Devil's Angels
Devil's Angels
R | 14 April 1967 (USA)
Devil's Angels Trailers

A gang of outlaw bikers strike a bargain with the Sheriff of a small beach town; let them stay and the town is safe. But a local girl strays into their lair and sets off a full-scale war.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Uriah43 When things begin to get a little too hot in the city where they live the motorcycle gang known as the Skulls decide to head out on the highway and look for a new place to call their own. This brings them to the small town of Brookville which just happens to be enjoying a carnival on that day. Because they are so rowdy the local lawman, "Sheriff Henderson" (Leo Gordon) tells them to leave town. However when the leader of the Skulls, "Cody" (John Cassavetes) informs him that they have nowhere to go for the night the sheriff makes a deal where they can sleep out on the nearby beach but have to be gone the next day and that they cannot come back into town. Cody agrees and the motorcycle gang camps out on the beach. Unfortunately, a local girl named "Marianne" (Mimsy Farmer) cannot leave well enough alone and goes out to party with them. However, when things get a little too adventurous for her she runs back into town in a dishevelled state which causes several leading citizens in the town to take matters into their own hands. Now rather than reveal any more of this movie and risk spoiling it for those who haven't seen it I will just say that although it starts off rather slow it eventually gains momentum and ends up satisfactorily for the most part. In short, it's not a great motorcycle movie but it wasn't that bad either.
eric cooley ... as objective as possible. My grandfather (mom's side), the late ROY THIEL, played the deputy in this film. And somewhere in the family archives is a lobby poster for Devil's Angels. Word has it our family packed up the station wagon and watched it at the local (Seattle, WA) drive-in a few years after it's release. Now, years later, the keywords Roger Corman, 1967 biker film, and John Cassavetes shed a new light on the movie I barely knew of while growing up. Unintentionally kitschy, one of those movies you watch for the ambiance of the era rather than scrutinizing the plot line, but all in all, a nice time capsule of B-movie biker films of mid-late '60s. Devil's Angel's comes highly recommended (of course).PS. My grandfather's name is attributed to (though he acted in commercials and several other non-credited roles) is yet another "Devil" titled-movie of the era: "Devil's Eight."
Michael O'Keefe Daniel Haller directs this campy low-budget biker film produced by Roger Corman. The biker gang The Skulls, are on the move after one of the members, Gage(Buck Taylor), accidentally kills a man stopped road side by a traffic cop. The morally conflicted gang leader Cody(John Cassavetes), makes the decision to move an already decimated gang to a newer "home". The rebellious followers are hard to keep in check; always wanting to raise havoc. On the way to a mythical "hole in the wall" hideaway, the riders look for a place to lodge and find a small town having a carnival. When barging in on a beauty contest some of the gang members claim to be insulted and going against Cody's orders decide to terrorize the little community with aid from another gang as payback for the citizens that offended them. Roaring cycles, the shimmy of dancing bottoms in bikinis and the soundtrack of fuzzy, twangy surf guitars...makes for terrific 1960s "drive-in" fare. The cast also features: Mimsy Farmer, Beverly Adams, Marc Cavell, Leo Gordon, Russ Bender, Buck Kartalian and Nai Bonet. There is some humor inside the very bad acting; and it appears Cassavetes took the budget and ran.
dvdm504 ......crack open a Coors,spark up some Mexican/Domestic blend,crank up the cheesy west coast surf guitar music - race around and have fun! I saw this flick on Fancast and really dug the bikes and the chicks man,and sexy Suzy really should have won that beauty contest at the Brookville picnic(wazzup wit dat?),..that injustice alone was worth starting a riot! On a serious note,this is one of Roger Corman's finest.The couple who had their truck torched by the Skulls after they knocked over one of their hogs had the best line in the movie:"it's okay honey,next year we'll buy a boat". This movie has humor,hot babes,and mucho violence.What more could red blooded Americans want(?) Billy Jack started his career with a movie involving biker hooligans up to no good.