Deadly Target
Deadly Target
| 01 January 1994 (USA)
Deadly Target Trailers

A Chinese gangster in Los Angeles escapes on the eve of his deportation to Hong Kong. A martial-arts master detective and his ragtag team get caught up in the action as they track down this ruthless killer.

Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Grimossfer Clever and entertaining enough to recommend even to members of the 1%
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Leofwine_draca DEADLY TARGET is an example of a mid-tier thriller from PM Entertainment. It's a step up from their cheap and nasty efforts of the late 1980s and early 1990s, but not quite as slick and high budget as their action-packed thrillers of the years 1996 and 1997, although it's getting there. This one sees hard-knuckle cop Gary Daniels drafted in from Hong Kong to Los Angeles, battling some Mafia types headed by B-movie regular Byron Mann. The plot's entirely forgettable, but there's plenty of action here, with the requisite chases, shoot-outs, stunt sequences, and lots and lots of scenes in which Daniels punches, elbows, and kicks the heck out of the bad guys.
HaemovoreRex .......Nor particularly noteworthy on the filmographic CV of Gary Daniels sadly, although he does at least get to show off some pretty cool martial arts moves. Unfortunately, the film carries an ominous air of boredom to it throughout; It's almost as though no one involved had any faith in the production from the very start as evidenced by the lazy performances, generally bland action sequences (for a PM production) and a meandering 'plot' which goes no where.There's really very little to recommend this in fact other than for Daniels completists who may at least derive some welcome enjoyment from his aforementioned fighting skills. For a much better PM vehicle starring our Gary, check out instead the OTT and outrageous, Rage and also Riot - both much, much better flicks.
bth2004 I have only two things to say about this Gary Daniels farce of a film.One, the fighting in this movie is ridiculous. True, the fighters are all real martial artists and their moves are very good. They are all trained and their techniques look good. However, one must ask: how many times can someone get kicked in the head before he gets knocked out? When Daniels does a jump-spinning-hook-kick to the guy's face in the airport or train station or wherever it was, and the guy gets back up from it--would not happen!!! Two, every cast member in this film sucked! Not a one of them has any acting skill at all--especially Daniels! Don't watch this movie unless you want to see a whole lot of good martial arts techniques applied for show without the slightest bit of realism. If you want to see really good fights or even okay acting, pass this film over.
aloep WARNING: Possible spoilersHaving been impressed with many movies from PM Entertainment and enjoyed the other 2 they did with Gary Daniels (Rage, Riot), I went out of my way to find a copy of this. I finally got a hold of a Dutch release Region 2 DVD as it currently doesn't seem to have any UK release, and the USA has only seen a VHS release.If we actually look at it and compare it to reality for a second, it all comes down that in reality Deadly Target is an absolutely idiotic movie. Both the bad guys and the Los Angeles police are dumber than a brick. The story that Gary Daniels gets saved from thugs in a dark alley by a pretty woman who he'll go on to form a relationship with is about as believable as the casting itself. Gary Daniels, is cast as a Hong Kong cop. Nothing explains why he looks and sounds like a Londoner. Oh yeah, and then there's the plot. A Hong Kong drug lord is in LA, and Gary Daniels's character has to extradite him back to Hong Kong. Of course, the incompetent Police let him escape. Halfway through, it is revealed that he killed Daniels's brother. And then there's the casting of Byron Mann as the druglord. While he does play the bad guy role fairly well, he'd be more suited to a sidekick as he is simply too young to be believable as such a powerful man.And yet, despite all of that, not for a second did I get remotely bored out of watching this. I'd almost place this alongside the likes of Commando and Death Wish 3 as one of the most ludicrously far fetched yet extremely entertaining movies. First of all, it moves at a very swift pace, with barely a dull moment. Director Charla Driver has thrown in so many fight scenes, gun battles and car chases that while the movie is on, we don't really have enough time to think, we just enjoy. The fight scenes are very impressive, I've always been impressed with Gary Daniels moves on screen and this is no exception. Ken McLeod, in the "buddy cop" role is also very impressive in his fight scenes. We are also treated to an excellent car chase scene through residential streets of LA and through a park. And then there's the fiery climax on the ship, which mixes both hand to hand combat and gunplay where again, the action scenes are very well staged, not wasting a camera angle and the death are suitably bloody. The cast also seem well aware of what they're getting into and luckily, don't take themselves completely seriously. The two leads seem to be having a lot of fun and seem well aware they're not in a movie that's to be taken seriously, and make the best of it. Which is refreshing, as too often DTV action movies take themselves completely seriously and it can really bring them down, such as Cynthia Rothrock's character in "Guardian Angel". The romantic subplot however, is completely useless and could never have added anything much to a movie like this anyway. Susan Byun as the pretty young woman who rescues Daniels from a bunch of thugs in a dark alley is useless in her role, as she does nothing other than romanticise with Daniels or get taken hostage. The second I saw her I predicted she'd be taken hostage at some point by the bad guys, and I wasn't particularly amazed to discover that my prediction was indeed correct!At the end of the day, nobody is going to claim this is any form of cinematic art as it clearly isn't. I know it, the producers know it and for that reason, it should be taken for what it is. A big dumb action flick. It looks like those involved enjoyed making the movie, and I did too. Watch it with some friends and some beers on a Friday night or as a warm up on the night prior to doing something big. If you're looking for any sense of plot or realism then your best bet is not to touch this with a long wooden pole. But if you want to see guns blazing, cars crashing, arms breaking, bad guys dying bloody deaths, it's all in here.Rating: 7.5/10 Not recommended for anyone looking for a movie with any depth, but if you like the big dumb fun of 80's action flicks, then this is something to throw in your collection!As for the DVD quality, it's pretty much what you'd expect from a straight to video movie from 10 years ago. Indoor scenes look grainy and the overall look is quite washed out. Night scenes have an odd blue filter which seems to be typical with older PM movies. Outdoor daytime scenes are a lot better, but still have a bland look. However, the picture is clean, without any flickers which at least make it better looking than VHS quality.