| 26 March 2006 (USA)
Displaced Trailers

Stel, a humanoid alien played by Mark Strange, teams up with a British soldier Private John Marrettie (Malcolm Hankey). They engage on an action-packed adventure to find a top secret file which holds information on advanced energy production, captured space crafts and their alien pilots including Stel’s missing father, Arakawa, who’s been shot down and imprisoned on Earth by Core – a human paramilitary group. The Displaced file falls into the hands of a renegade 'special forces’ leader, Wilson (Graham Brownsmith) whose plans are to sell the file to the highest bidder on the black market for his own financial gain. Private Marrettie is forced to help Stel in his quest to locate the file. The search leads them on a deadly game of survival, combat, intrigue and deceit.

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Bessie Smyth Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
biker bose The Only question that came to my mind after watching this film was - Wowwwwwwwwwwww how can someone make such an awful film and still get 9.5 rating in IMDb??????? I mean there are bad movies and then there are bad movies, this one beats them all to the pole. A half developed storyline, bad action, even worse acting and some very confused concepts eg- the ministry of offense, CORE(is it a paramilitary organization or govt) etc etc...... this in all sums up the whole movie.But credit must go to the producer for his willingness to produce such a bad movie and provide so many bad actors with employment.All in all don't ever never watch this movie.....i got the DVD from a friend of mine (who wanted to take revenge on me....for burning his steak)
SIMON JONES If this was not a British film and I was not British myself, I would have given this movie even less than 5. The storyline was good but the acting very hollow and contrived and reminiscent of a B movie. The actors just didn't seem natural enough. The script could have been better polished and the special effects reflected the obviously low budget of this film. However poor special effects don't necessarily make a bad movie.I cant believe that this has a IMDb rating of 10 as I write. I wish people could be more honest in their rating as it only benefits us all. The voters must surely have some connection with the producers of this movie. My recommendation - skip this film and watch something better instead.
Lebowlski Its not the worst movie i've ever seen, but it comes real close to it...the stunts are OK, but you just keep wondering why the hell is nobody shooting their gun at the freakin'"class 4" when he's right in front of them, being surrounded by 5 people!! Second of all, the acting, it's just plain afwul. No emotions, and when there are, they are misplaced.I guess if you like English movies with no depth, bad effects, bad acting but a lot of fighting and shooting then you could watch this, otherwise just leave it...p.s. i guess the ones voting this movie 10 have probably been used as props!
GirlAchromatism At first I saw that this film was rated a 10, which I never see on here. Then I noticed that it only had 19 votes and there were no comments yet. This made me leery but I decided to check it out for myself.First I must say that I am a big Sci-Fi fan, and I do enjoy some good Indie films, even if they are low budget. This film started off looking like it was going to be interesting. I definitely think they came up with a good movie idea. But about five minutes into it I totally lost interest.After about 5 minutes of narration setting up the plot, it jumps into a lot of action. The problem is that most of the characters are about the same height and weight and all wearing similar, if not identical, outfits. This combined with the complete lack of character development made it nearly impossible to tell what was going on. I had no idea who were the good guys and who were the bad guys.After the action died down a little I thought maybe the film would redeem itself, maybe let us get to know some characters a little bit. But this film was sheer disappointment. Out of about 100 minutes of film there was probably only 15 minutes of dialogue the rest was all kicking and punching.Anyone who rated this film a 10 either: a) Just wanted to see a bunch of kicking and punching. b) Worked on the production of this film.c) Thinks 10 is the lowest rating...