Deadly Duo
Deadly Duo
| 22 June 1978 (USA)
Deadly Duo Trailers

Ah Cheng has decided to get out of this silly kung-fu business and retire with his new girlfriend. Unfortunately, everyone is out to kill him, and one of the killers has been using his trademark knives to frame him! Meanwhile his friends meet up with a mysterious swordsmen who is not what he seems.

Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
ebiros2 Although she starred in over 30 kung-fu movies, it's difficult to find Angela Mao's movie these days. She has this school girl kind of looks that makes her unique even amongst many Hong Kong actresses. She's no different in this movie.A girl named Cheng (Lam Mei Ling) is chased by band of assassins (Their appearance reminds me of magic monkey) and Yung Cheng (John Liu) becomes her bodyguard until the middle of the story. Su Yuen (Angela Mao) is never too far behind Yung Ching and hearing that he's been poisoned by the assassins goes out to find him with a man in white clad named Bai Lung Sing. In the end Su Yuen, Yung Cheng, and Bai Lung Sing confronts the boss of the assassin clan,There's kung-fu action in every turn of the story between good and the bad, and good and the good. In this sense, this movie follows the classic kung-fu movie format.Not at all bad kung-fu action picture with of course lots of action by Angela Mao as well.Worth the watch.
gridoon2018 Yet another Angela Mao old-school kung fu flick that is beneath her (and everybody else's) considerable talents. The "plot" is an ungodly mess – all I could make out is that there is this list of rebels and everyone's looking for it, and is prepared to betray / kill anyone to get it. I think Angela is on the rebels' side, yet one of her friends / co-fighters seems to be on the government's side! Anyway, when the film focuses on its plot, it only manages to be unwatchably boring. And despite the obvious martial arts skills of the participants, the fight scenes are generally unremarkable. The best one is probably the last, when John Liu and Angela Mao unleash a double attack of consecutive kicks on the final bad boss. Angela looks very beautiful in this film; I wish I could say the same about the DVD print! *1/2 out of 4.
phillip-58 Its hard to judge this film. First the Crash DVD uses an old marked print that badly needs cleaning up, and some pretty poor dubbing. Still they can't be held responsible for an unbelievable story and editing that often jumps all over the place. Buts let get to the good bits. First it features Angela Mao, John Liu (on superb form) and Leung Kar-Yan (Beardy) at the beginning and end. Shut Chung-Tin plays The Flying Knife who wants to kill John Liu for reasons not entirely clear. Man Kong Lung plays John Liu's 'brother. Lam Mei Wing plays the beautiful love interest and finally Cheng Sing the great main villain who only really appears at the very beginning and end. There are several twists and turns but no great surprises. I disagree with the other reviewer in that I thought the final fight with John Liu, Angela and Leung Kar-Yan (and their 'master') worth waiting for. John Liu is in real kicking form. The fights are many throughout this film and though not first rate, worth watching for John Liu and Angela Mao (and another I can't identify with a great silver sparkly cloak) in great action. Perhaps one for the kung fu addict but I've seen much, much worse and John Liu in this sort of form is worth 90 minutes of anyone's time.
drngor This old-style kung fu movie from the 1970s stars John Liu, a famous super kicker and Angela Mao, one of the greatest kung fu fighting females in the business. The plot is the typical "Ming patriot vs. Ching government" story. The movie starts out great, with John and Angela getting in a lot of good fights. The movie then slows down a bit and never quite regains the original momentum. The final battle is disappointing. A decent film but not a classic.