Deer Crossing
Deer Crossing
| 25 September 2012 (USA)
Deer Crossing Trailers

The film centers around retired police detective Derrick Stanswood (Mann), who is called by a successful doctor about an unsolved case involving his wife Maggy (Cottrel) and their son, Cole (newcomer Kevin Fennell). Chasing after loose ends in a backward rural town, Derrick has no idea that Maggy has been held captive for the past eight years by farmer Lukas Walton (K.J. Linhein, "Jebediah"), who is raising Cole as his own son in a wrongful world that holds its own horrors (

XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
jnc4251 Spoilers? Spoilers? Are you serious. This "movie" was "spoiled" the moment the notion came to the "writer" to actually take any more than one second to explore that idea. Do yourself a favor. DO NOT WASTE ONE SECOND of your precious life on this dross. You'd be better off having root canal therapy on the same day you called out of work with the flu. I struggled through 35 minutes, begged for mercy, and sped to Redbox to return that crap! On the other hand, if you can keep your sense of humor about you, you may delight in one of the worst scripts you've ever heard. A profound abomination. Or if you want to refine you ability to appreciate border-line actors, watch this "film" -- you'll see the worst of the worst, and then those folks you thought were bad will be elevated just a tad.
jessicaarlint We just finished watching this film and it left us definitely not wanting more. The only reason we finished it is because we were hoping it would get better. Trust me it doesn't. You will regret spending your money on this film. The acting was terrible on all levels, the camera shots were horrible, all-in-all a waste of my night. If you find yourself reading the back cover and think "hey, this sounds good" keep in mind there are other worth while movies out there. It needs to have a rating of 0 being never watch or think about again. The character choices could have been alright if they knew how to act. I heard that there was going to be a part 2 in 2014... how can they think the first one was good enough to need a part 2? This will definitely be one that we will not be seeing in 2014 and I hope for sanity sake neither will any of you. Good luck and I hope you take in this consideration.
Carl Stevens If I were sitting around on a Saturday afternoon I would not reach for this type of film. I don't like being on the edge of my seat. I do well with documentaries, fantasy pics, history, science, psychologically stimulating things, not really into being scared or having my nerves on edge. This film is creepy. I like how the camera was used, interesting angles and perspectives that caught my interest. I learned some things about camera work by watching it. The director was also capable of creating an atmosphere of tension. Good edits, timing and camera work made that possible. I paid attention to the light captured in the dark scenes which was important for me as well as the shots where the camera is in motion. I like to analyze how I feel when watching those scenes and I think they were successfully done in this film. The casting was really good. Some of those faces were perfect for helping me to believe the story was actual. As I said it is not my favorite kind of film so the lighting, casting, sets, camera work and edits became more important and I think these things made up for the fact that the story line is not one I like visiting.
Aurora Baker Deer Crossing is a complex story that starts off being about a woman named Maggy (Laura Lynn Cottrel) who has left wit her young son, Cole, to go on a trip somewhere. When she detours she ends up hitting a deer and her and her son end up being picked up by mountain man who holds them captive for eight years. Maggy is kept shacked up in his shed as some sort of play thing and he raises Cole to be his son. This is one of three stories intertwining into the main plot of the film. The disappearance eventually ends up in the hands of a retired detective named Stanswood (Christopher Mann) who is reluctant to take the case after Maggy's husband desires to hire him personally. Before he knows it ends up in Carvin Country where as the story progresses, other disturbing tales unfold as well. Doug Bradley performs very well in Deer Crossing as Sheriff Lock, a cop who takes himself more seriously than the rest of the town does. This film will not be for everyone. It's disturbing but not in a typical blood-filled, over-gored, torture chamber sort of way. This film is disturbing because it's more realistic and emphasizes on the violent impulses and corrupt nature of human beings who you would hope don't actually exist in this world. I'm not big on Independent films but this one really stands out. It certainly doesn't look like a low-budget flick and I'm actually surprised that for the amount of money spent on Deer Crossing that such great visual effects and production was put into this film. I admire the director's effort. Grillo obviously is setting out to change the world of cinema and get us all out of the mainstream of typically tired horror films. I also very much liked the acting in this film. Aside from Bradley and Ernie Hudson I think Hollywood might need to start keeping an eye on Deer Crossing's talent pool. Laura Lynn Cottrel as Maggy was one of the best performances in the film. She was so emotional ad convincing that I still think of Maggy sometimes and what she's been through. Christopher Mann's performance was also top-notch. The most memorable indeed was K.J. Linhein as Lukas Walton. I have no doubts that people will be having nightmares about him for years to come. Tom Detrik really stood out in this film as Dick, the flamboyantly-ruthless villain of the film. He actually wasn't the main villain but I think he should have been. I thought Carmela Hayslett's small part was very good as Olivia. It was nice to see Carmela Hayslett outside of her Roxsy Tyler Carnival of Horrors persona. She plays some sort of cop. She's not convincing as a cop but I don't think she was supposed to be. Her character's job was obviously to not come across as a cop to the person she was interrogating. And Kevin Fennel as older Cole, I've never seen Fennel before but I can't imagine his role being played in any other way than how he did it. If he's new than he has a great career ahead of him!