Dinosaur 13
Dinosaur 13
PG | 15 August 2014 (USA)
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Two years after the discovery of "Sue," the largest and most complete Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton found to date, government officials seize the remains and claim that "Sue" was stolen from federal land.

ManiakJiggy This is How Movies Should Be Made
BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Joe Day I watched this one on NetFlix (which, by the way, I do not think is that great either). Anyway, I thought I might get a good story about the discovery of a dinosaur but instead was treated to a bunch of tree-hugging wimps completely irrational over their T-Rex discovery. The sappy, crocodile tears, the turning this fossil into something living like some ancient Greek statue come to life.My question: Why was the issue of selling the fossil twice not discussed? It was previously ruled that the fossil was "land" and therefore, since the land did not belong to the guy, he could not sell it without permission. So, okay, if the FBI took the bones and kept them for a couple of years, why did they give them back to the Indian guy as his to auction? And didn't Sotheby's know the ethical issues? And did the Indian guy give back the $5,000? In other words, if it could not be sold for $5,000, then why for $7 million all those years later? And why didn't any of the Larson guys complain about that? They seemed to me to be like those vanilla types who, for instance, have a baby and then the baby is kidnapped and then when they find the baby four years later they say well, it is probably better to leave the baby where it is, yadda yadda yadda. Just unbelievably passive
swooned This rings out like the true story of Indiana Jones. Well meaning palaeontologists find great prize, look at how to present that to the world and keeping a little local history local. In the end, the government comes, leaves the artefact in a box for years doing nothing, to be sold to a gallery. However D13 is presented, and where, is incidental. It may have ended up in a large museum anyway, which also makes sense, but the journey to get it there is abominable. To pick on the discoverers is extraordinary, especially in how it happened. To get 2 years for not filling out forms correctly? It just goes to show the complete injustice in our legal system, that personal opinions always get in the way, and that a legal find was reduced to the inabilities of politics to resolve a problem. To think a fossil goes for $7.6million, bought through MNCs, and completely disregard the discoverers who put so much care in preserving it as they could. Just goes to show what a delusion your freedom is. Tow the line, and you are in your freedom bubble. No wonder I despise the legal system for it's total lack of care. Just a bunch of power trippers who don't want to get their hands dirty.Without discoverers, pioneers, innovators, you would be left nowhere, with nothing. Don't ever forget that. Be one, work with them, or stand aside.I am so sorry for the lack of care given to the teams at Black Hill Institute. They are being treated the same way as we treat indigenous people. No class.My heart goes out to them.
adamleeplaysbball This is a must watch for anyone interested in dinosaurs and perfect for college courses.This documentary is definitely a roller coaster not like other documentaries as you learn from the hero's, the villains and you learn about corrupt law.I went and seen sue in Chicago and this definitely wasn't the story they have on Sue, so I recommend to anyone who has seen this amazing T.Rex to watch this documentary and find out how Sue nearly didn't come to the public eye, and how much of a struggle the true owners went through trying to keep her were she belonged.I wish all the best to the Larson Family.
Owen Real Dinosaur 13 is quite riveting and heart wrenching. Where to begin but to single out the nefarious behavior of the U.S. Federal government? It was mind boggling to watch the dubious legal gymnastics they performed to indict paleontologists who just made an incredible discovery contributing to human civilization. At some point you find yourself condemning all involved - from South Dakota AG Scheiffer to the FBI to the ridiculous waste of sending in the National Guard to Judge Battey's unconscionable behavior. Only the jury (except for one juror) had sense - as immoral actors who in the end had nothing to show for their mean spirited actions except to send one of the Larson brothers to prison; for an asinine two years for 'failing to fill out paper work'. Just one notch under the belt of why we should be skeptical of government not acting in good faith in the interest of the people as this can happen to anyone. Literally, they can find anything to throw people in prison for. The documentary, one could argue, essentially displayed one side as merely contributing something of worthwhile and the other as nothing more than an entity of abusing power to nobody's gain. The sad part in all this is this group of people discovered 'Sue' and will never be properly accredited. As if this wasn't enough, in one final slap to their faces, Larson wasn't invited to 'Sue's' unveiling. That said a lot about the people at the Chicago Museum. Notably, they lack a soul too. This is my opinion. See for yourself.