NR | 30 May 1986 (USA)
Demons Trailers

A group of people are trapped in a West Berlin movie theater infested with ravenous demons who proceed to kill and possess the humans one-by-one, thereby multiplying their numbers.

Ehirerapp Waste of time
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Giallo Fanatic I first time saw this movie when I was a teenager and honestly, I liked it. But at that time I had no idea of how original this movie is. It's not zombies, it's not witches, it's not aliens, it's not superhuman killers but demons. Demons with a mysterious origin that is as obscure as how absurd this movie is. There are many things I really like about this movie, the special-effects, the gore, the absurdity, the irony, the coal black humor, the music and the atmosphere. Firstly, it has an absurd story. Almost as if psychotic, people gather inside a cinema to watch a movie because they got invited. Among them, a black woman, cuts herself with a creepy and mysterious mask. Unknowing to her and the people around her the mask turns humans into murdering demons. When her transformation completed, it didn't take long before there are a lot demons loose in the cinema. The people can't escape because the exits were walled with concrete, with no logical explanation. That is absurd, but the story isn't the most important here, it is mostly a special-effects movie. With the demons, comes along a fest of practical special-effects, violence and gore. Secondly, the special-effects are still impressive, also disgusting and that's the reason why practical special-effects are still better than CGI.We see normal, human teeth coming off, replaced by what appears to be more like shark teeth. We also see human nails replaced with claws, flesh being torn and lots of blood. All done with practical special-effects. The special-effects seemed quite demanding and hard to execute, but it went so well I still find them convincing to this day. Thinking about it gives me a little nausea. But amid-st the gore, violence and absurdity of all, the movie has sense of humor and irony. For example, the people trapped inside the cinema blames the movie for what is happening. Yes that is illogical (and funny) but it has a strong reflection on reality, with censors and people often blaming movies for promoting violence and making people violent. That is absurd. More of the humor bits is the blind man who went to the cinema, oh the irony! How about the coke inside the Coca Cola can? Hilarious! The music is quite exotic, adding to the absurdity of the movie. Also the atmosphere, the atmosphere is so absurd the movie feels more like a nightmare. It is almost like a comic book. Which I like a lot. I love movies with atmosphere. Like I wrote earlier, this is quite original. Unlike most movies you'll see today or of yesterday. I didn't realize that as a teenager but now I do. I actually like it more than I did as a teenager. This movie is pure cult movie gold. 9/10
TM_Rezzek I'll rate this film 6/10, mainly because it's merits are few, but solid. MERITS: 1) The soundtrack. Great heavy-metal, some rock-and-roll, all pitched to the various chase scenes. Lamberto Bava definitely has an ear for music.2) The effects. Great, gruesome makeup effects. There's stuff here that, technically, can rival Rob Bottin's work in 'The Thing' (1982) though Bottin had a wilder imagination. 3) The photography. There's plenty of shadows thrown about and a nice color scheme. Lamberto certainly learned a few things when he was an assistant to his father, Mario Bava.DEMERITS:1) The script. You don't learn a thing about the characters and, moreover, don't care about them. They're just served up on a 'demon platter' and if they get killed, so what?2) The dubbing. The lines have no wit or smoothness when dubbed into English, and some of the dialogue delivery jars horribly. Example: when they break into the projection room, they have to break through two doors. After busting through the first door, the black pimp says "Shit! Another door! Give me a hand!" But whoever dubbed that line reads it like this: "SHIT! A-NOTH-AH DOAH! GIVE-ME-A HAY-UND!" Ugh.So, 6/10. Not for everyone, but gore-fans will dig it. But for me, the best thing about this film is the poster--high marks for whoever designed it!
darksyde-63508 While previews for this make it seem like a zombie flick, its technically a demon possession one, the demons share some similar traits to zombies. They move slowly and attack their victims in a swarm. The movie begins with a selected group of people being invited to a movie premiere. So for about the first fifteen minutes, its a movie within a movie. It doesn't take long for the first victim to become possessed, and then the fun begins. Although this is a gore flick, the gore is daily restrained. Throats are torn and ripped open, and a blind movie goers eyes are gouged it. (Why there's a blind guy at a movie premier is anyone's guess). As the bodies pile up, the survivors barricade themselves inside the theater to product themselves from the onslaught of demons, while repeatedly telling those of us watching that "demons are instruments of evil", as if we didn't know it already and needed to be reminded Meanwhile while the survivors are trapped inside, the movie cuts to a side story with four coked out losers who really don't serve any purpose except as fodder for the demons shortly after being introduced. After being reminded of how horrible 80's metal music really was as the demons attack in a non stop barrage, only two of the main characters survive after hilariously underacting as they watch their friends become demons one by one, a helicopter inexplicably crashes thru the roof of the theater, offering a way out. As the heroes escape back into the outside world, they see what they just went thru was a city wide occurrence, not just isolated to the theater, leaving the door open for the sequel. While it has many many flaws, this is still a.classic for midnight viewings
LasKeepsItReal I really enjoy seeing the film Demons and there are a lot of things that make the film not only entertaining but interesting too.It starts off with college student Cheryl travelling on the train to go to her college, whilst travelling one of several popular soundtracks play which throughout suit the films atmosphere. When Cheryl is about to exit the station she is approached by a strange looking man with half his face covered in metal, he does not speak but instead gives her two tickets to a screening of a horror film at her local theatre. Later Cheryl meets up with her friend Kathy and they decide to miss their next lecture in favour of going to the theatre.Once they arrive at the theatre they meet two young men George and Ken and a variety of patrons become part of the audience for the film showing from a pimp and his two prostitutes to a middle age couple, one being very miserable, a blind man and a teenage couple who should have probably been asked for I.D before entering!The film shown is about two young couples exploring what seems to be an abandoned town and looking into the truth of a prophecy which is about violent human like creatures known as Demons which have fangs and claws. When one man is turned into a demon he sets upon killing his friends. Members of the audience are either curious or horrified by this. It is during the film showing in real time that one of the women from the audience who was unknowingly infected earlier turns into a demon and after scratching her friend, the whole theatre goes into pandemonium especially when the audience members realise all the exits are blocked and there are no other means for them to escape. Only time will tell if any more of them will transform into a demons or even survive!I like Demons because being produced in 1985 the film was well done and professional for its time with popular music and characters and for a horror film gives fans what they want violence and blood. There is not much suspense although there are a few surprises later on in the film which are unexpected although far fetched!I would give this film 8 out of 10.