Deadly Instincts
Deadly Instincts
| 09 August 1997 (USA)
Deadly Instincts Trailers

It's an invasion of the most personal and terrifying kind. When a meteorite crash lands onto a Boston college campus and an alien beast is released, only one man understands its mission to mate. From the depths of an all girls college, the grotesque monster stalks his prey in a cat-and-mouse chase until the final conflict where only one species can survive.

Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
HeadlinesExotic Boring
Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
gavin6942 When a meteorite crash lands onto a Boston college campus and an alien beast is released, only one man understands its mission to mate. From the depths of an all girls college, the grotesque monster stalks his prey in a cat-and-mouse chase until the final conflict where only one species can survive.The male lead of this film is awesome, and so is the running subplot of a professor being involved with one of his students. While that sure is nothing new, it gives a bit of depth and character to a story that otherwise is more or less aliens running amok on a low budget.Do not let the budget fool you, by the way. For whatever reason, the opening credits look terrible, something any kid could do on their home computer today in a matter of minutes. But once you get past the cheesy text and space pictures, this has a really sense of something more.
Woodyanders A meteorite crashes on Earth and unleashes an alien beast (Clifton Lloyd Bryan in an obvious and unconvincing rubber suit) that wants to procreate its species with nubile young human women on a Boston, Massachusetts college campus. It's up to lecherous jerk art teacher Ashley (a drippy performance by the charisma-challenged Todd Jensen) to stop it. Writer/director Paul Matthews, who previously failed to deliver the goods with the lousy subterranean creature feature "Grim," doesn't do it once again with this celluloid stinkbomb: The overly talky script, sluggish pace, meandering narrative, complete dearth of tension and vitality, cruddy (less than) special effects, blah acting from an insipid cast, limply staged monster attack scenes, and an inert and unexciting climax all make this movie a heavy mind-numbing chore to endure. Worse yet, this drab flick crucially fails to realize the sleazy potential of its gloriously lurid premise: There's precious little in the way of either graphic gore or gratuitous female nudity. Only Samantha Janus' frequently erect nipples and the striking pulchritudinous presence of Kadamba Simmons as the mysterious space girl prevent this picture from being a total wash-out. A hopelessly tedious clunker.
slayrrr666 "Breeders" is a great example of a guilty pleasure.**SPOILERS**A meteorite crash-lands near a College University, and a piece is removed and taken for study. Art teacher Ashley Rowe, (Todd Jensen) and student Louise, (Samantha Janus) suspect something weird is involved with the fragment, and a murder on campus finally convinces them. After several more women disappear from the college, they begin to investigate the meteorite more. A police force arrives to deal with the story, and they all end up slaughtered. Police Chief Horace, (Nigel Harrison) trying to save face after the disaster, agrees with the two faculty members that an alien force is loose on campus and they have to work together to put a stop to it.The Good News: There are very few examples of a cheese-fest, but this one clearly falls into that category. Practically everything here is an example. From the constant nudity to the almost non-descriptive story to the setting, everything here has a feeling of cheese. There's some moments that are indicative of other styles creeping in. A long sequence where the alien stalks a group of policemen through a series of catacombs. It shows the main sign in the film where it doesn't try to be a cheesy film and aspires to something more serious. It has some suspense woven through, a couple of minor shocks when the creature comes roaring out to take a victim, and the combination makes it look a lot more like a horror film than a cult film. The creature itself is one of the best parts, with the appearance of a large imposing creature, with big claws, a huge mid-section and mean, imposing head with large fangs and rows of teeth. It makes for an impressive looking creature. And then there's the nudity, again, which is never a bad thing either.The Bad News: Any movie with this much cheese has some bad things with it. The biggest one to hurt this film is it's very slow pace. It doesn't seem like the kind of plot that should sustain a film as long as this one is, forcing a lot of scenes to carry out longer than they should and ruining the pace. It's not as tight as it should be, and at times, it meanders around for far too long than it should. There is also a lot of moments that are either written to the point of confusion or show what little thought was put into it. The college that only has about a dozen or so attendants. There's only one teacher on campus, and therefore one class being taught, and the entire subplot with the police are mere examples. There is some other small little outcries here and there, but they aren't as damaging to the film as the other ones are.The Final Verdict: Guilty of mainly being a cheese-fest, that doesn't mean it's all that bad. It's got a little bit of everything that makes it a little better than it should be. It's still got some problems, so take caution with it and it will be, at best, a guilty pleasure.Rated R: Graphic Language, Nudity, Graphic Violence, and attempted interspecies Rape
Kelly Maureen Of all the movies in the history of movies I can't imagine someone sitting down and saying, I want to spend X amount of dollars (or pounds sterling) to remake that flawed classic film called "Breeders." Lots of stories have been turned into films about meteors coming to Earth with something sinister lurking inside. Why not put your money into making a spectacular 3D remake of "It Came from Outer Space" instead? Why look for a dingy nudie flick that existed only for the purpose of showing off a rubbery set of monsters and some naked coeds? Was the script for the 1986 version of "Breeders" so inspiring that these producers felt it had to be done again and this time done correctly? When you come down to it, the only reason this film exists is to show off Britcom cutie pie Samantha Janus. But if you're gonna make a skin flick and exploit Sam Janus in it, you'd better have her more naked than this and naked more often than this if you want to succeed.Meteor lands ... monster escapes ... coeds duff their clothes ... monster eats people ... and another "what if?" ending ensues.Honestly, I never thought I would ever recommend the original "Breeders" over any other film but this would be the one to come in 2nd Place to it.