PG | 12 December 2008 (USA)
Delgo Trailers

In a divided land, it takes a rebellious boy and his clandestine love for a Princess of an opposing race to stop a war orchestrated by a power hungry villain.

Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
tomkammes I liked it very much Yesterday I first saw this movie and I really liked, to rent a DVD from the video store, I did not know most protected and liked me. The land of Jhamora is torn apart by the mutual prejudice of two peoples—the winged Nohrin, masters of the skies, and the terrestrial Lockni, who harness the mystical powers of the land. When Delgo (Freddie Prinze, Jr.), a reckless Lockni teenager, forms an outlawed friendship with the spunky Nohrin Princess Kyla (Jennifer Love Hewitt), hostilities between the two peoples escalate, setting the stage for an exiled Empress Sedessa (Anne Bancroft) to exact her revenge and reclaim her rule. Falsely imprisoned, Delgo and his faint-hearted best friend, Filo (Chris Kattan), must put aside their differences to join forces with a sworn enemy (Val Kilmer) and travel to the mysterious land of Perran, where they discover more than just a scorned Empress and her two bumbling servants.
ridiculionius This movie could've been a lot better. It had its good moments, but those are quickly forgotten when they stand in the shadow of the lame script and 2-dimensional characters. The plot is your standard "warring countries just a result of misunderstanding and solved by a romance" tale, with the Lockni and Nohrin tribes set against each other due to land-grabbing and an ambitious Nohrin noble. When Sedessa (Anne Bancroft), the Nohrin King's younger sister, begins to slaughter the Lockni people in order to gain more of their land, she is quickly disinherited by the peaceful King. In an attempt to get back at her brother, Sedessa poisons his wife and would've done away with him, too, if his infant daughter hadn't awoken him with her cries. Banished and removed of the wings that all Nohrin people have, Sedessa rallies the dull-witted and violent goblin creatures in her new home, seeking her revenge. 15 years later, a Lockni teen named Delgo (Freddie Prinze Jr.) meets Princess Kyla (Jennifer Love- Hewitt) of the Nohrin, and sparks fly. When Delgo is framed for kidnapping Kyla, it is up to him, his fumbling friend Filo (Chris Kattan), and a disgraced General named Bogardus (Val Kilmer) to stop Sedessa and rescue the princess before all hell breaks loose. The story, despite its generic nature, is fun and engaging. The world that the film creates is beautiful and exotic, populated by bizarre creatures and featuring some wonderfully animated landscapes. The violence is spectacularly done, and can even be quite dark at times. If nothing else, it is a treat to watch, and that's saying something considering that this film wasn't done by any big-budget companies. The script is where the movie falls flat. The dialogue is even more generic than the plot, and it provides little to no character development. Delgo is a pretty run-of-the-mill teen hero, and his romance with Kyla (an even less fleshed-out character) is dry and unbelievable. Filo, who is supposedly the comedy-relief, is more irritating than funny - he talks far too much and his voice can get incredibly grating. Sedessa's henchman Spig (Eric Idle) is much funnier, despite the fact that his role is much smaller. Sedessa herself is pretty smooth and enjoyable to watch, though her motivation is weak and she just comes off as petty at times. The best character by far is General Bogardus, who actually has a complete story arc and some (attempted) development. Overall, Delgo was an OK movie - there are many moments where you can see the potential shining through, and it's almost sad to know how great the film could've been. It's nothing special, but it's still fun and enjoyable, simply for the action scenes and the animation in general. I wouldn't recommend you see it anytime soon, but there's definitely no harm in doing so.
TheLittleSongbird I am a huge animation fan, and always have been, and most likely will always be. I always watch any movie to pass my own judgement, and although the trailer was not good at all, that didn't stop me from seeing Delgo online. And overall, while it is not the worst animated film ever or the worst movie ever, I was left unimpressed.I thought Delgo did have a good concept, to me it sounded as though it was going to be epic and sweeping. Also the backgrounds are quite nice, with beautiful colours.However, I was not impressed with the character designs which were not only forced and ugly but also bad video-game level. The music is also rather generic with few memorable themes. The dialogue is roundly poor, with the comedy particularly wretched, while the story is predictable, badly paced and very disjointed with some moments of inspiration but other moments of sheer clumsiness and the characters are clichéd, barely likable and I found myself indifferent to every single one of them.The voice acting on the whole is rather bland, yes even the wonderful Anne Bancroft. Freddie Pinze Jnr especially sounds bored, and Chris Kattan like his character is very obnoxious. So all in all, rather unimpressive and disappointing. 3/10 Bethany Cox
adaringdo-1 I admit the animation was wonderful. The initial use of alien creatures was right on the mark -- special -- creative -- enticing... the voices were amazing throughout, but then there's the pesky need for a good story.As an author of 11 scripts I noticed the scripted flaws immediately and continuously. The introduction narrative was completely unnecessary and should have been incorporated (if at all) into the movie as it unfolded.The logic and progression of plot points were very flawed: so much so that I was annoyed that the film turned away from its initial strength 'originality' and fell on the sword of blandness. The reason so many people keep saying this film in plagiarism is simply because it follows such common event sequences you can't help but compare it to many other movies: Camelot (guards attacking the helpful hero), Star Wars (comic relief was the mirror image of a famous Gungan), Cinderella/Sleeping Beauty (hero finds a lost item, evil dragon lady,) and even the Lion King (when you see it you'll understand), etc.The script was quite frankly pathetic in parts, but also (to be fair) had some moments of honesty. Those moments were presented but then lost when the script failed to follow-up on the logic thread.So much of the movie is filled with clichés, and the comic relief was really annoying -- not funny -- that I was totally outside the movie and making remarks to myself (OMG, please not that, YGTBKM) instead of flowing along with the action. By the way, I was the only person in the theater. When I asked the ticket person if the movie was worth the price he said, "Opening day sold only 2 tickets." What this story has in beautiful animation and initial originality (the first few minutes) was completely lost to illogic. The amazing creatures were pushed to the background for the most part and the main characters were developed by narrative not action. We were usually told, not shown (or allowed) to feel with the characters. There was no character growth as such, just a jarring thump from one sequence to another as if the characters were puppets on a string.How sad that what could have been a great adventure turned into trivialities. I would just like to say the burning bush had such possibilities.