Deadly Circuit
Deadly Circuit
| 09 March 1983 (USA)
Deadly Circuit Trailers

A P.I. is obsessed with a cute woman, who seduces and kills rich men around W. Europe.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Motompa Go in cold, and you're likely to emerge with your blood boiling. This has to be seen to be believed.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
gridoon2018 You can see what this movie is trying to fact, you can see it all too well, as it keeps beating you over the head with its two central ideas: Michel Serrault has lost his daughter and sees Isabelle Adjani as a potential replacement, to the degree that he is willing to overlook her murderous tendencies, while Adjani has developed these murderous tendencies because she has also lost her father at a young age. This story could have been told in a 30-minute short; in 115 (or 95, depending on which version you watch) minutes it is plodding and repetitive (she kills, he follows her, she kills, he follows her, she kills....), not to mention unbelievable. Serrault gives a good performance, however he spends about 80% of the movie mumbling to himself and has little interaction with other people, which makes his character tedious not before long. To fair, there ARE a couple of memorable scenes: Adjani's cold-blooded razor slashing of another woman is one, the car stunt at the end is another. ** out of 4.
wildpeace10 I listened to the shorter version and even then i felt it was 50% too long!Eye of the beholder created tension,a mood,deeper and more appealing characters(except for the killing of the blind man which was repulsive in both versions).I totally disagree with those who say that Ewan McGregor was too young for the part in the remake.It's not a question or older or younger,it's a question of how good the film is putted together.The remake was thrilling in so many ways that this film isn't.Usually music is used to create tension.Here the main theme(which is reused more than once) sounds like it was made for a Pierre Richard comedy.There's no real sense that the director made an effort to create tension or excitement. The only thing that got me excited for a whole two seconds was when serrault suggests to adjani that she takes a shower.(She doesn't).I have no idea why this film is praised as a classic or got so much nominations. Stick to the remake and avoid the original.
tinome Mortelle Randonnée is arguably one of France's best noir ever. And one of Isabelle Adjani's brightest hour. You unfortunately have to understand french to fully appreciate Michel Audiard's brilliant, darkly humorous dialogs (and especially Serreault's monologues). Claude Miller's direction is at once classy and precise (very similar to his work on L'Accompagnatrice), while Pierre Lhomme's cinematography is lush when needed, gritty when necessary (mainly during the last third). I read a few bad reviews here and there and I must add, and I know I'm not the first, that the States version, not only the recent DVD but also the TV version and the old VHS, well, has always been the truncated, 95 min. cut. Now, the movie showed everywhere else in the world runs 120 min. sharp. Think about it: it doesn't only mean that almost quarter of the movie is absent, it also means that the editing, fatally, is different, so is the rhythm, the feel, the movie altogether. I saw the DVD and frankly, while the transfer's OK, it doesn't make much of an impression, but then again, think that almost half an hour's gone. I never understood that thing with American distributors and foreign films, as if American moviegoers needed shorter, tighter movies so it won't be too much of a shock. That's ridiculous. Any moviegoer, American or whatever, that goes to the theater and buys a ticket for an Adjani/Serreault movie is obviously not looking for The Rock or Paul Walker. Well, that's what I think anyway. The rating, of course, applies to the official 120 min. version. If you have a chance to see it, don't miss it. A real gem.
Kurt Thomas One of the best movies ever. Very dark, very deadpan, perfect acting. Great script, too.The La Paloma version in the blind man's villa is by Hans Albers.