Detour Trailers

Driving back to Norway, Lina and Martin reach a roadblock where a policeman tells them to take a detour deep into the Swedish forest. But soon one creepy incident after another leaves them stranded in the dark woods and everything seems much too bizarre to be accidental.

Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Leofwine_draca DETOUR is a dull little Norwegian horror/thriller with a plot that we've seen play out countless times. Sadly it looks cheap and derivative, failing to bring out the isolated beauty of the forested Norwegian locations. In addition, it's a film set at night that takes place in pitch black conditions almost all the way through, so that it's all but impossible to make out what's supposed to be going on.The set-up is intensely predictable: a young and carefree couple are driving through an isolated location and come into contact with the creepy locals. Bizarrely, there's a voyeur who has dotted video cameras around the locations so that he can spy on what's going on, like that angle hasn't been covered before. After a while the film turns into the usual woman-in-peril type thriller, with far too many false scares, random sub-plots that add nothing but pad out the running time, and virtually nothing in the way of real horror or fear.I'm glad that the makers of DETOUR never descended into the fully-fledged arena of torture porn but at the same time there's nothing here to enjoy either. The thumping death metal soundtrack is headache-inducing, the camera-work is muddled and poor, and there's no characterisation so that you're never involved in the proceedings. I like Scandinavian cinema as a rule, but DETOUR is a real chore to sit through.
trashgang Severin Eskeland made a lot of shorts but this is his first full feature and it is not that bad at all but their are a few problems. If you think you will see a splatter flick or a slasher then you better leave it on the shelves but if you want some suspense turning into a mess then this is for you. It clocks in at 77 minutes but still it takes a while before things really go wrong. Some things you can see coming from miles away, the story about the cop, who is the son of the elder couple at the abandoned house,...but somehow I kept watching. There is no gore and not that much of the red stuff so many will hate it for that but I guess Severin will learn from his mistakes and is a name to watch out for.
kosmasp It's actually harder finding this movie with its English title (Detour), then finding the hiding place of Santa Clause. Seriously though, this little slasher movie is pretty decent. It's straight from beginning to finish and delivers on its premise. Of course you have to suspend your disbelieve here and there, but then again there's almost no movie out there, who doesn't ask that from you.What I liked, was the fact, that it stayed true to its premise and was mean and lean. Not too much and not too little. You know what you are letting yourself into, when you rent/watch this movie. It's low budget and has quite a few flaws of course. It's up to you, if you like those movies or not ... if you do, give it a try!
Aron This movie is awesome. Plain forward good kicking' entertainment. Lot's of the horror elements you like to see, makes the chills go down your neck, and then spooks and shakes you out of your mind. Some nail popping', gimp kicking', old hag busting' action! A couple is driving from Norway to Sweden to get some cheap booze. They get car trouble in the deep woods and need to seek assistance at the nearest house. Well this is where the fun begins. The protagonist have to show what shes made of when battling man pigs and other dangers to save the day (Love a good female hero!). She has a awesome boyfriend, and it's very enjoyable to see the flirt romantic scenes with the two of them. It's real cozy before all hell breaks loose. So if you want to see a straight "cut the crap" forward good entertaining horror thriller, "Snarveien(Detour)" is the way to go. Is by far one of the best movies from Norwegian cinema, cause of it's strong acting (this is unlike Norwegian film), great twist ridden script and flawless directing Enjoi!