face with Penny, but is consumed by his need to conquer the evil feat at hand. When Horrible's heist goes awry, he accidentally introduces Penny to his longtime cocky, ridiculous hero nemesis, Captain Hammer, played by Nathan Fallion. When pretentious love ensues between Penny and Captain Hammer, Dr. Horrible holds back his bitter contempt for Captain Hammer, and grows close to Penny. Horrible then learns that in order to secure his spot in the Evil League of Evil, he must do the unthinkable – he must kill someone. Will his attempt go terribly amiss, per usual? Every step of the way we're presented with catchy, simplistic and clever songs dotted with awkward and effective humor with lines such as, "So I thank my girlfriend Penny. Yea, we totally had sex. She showed me there's so many different muscles I can flex. There's the deltoids of compassion, there's the abs of being kind!" Anyone who appreciates quirky, comedic music such as the melodies created by Flight of the Conchords will surely enjoy the songs of Dr. Horrible's Sing-along Blog. While the music is contagious and fun, the singing is a little cacophonous at times. Neil Patrick Harris can surely carry a tune, but he is wise to not quite his day job. The musical imperfections accompanied by poor lighting, unsteady camera shots, and poor special effects may ruffle the feathers of a conventional box office hit- loving movie goer. However, both the musical and technical impurities greatly compliment the other aspects of the movie, giving it a realistic spin. Joss Whedon succeeded in kicking up the dust over the conventional, serious, overly computer generated superhero genre with the creation of Dr. Horrible's Sing-along Blog. It's a delightful movie which I predict, in time, will easily take a seat between Clerks and Mystery Men in the great collection of cult classic films.