Dog Eat Dog
Dog Eat Dog
| 18 April 2008 (USA)
Dog Eat Dog Trailers

In the crime world of Colombia, there is an unwritten code. When Víctor and Eusebio, two hoods who bungle a shake-down job, break that code, they unwittingly sign their own death sentence.

NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Sabah Hensley This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
xfiler7 Plot was weak, and illogical. I don't wanna spoil it too much, cause there ain't much to spoil. Major plot points (money stealing scene, witch) either contradict what happens later or are extremely inadequately explained. So you're not quite sure what's going on until the end of the movie. Then you are outraged to discover how simple it all was, and you were strung along for nothing. Some pivotal characters only show up at the beginning and end, so you had better remember every face! Voodoo witch was a pointless, confusing subplot. Main character had exactly one facial expression and except for being a jerk, had no other moods and was never developed. Don't waste your time with this junk.
spinova Whoa, whoa!!! Stop the horses... Saying that "Perro Come Perro" is kind of Tarantino's or Ritchie's work might have, it's the biggest lie on earth. I'm from Colombia too, but... sincerely: leave aside the stupid patriotism. I've seen this movie with other titles before... it's nothing new, but it's not bad at all... The only point it's worth to enhance is the direction of Carlos Moreno... it's methodical and creative. The screenplay has a lot of clichés and flaws, the worst one is the Adela situation... that's a popular joke turn into a movie... the violence it's free of charge and I'm not talking about the chainsaw scene... this is not so graphic like the one in Scarface, man... the actors, I don't know... either of them don't bring it out for a nomination of anything. Anyone could have done that parts the same way and nobody sees the difference. The music is good, Superlitio sounds strong and cool in the soundtrack... At the end, with Perro Come Perro, you can go to the movies to hang out and eat some popcorn.
kosmasp This is a dirty little Columbian thriller, that has many things going for it. It's mature, it's violent (suits the genre/the story) and it's as gritty and crazy as it can get. In all the positive ways that there are.The crazy part might put some people off, of course. I won't get into details, but it's pretty out there. But that also makes this movie unique in my eyes. It's not only a simple story, it has these other things going for it. It also is pretty violent and not for the faint hearted. Acted and edited great, the story is confusing at times, but still worth watching, especially if you're fed up with same ol' stories!
johno-21 I recently saw this at the 2009 Palm Springs International Film Festival. This was Columbia's official submission for consideration in Best Foreign film to the Academy Awards. This is also the debut film of writer/director Carlos Moreno and he offers up a dark crime drama mixed with dark comedy in this film set in infamous drug cartel city of Cali. victor (Marlon Moreno) and Eusedio (Oscar Borda) are two low level criminals, one who has stolen a bag of his bosses drug money and the other who has killed the bosses godson. The consequences of their actions drive the darkly witty plot with lots of twists, turns and gruesome killings. It's a fast paced script from director Moreno along with Alonso Torres and colorful cinematography by Juan Carlos Gil. Still it's a typical blood and guts mob movie about greed and betrayal but it does have several interesting characters and some strange comedy like a Quentin Tarantino might have. I would give it a 7.0 out of 10.