Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor
Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor
| 23 November 2013 (USA)
Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor Trailers

In 2013, something terrible is awakening in London's National Gallery; in 1562, a murderous plot is afoot in Elizabethan England; and somewhere in space an ancient battle reaches its devastating conclusion. All of reality is at stake as the Doctor's own dangerous past comes back to haunt him.

Alicia I love this movie so much
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
JoeB131 Doctor Who has done some truly terrible anniversary specials. "Dimensions in Time" comes to mind to celebrate the series 30th anniversary four years after it was canceled. I wasn't a fan of "The Five Doctors" (which could have been titled, "Three Doctors, a Fake and some stock footage, but never mind") either.The plot is that the Eleventh Doctor is contacted by UNIT to investigate a message left by Queen Elizabeth I, only to encounter a rupture in time that not only unites him with the Tenth Doctor but the mysterious War Doctor on the day he ended the Time War. An adventure involving the Zygons and the Daleks ensues. The best part of this movie/episode is the interplay between Matt Smith and David Tennent, reminiscent of the banter between Jon Pertwee and Patrick Troughton on previous anniversary specials. Also shining in this episode is Jenna Coleman as Clara. Clara is frequently annoying as a companion, but here she hits all the right notes.Finally, there is John Hurt as the War Doctor. (Cast because Christopher Ecceleston,the Ninth Doctor, didn't want to participate) I think the introduction of his character was pretty good, as I couldn't imagine either Paul McGann or Ecceleston being the ones to have ended the Time War. Overall, a great romp for all Doctor Who fans.
Scarecrow-88 I have to say after watching The Day of the Doctor, that I consider myself quite a rich fan of the long-time show. To have Steven Moffat as show runner and his magnificently brilliant staff putting together these complex, intricately plotted episodes, it is a delight to be alive to see it. I just wish my Uncle Bonnie would have persevered cancer to see where Doctor Who was going. The respect and admiration for the characters (actors who portrayed the Doctor and his adversaries) is presented in such an appreciative fashion, and to know this makes me proud of those carrying on the legacy first introduced in the 60s. For a little while the show was gone but never forgotten (the 90s is the dark decade for Who fans and I feel deep regret my uncle had to go so long without the show to enjoy) and now we, as Who fans, benefit and reap the rewards as viewers during this era.I guess the best way to describe The Day of the Doctor is precious. It brings two beloved actors portraying the Doctor in during one of its greatest eras on television—Matt Smith and David Tennant—and a screen legend, John Hurt, as "the doctor who made a devastating decision that destroyed his own people and their fierce rivals, the Daleks". Hurt's "War Doctor" has been "buried away" as the shameful time lord future Doctors wish they could completely forget. This episode shows Hurt dealing with the option to destroy Gallifrey with a doomsday device, but it has a "conscience" and appears in the lovely form of Billie Piper (she remains a personal fave of mine from her days with Eccleston in the early 2000s). Piper's Rose is actually "Big Bad Wolf", and she attempts throughout the episode to talk Hurt's Doctor out of using it to wipe out Gallifrey.In a top secret location in the heart of London known as the Undergallery, a specific painting shows the supposed fall of Gallifrey during the Time War. Zygons, ugly slug like creatures with suctions that shapeshift into human form through the use of the hosts they imitate, existed back at the time of Elizabeth I, and her association with Tennant's Doctor (they marry!) allows us to see how the creatures plan to use paintings as a method of travel, awaiting a significant change in the world from the primitive time they were currently existing. So they were to "invade the future from the past", waiting for the world's advancement before conquering it! Prior to the decision on whether or not to condemn the innocent aliens on Gallifrey, the three Doctors have a chance to rescue modern day London, circa 2013, from annihilation. To halt the plans of the Zygons to conquer London, members of an elite alien task force led by the daughter of Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart will perhaps allow the city to be detonated by a nuclear weapon. So the Doctors will need to talk her out of something truly terrible that would be a mistake. This intentionally parallels the ongoing struggle within Hurt's War Doctor.This episode neatly gives us Who fans an opportunity to see the Time War, two awesome Doctor Who actors (and a third to be added to the acting cannon to attain Hurt further recognition in his career) together to share some truly marvelous screen time (their banter is lively, clever, witty, and quite funny), and a delightful cameo by Tom Baker—a Who fan favorite from the 70s—as a museum curator. Baker and Smith together is certain to be a lasting moment in Who lore forever. Tennant just slides the Doctor Who role back like comfortable loafers, and his return is a welcome one. Hurt's old timer constantly bewildered at his future selves is a treat, particularly his remarks about the sonic screwdriver, kissing, and Smith's use of his hands when talking. Oh, and the Fez is always a fun sight gag for Smith's particular Doctor. How it is used for the "time fissure (a tear in the fabric of time), which is able to open a gateway that brings three Doctors (Time Lords) together" is ingenious. The Day of the Doctor is a necessity, in my opinion, if you are a Doctor Who nut like many of us sci-fi fans, both young and old. It is a treasure. I'm tickled it was so successful and so universally seen across the world. The series' value brings a warm feeling to my heart. The nice mention of the "round things, always loved the round things" in regards to the design of the older inside of the decor of the Tardis was awesome. The final scene with all the Doctors is wonderful, an awe-inspiring, loving homage to the series.
Joachim Vanoirbeck For its 50th anniversary special, Doctor Who and its show runner Steven Moffat (Sherlock ; Doctor Who) took a brand new turn in the wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff ! Starring Matt Smith (the 11th doctor), David Tennant (the 10th doctor ; Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire), John Hurt (Alien ; Harry Potter), Jenna Coleman (11th doctor's companion) and Billie Piper (9th and 10th doctors' companion). This new 75 minutes installment of the series is one we'll hear about for a long time. The story starts, as it does by an emergency call. Matt Smith's doctor, newly reunited with Clara, his companion is contacted by the United Nations Intelligence Task-force (UNIT)'s director Kate Stewart. She demand him to join her as soon as possible in London's National Gallery to deal with instructions left by her majesty the Queen Elizabeth the 1st of England who apparently was married to the 10th doctor... During many flashbacks between the time when the doctor wasn't the doctor and unseen 10th doctor's adventure we travel across the time to go back to one incredibly important event : the destruction of Gallifrey. So, one question remains "No more" or "Gallifrey falls" ? This special will bring you to tears, you will laugh, you will praise Moffat and more than ever you will doubt everything in the Doctor Who canon !
michaelbishopemery I managed to wait until the following Monday after this episode aired, so I could watch it in a movie theater in 3-D. And it was definitely worth the wait!I had very high expectations, especially given that it was both the 50th anniversary episode AND was promoted as including the 10th Doctor; David Tennant. It delivered! Boy did it! The beginning minutes were just okay, nothing especially memorable; then from out of nowhere, I was staring at the screen like an awestruck child...and it continued until the closing credits.Steven Moffat wrote not only a very engaging story, he also managed to deliver a powerful and action loaded finale that fit perfectly! I am a very analytically person, especially when it comes to writers trying to pull a fast one on a show's mythology; However, Moffat actually wove an intricate story that did not betray 50 years of established stories. I was especially impressed with how he honored those 50 years; it was pure genius! Granted, some people who have not been a fan of Doctor Who since the 70's, as I am, might miss some of the more subtle nods he gives to the show's past stories; I still feel it will please newer "Whovians."The climatic "showdown" of the episode was, for me, the best part of it all! I truly can not think of a better way to do it for Doctor Who's 50th anniversary than how it was done.And while I am a man of late 40's, I squealed like a schoolgirl during a scene in the museum near the end (If you've seen the episode, you can probably guess why)The only complaint that I have is...hmmm....actually, I have NONE!Allons-y!