Deck Dogz
Deck Dogz
PG | 06 January 2005 (USA)
Deck Dogz Trailers

It is a movie about three teen skaters, played by young Australian actors Richard Wilson, Sean Kennedy and Ho Thi Lu. Their characters Poker, Spasm and Blue Flame, are trying to escape the law, their school, their parents, their demons and a couple of low-life criminals to realise their burning ambition — to meet world class skating champion, Tony Hawk.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
Johannesnk This was a really great movie with a very mystic and atmospheric feel to it. The best part is undoubtedly the parts with Riley Whitelum. He's an fantastic actor. His beard is unparalleled and his muscles and the acting is from another world. It's fantastic too see how such a young soul became what he is today. Today he's a real successful sailor on the seven seas and this little skater movie will show you secrets about Riley Whitelum that you would have never thought of him. This movie is his source of eminence.Riley Whitelum is every girls wet fantasy, and this hereby movie is the absolute proof of it!
hdscratch Dang, the artistic value of this movie is through the roof, if nothing else, and the original music is O.G. style as well as the non-original music. I bought this movie off the shelf only because there was a skateboarder on it, not realizing it is an Australian film, and having never even heard of it. It is now one of my favorites. I was shocked at the consistency of it--I don't see that often. 'Seems skateboarding is part of the Australian culture, which is freakin' awesome--makes me want to go there. I bought a board the other day, and there's something about it that made me fall in love with it. Some people have been saying in the reviews on this site that the way the dudes act in the movie is unrealistic, and some of the slang used in the movie would never be used in real life. I just thought it was an Australian thing, and it humored me. It's cool. I did watch the making of the movie though, and Sean Kennedy and the other two did that blow on their hands that they do in the movie and he said something about how it was the "gayest" thing they'd done on the set. Then I thought, maybe they're just like us! I know I use gay in the same fashion... Anyways, it doesn't matter if one would act that way in real life or not, it's like, an art form. Nice.
zombie-32 First off I am not a skater.When I went in to watch this movie I was expecting some serious skating stunts and manoeuvres. Instead all you received was a series of short film sections broken up with some poor animation sequences.The only real surprise was that Tony Hawks had his name attached to this turkey.If you want to watch a skating movie then you are better off watching Gleaming the Cube or someone else play a skating game either way you get a better acting, skating and story.Half the story is simply bland and uninspiring before progressing to boring then dragging itself like a dying dog to the end of the movie it becomes so predictable that it feels like you have already watched the movie even though you haven't seen the end you already known exactly how it will end, and finally when the end credits appear you can breath a sigh of relief that the horror is over.
jonnyng9 This type of movie was new to me, and yet i was eager to watch it. It's about 3 Skateboarding, law-breaking punks; named SPASM, POKER and BLUE FLAME. Together they call themselves the "DECK DOGZ"............One day, practicing their new move which includes a "heel-flip with a dark side", they're caught by the police for tress-passing and vandalising. If you think that's bad, not listening in Maths class, and paying attention to your skateboard only, is worse. Not only do all the three skate punks find themselves EXPELLED from school, but with SPASM's Skateboard confiscated by the principle. POKER AND BLUE FLAME, go on a midnight robbery into the school to steal back the skateboard, not knowing that they accidentally BURNT DOWN THE SCHOOL! With their already BAD REPUTATION and Cops behind their backs, the three are on a skate trip to the East, where TONY HAWKS IS HOSTING THE BEACH BOWL!!! They go through a lot of obstacles along the way to get to their destination, and trying to become a PRO-Skater and MAKING THEIR OWN REALITY.