| 28 April 2005 (USA)
Divergence Trailers

A cop, a lawyer, and an assassin cross paths after the murder of a federal witness and the kidnapping of a famous pop star.

Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
red1990_7 Wanted to see the movie because of its actors...well I don't regret wasting my time but the movie was pretty much predictable and got me wanting it to finish, some action is cool tho wouldn't recommend it if you'r not a patient person:)Personally I start watching more and more Movies that don't come from Hollywood, but I saw better ones then this one. Found it about 20 minutes too long.I think they did put too much in the struggling of our main character, he's sad but it was too much with the crying and yelling, we got the point in the first couple of sad scenes... I was glad to see the lawyer getting shot, she flashbacks in the end were cool when we understand how she died.
lastliberal Not the slam bang police action of Infernal Affairs (the original, not the ripoff), but there is enough action to make it worth your while.It focuses more on the characters and their relationships: the cop, Suen Siu Yan (Aaron Kwok, the hit man, Koo (Daniel Wu), and the lawyer, To Hou Sun (Ekin Cheng).Suen has been looking for his girlfriend Amy for 10 years. To's wife Su Fong (Angelica Lee) looks like her and actually plays two parts, one in flashback. He acts like a stalker as he follows her everywhere.Eric Tsang from Internal Affairs is here, but he is a cop in Missing Persons, not a mobster.Kwok and Wu are great, and the action is good at times, but there just doesn't seem to be something that brings it all together.
ChineseRocket Great script, Excellent cinematography, Good directing, and Superb performances is what i have to say about this film. Before watching this film (even though i'm a fan of Aaron), i didn't expect too much out of this film because i gave up on HK cinema long time ago. However it surprise me, it's nothing i thought it will be. This film receive bad rating and comment from IMDb user, i can totally understand it. The people who will appreciate this film will not watch this film because they are expecting an usual hk action flick. The people who seen this film are people who enjoy hk action flick, which this one will disappoint them. I wouldn't consider this to be an action movie, it actually a drama. This story is not selling the cop and thief theme like the thousands of hk movie dose, it is about the connections of people with different backgrounds and occupations, and also the relationship of the main characters. Unlike all the hk movies, the characters in this film seem real. There are no true protagonist or antagonist, it depends on the viewer's judgment. Each character have their good side and bad side, and they are dynamic. Throughout the film we see the "Divergence" of the cop and the killer, the options they have and the path they chosen and it taken them to their destiny. It will take one of them to just to think before their action, the result would be totally different. The lawyer character was not explored as much as it should of, but there are good reason behind it. The script is well written with all questions answer at the end (some user said the question wouldn't answer, maybe if you actually see the film and think about it) with a little twist too. Also we see characters development in this film which is a rare in hk cinema. The direction wasn't at its best but is good enough to go with the story. It kept a good pace and intensity through out the film, but there are rooms for improvement. The cinematography is great, it create a theme/style with the greenish look. Some of the overhead shots look great and the chase scene is wonderful. The best scene is the roll back scene, great creativity, the first time i seen on screen. However, i think some of those cheesy CGI scenes are unnecessary, just use directing technique will make it look more real and stylish. And last, the performance. A great supporting cast, most of the great actors in hk are in the supporting cast. Ekin did a good job as the lawyer, even though their ain't much screen time for him but the ending he did great. Daniel's killer character have it's playful side and deliver that performance. Of course our golden horse winner Aaron, the cop character is the most difficult to play in this film and the script give a great challenge to who ever play the part. The character is not just a sorrow cop whose girl friend is missing for 10 years, for the ten years he come up to a "divergence" and he have the option to forget about it but he didn't. Which in this case it drives him to near insanity. Aaron's performance is dynamic, never overact the character to become an insane character, there is alway that ray of light at the end of the tunnel you can see in this eye, and it is that light that kept him sane. The viewers can relate the character's mind with the depth of the performance. Overall i give it a 9 out of 10, definitely the best hk film of the year and best performance in a male leading role. Bure Li
DICK STEEL Divergence is the latest crime thriller to come out of Hong Kong's film industry, and all films of this genre will nonetheless be compared with the grand-daddy of them all - Infernal Affairs, which set a very high bar. Given that this film is produced by the same team, you'd expect the same high standards. While production values are similar, I'd leave it to you to decide the end verdict.If you're expecting a strong cops and robbers storyline, then you might be disappointed. This film is heavy on relationships between the characters, their degrees of separation, and their duality. Which may not be a bad thing, but I find the dwelling on sappy moments and flashbacks a bit overboard, and at times, the audience was laughing at the improbability of these moments.This movie unites Aaron Kwok and Ekin Cheng together for the big screen after the comic fantasy movie Stormriders. Kwok plays a cop who lost his girlfriend under mysterious circumstances 10 years ago, and in the first 10 minutes, lost a key witness to a sniper, played by Daniel Wu, who always seem to be playing nothing but baddie roles these days. However, Wu's sniper character knows that in his career, he is both the hunter, and the hunted, and at times want to prove to Kwok that he makes a better cop. Ekin Cheng's a lawyer who defends the innocent, or so it seems. While he's aware that his clients are sometimes guilty, is he idly standing by? Thrown into the mix are characters like Cheng's wife, played by the lovely Angelica Lee, who bears a strong resemblance to Kwok's girl, and thus making him a stalker of sorts, Eric Tsang as an underused pathologist, Ning Jing (the only movie I saw her in was the remake of Shanghai Grand) as a bald assassin agent, and Lo Kar Leung as Cheng's client who has shady underworld links and a pop star son, who gets kidnapped.At times you might feel that the movie plods along, while you might already have been able to unravel the mystery mid-way. This could be due to the sappy moments I mentioned earlier, and taking centerstage is how Kwok's cop character refuses to give up looking for his girlfriend. You can understand how the character feels if you're in the same shoes - loving someone so deeply, and yet having zero closure. And when you think you see her again - is it really her, or had amnesia played a part, or has she deliberately forgotten the past? While the audience found the scene of revelation and Kwok's reaction to it funny, I felt the opposite - sometimes when the truth is revealed and you can't handle it, you shut down. Really. Trust me, I know. So if I were in his shoes, that'll probably be what will happen to me too.However, this film does have moments which can iconify it (sort of like the Tony-Leung-pointing-a-gun-at-Andy-Lau's-head moment in Infernal Affairs). The "long run to the fish market" scene is tense, and so is the finale where 3 characters have a standoff, which actually yanked the rug off my feet.I felt that if this film focused tightly on the plot, and lose some peripheral characters, it might just live up to its potential, and I don't think we'll see any sequels to this one.