Disney's Halloween Treat
Disney's Halloween Treat
G | 30 October 1982 (USA)
Disney's Halloween Treat Trailers

Contains memorable scenes from "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs," "Fantasia," "Lady and the Tramp," "Peter Pan," "One Hundred and One Dalmatians," and "The Sword in the Stone."

Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Micitype Pretty Good
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
OllieSuave-007 During Halloween time, I would occasionally pop in this video and watch it for some Disney magic, laughs and entertainment.This is a made-for-video program that is a compilation of scenes from Disney films and cartoons. Since this video is related to Halloween, all the scenes contain either ghosts, goblins, witches or villains (i.e., the Queen from Snow White and Captain Hook from Peter Pan).It is a nice animated short, great to see all the scenes compiled in a way to commemorate Halloween. The "Night on Bald Mountain" sequence is, what I think, the more eerie and thrilling of the scenes featured (taken from a sequence in "Fantasia," where it depicts a demon doing some sort of ritual or dance with wandering spirits). Bing Crosby served as narrator, whose voice came out of a talking pumpkin. The theme song sung in the introduction and conclusion to various Disney scenes is catchy and spirited, giving you the Halloween spirit.This animated short is not for scares, but nice entertainment for the entire family.Grade A
almate00 This movie is the greatest! My sister and I watched it EVERY year growing up and were SO disappointed when the Disney Channel stopped showing it. I'm 28 now and have been looking online to buy this video because it always meant so much to me. It includes clips from "The Sword and the Stone", "The Aristocats", "Peter Pan", etc. Like other people who have viewed this movie, I also had recorded it from the TV back in the day. With as many times as we watched it, there are so many lines on it now, you can't see what you're watching! I still remember the words to the song that goes w/ the Trick or Treat Donald Duck cartoon. If you haven't seen this, I highly recommend it--especially if you're as much of a Disney fan as I am.
hairboy079 Disney's Halloween Treat was one of those Halloween traditions my family always made sure was completed. Every year my sister and I would fling ourselves on the floor in front of the TV, lights off and candles lit, waiting for it to begin. Although we have it on tape, in time part of it was deleted and the video is becoming older and harder and harder to hear and view, but even in my teen years, I pull it out and watch it every Halloween! It is a wonderful special, with memorable Disney clips, and fun and spooky adventures. Kudos to the narrator; his voice is amazing and sets the mood PERFECTLY! This special is pure Disney magic at its "spookiest"!
Brett Walter Great family entertainment for Halloween. This television special includes several classic Disney Halloween cartoons such as, "Lonesome Ghosts," "Trick or Treat," "Pluto's Judgment Day,"as well as scenes featuring famous movie villains. Tends to be seen on the Disney Channel around Halloween under the title "A Disney Halloween" or "Mickey's Halloween Treats," so keep a lookout for it.