Dear God No!
Dear God No!
R | 21 October 2011 (USA)
Dear God No! Trailers

A gang of outlaw bikers pull a home invasion on a disgraced Anthropologist hiding a secret locked in his cabin basement.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
MrGKB ...from people who likely don't know any better, and even more likely don't care one way or the other, "Dear God No!" can't help but live up to its name in any discerning viewer's mind. Ostensibly an homage to 70s grindhouse features, this bit of pitiable excess fails to show any genuine respect for the genre or for filmmaking in general. Wooden non- actors swell the cast while reciting lines that might impress middle- schoolers with IQs in the room temperature range. The camera-work is---to be kind---in focus (well, usually), and the rest of the production values aren't much better. Costuming (and the lack thereof for most of the females) is probably the film's only strong point.Needless to say, the script is abysmal, direction is non-existent, and did I already mention that the actors can't express themselves out of a paper bag? The corpse of Ted Sturgeon is shaking its head in despair. This one's a time-waster only, kiddies; not even the rampant nudity can recommend it. You've been warned.
Argemaluco Dear God No! is a perverse and fascinating distillation of subjects extracted from the best exploitation cinema of the '70s. This is what directors Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez attempted to do in Death Proof and Machete (respectively); however, Dear God No! is the genuine article, and the result is a gem full of bad taste and depravity made with minimum money and null influence from Hollywood.The exploitation cinema has become a popular model to modern filmmakers, not only because of its implicit nostalgia, but also because it can work as a justification of the lack of talent and low production values we can find in some independent movies. Many directors and screenwriters think that their ineptitude and mistakes could seem intentional if they decide to make a "retro" film. However, that's absolutely wrong. Films like Hobo With a Shotgun, The House of the Devil and Dear God No! prove that genuine talent is needed in order to make a good film with those characteristics, and that the "old film" filters and the period costumes aren't enough in order to get an interesting and entertaining narrative. Dear God No! possesses enough energy and dramatic conviction in order to capture us into the action and keep us on suspense, while making us laugh with its stupidity and ridiculous characters. Sounds contradictory, but it works brilliantly well for those of us who appreciate this underrated cinematographic style.On the negative side of Dear God No!, some performances from the supporting cast feel too rigid. Nevertheless, the experience of watching this film was so amusing, perverse and energetic that I can enthusiastically recommend Dear God No! to the followers of exploitation cinema who want to watch something close in spirit to gems such as Ilsa: She Wolf of the SS or Thriller: A Cruel Picture. And to the casual spectators, I have to warn that there's quite extreme and offensive material in this film, so proceed with caution. You may end up feeling disgusted...or becoming an addict to a hated and occasionally censored cinematographic stratum. I can assure you it's not an easy-to-satisfy addiction.
nasteen8 As you can tell with the reviews here, you'll either really love this movie, or you'll really hate this movie... And that's the way it should be.This film is terrible... Terrible acting, terrible quotes, terrible special effects... AND IT IS AWESOME! Some films are awful to the point they are incredible and this film is on the top rungs of that genre. It's pointless violence and endless nudity are simply there for the glory of it. There's no point to it other than glorifying it. If you don't fancy that sort of thing, then you shouldn't be watching movies like this. If you like pointless violence and sex, then you shouldn't even rent this, just go buy it and save yourself some time.I love that movies like this are coming out more and more lately. With today's technology, just about anyone can make a film with little more than a computer and camera. It gives the average joe a chance to actually put their insane ideas on to film. While it does give credence to a bunch of garbage, the occasional great idea pops through and this film is a great example of that.Hats off to the creators of this film, I surely hope that you will make many, many more films.
billcr12 It is what is, and Dear God No isn't Sunday morning sermonette. The opening few minutes are filled with bloody carnage at the hands of some very nasty looking bikers in leather jackets riding Harleys. Murder and mayhem are practiced quite efficiently by the easy riders.Switch to a house in the woods occupied by a science professor and his teenage daughter who carries a carcass to a padlocked basement. We then visit a strip bar with unattractive dancers; one even wearing a Richard Nixon mask. Miss Nixon is very handy with a Thompson submachine gun. The gang enjoy a short and unpleasant stay at the club.Meanwhile, the prof is researching some sort of creature living nearby and two of his college students stop by for a friendly visit. Uh oh, can you say home invasion; here come the hell's angels and it's party time for Mr. science and his offspring. It turns Charles Manson for a while, and beware of a reenactment of an urban legend based on Sharon Tate's killing in 1969; the infamous Helter Skelter case.Now for a special appearance by Bigfoot in a pay back mode for all the bad deeds by the iron horse invaders. Dear God No is a low budget, badly acted and yet funny and entertaining, bloody good time.