Denis Leary: Lock 'N Load
Denis Leary: Lock 'N Load
| 15 November 1997 (USA)
Denis Leary: Lock 'N Load Trailers

Actor/comic Denis Leary discusses family life, coffee, religion, and other topics in this stand-up special.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
MovieAddict2016 I've been a fan of Denis Leary's work ever since I saw Ted Demme's 1994 film "The Ref," which is an EXTREMELY underrated black comedy about a bickering couple taken hostage by a harmless thief around Christmas.Leary was hilarious in the film and I made an effort to track down some of his other efforts. A lot of his film output hasn't been so great (the one with Sandra Bullock - "Two If By Sea" - is okay at best), but his stand-up still rocks."Lock N' Load" is a scathingly offensive attack on everything in sight: life, politics, alcohol, cigarettes, coffee, religion, sex, kids, family, etc...Leary has put on a few pounds since "The Ref" (looking a bit on the chubby side) which led me to believe this was only filmed recently - however I was surprised to find it had been filmed almost a decade ago! Some of the parts are simply hysterical and it proves, if nothing else, that Denis Leary is one of the funniest men in the world.
crazyjoe-2 If I could say one thing about this comedy special it would be...... I can't think of one thing. From coffee to his kids Denis Leary scores high with this special, he is one of the funniest comedians to date and hopefully he'll always be around. Thanks Denis for making funny S**T like this.
squir1y This is Denis Leary's best work. It was better than his No Cure for Cancer show. He rips on everybody from Michael Flatley to Hanson and everything from coffee to beer to religion. This isn't one to miss if you enjoy good obscene comedy. Denis Leary is a comedy genius. 10/10P.S. If you like this then you shouldn't miss the album either.
MisterWhiplash This is a very funny special from the man, Denis Leary. But in a way, I feel he has matured a bit since No Cure for Cancer. here, he rants about the Lord of the Dance (and seeing a real Irish man dance had me in stitches), Marv Albert, Coffee-flavored coffee and morons at 7-11, beer flavored beer and micro-breweries, President Leary, Fat F***s, Leary's kids (that's my favorite) and religion. Hilarious stuff all around, with 2 new songs (there are more on the album, but the album sucked because it had the songs on it). A+