Deed Poll
Deed Poll
| 05 December 2004 (USA)
Deed Poll Trailers

Two drug-addicted, incestuous, rich siblings kill a call-boy to make playing cards out of his skin.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
austrianmoviebuff After his brief appearance in Greenaway's "The Tulse Luper Suitcases" and before his three-months-run as Puck on West End, Andre Schneider found the time to write, co-produce and star in this film, apparently his most personal one to date.Schneider plays Nathaniel Griffin, a hustler getting hired by two rich siblings who, after having him under the influence of cocaine, ecstasy and various other drugs, paint playing cards all over his body and cut them out. The last scene is a breath-stealer, but the rest of the movie is often slow-moving and the siblings, played by Barbara Kowa and Rainer Wittenauer, fail completely to intrigue. Schneider's performance, though, remains a justifiable reason to sit through this, it's an impressive knock-out.The nicely photographed film suffers from the sheer unbearable narcissism of the director whose crashing self-love screws the otherwise beautifully written and acted film up. Most of the time, Biermann seems to say, "I'm the director, I outsmart you all, you're just some stupid audience." If you can deal with this attitude, you will enjoy "Deed Poll".After a string of equally disappointing works in Germany, Schneider turned his attention to France, Great Britain, Ireland and Spain, where he gave stellar performances in interesting films like "La Silla" and "La paz de tus ojos tristes".
kenny_doughty_fan "Deed Poll" is a strange phenomenon: It was a "cult" film (with hundreds of "fans" worldwide) years before it was even made. The internet rumours about this Lord of the Rings actor and Mr. Schneider's involvement with these rumours drew so much attention to a movie that started out as a "ghost movie" and became a controversial little masterpiece when it finally got made. Mr. Schneider is maybe one of the most hated people in the (internet) world for some people, but after this film, even his worst enemy can't deny his writing and acting abilities: In the bathroom scene, you can literally see to the bottom of his soul. There were some massive boycotts of "Deed Poll" before and after its release; some people started posting lies about Mr. Schneider over and over again - which drew only more attention to the film which has been shown in many European cities meanwhile. I watched it at the 19th London Lesbian and Gay Film Festival and must say that, despite of the bad things that happened in 2000/2001, "Deed Poll" is a tricky sex thriller with moments of sheer brilliance.You either love or hate this movie. I loved it.
demunfallopferseinefrau I like dark movies. I like porn. I thought "Deed Poll" was a good combination. It was. A hustler's getting killed for sexual stimulation.Pro: André Schneider's fine performance gave me the chills and Rainer-Maria Wittenauer was pure eye-candy. The fact that we get to see an erection a great bonus. The cameraman did a good job. The whole thing is well-written.Contra: Barbara Kowa's overacting annoyed me. She's wearing a terrible wig and is hysterical throughout the movie. The whole Ivy character is horrible! The sound quality is poor, poor, poor! Why couldn't they afford a better sound system?All in all: a good movie, made under very bad circumstances, with a great plot, a good ending, and a bad leading lady.
Kinky Monkey First of all, "Deed Poll" was a cult movie years before it was made. The expectations were high, with or without a certain movie star from Canterbury. Finally it got made, and it became quite good. You may not be able to decide whether it's a horror film, a droll sex comedy, a psychological drama, or a thriller, but the movie will certainly not leave you untouched. IJ.Biermann directed his actors fabulously, the cinematographer did a great job with the sex scenes, and Barbara Kowa and André Schneider are lovely to look at. The best thing about "Deed Poll", though, is the editing by Christine Denck. She turned a sequence of ten minutes into a nightmare with cuts that make "Natural Born Killers" look like a slow-moving family film. Can't wait for the sequel!