| 18 June 2000 (USA)
Deadlocked Trailers

A young man is accused of rape and murder and placed on trial. His father doesn't believe that he is guilty, so in act of desperation he grabs the bailiff's guns and takes the whole jury hostage and insists that the prosecuting attorney re-investigates the crime that his son's accused of.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Titreenp SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
wes-connors At home in Seattle, Washington, deputy district attorney David Caruso (as Ned Stark) appears to be having trouble understanding his school-aged son Lorne Stewart (as Cory Stark). At work, Mr. Caruso convicts Jo D. Jonz (as Demond Doyle) of raping and bludgeoning a woman to death. The evidence against Mr. Jonz is overwhelming and it's considered an "open and shut" case. Jonz' priors include violent arrests and gang participation. The convicted man's father Charles S. Dutton (as Jacob Doyle) has arrived during sentencing. Estranged from his son for the past four years, Mr. Dutton interrupts the (death) penalty proceedings by grabbing the bailiff's guns to take the jury and victim's husband hostage...Dutton is sure his son did not commit the crime. He demands prosecutor Caruso re-open the investigation to prove his son innocent, or Dutton will start killing off jurors. There are some major problems, here. Dutton is convinced his son is completely innocent, but offers little proof. He also appears quite ready to commit mass murder...There is a parallel drawn between Caruso and Dutton, as fathers. The issues of race and socio-economic status are used well, but the comparison fails because Caruso has no idea whether or not is son is guilty of the problem reported at school. Caruso doesn't know, but Dutton does; it doesn't make sense, unless there is a race and/or class distinction being made. As the story unfolds, we are also puzzled by the son's failure to discuss the case. There is little interaction with the victim's husband, Malcolm Stewart (as Richard Castlemore). Considering what happened, you'd expect these individuals would have a lot more to say about the crime. Despite these concerns, "Deadlocked" is an engaging and nicely acted TNT Movie.****** Deadlocked (6/18/00) Michael W. Watkins ~ David Caruso, Charles S. Dutton, Jo D. Jonz, Lorne Stewart
Boba_Fett1138 This is a well made, made for TV movie. Nothing too impressive but certainly good enough and enjoyable to kill some time with.The story is nothing special, although the concept, of the father of a murder suspect taking the entire jury of the trail hostage, itself is pretty good and interesting. The movies does have its moments but it has lots of missed opportunities as well. Such as the fact that the husband of the murdered wife is also among the hostages, is an highly underused story element. They could have made more out of this, such as some interesting and heated confrontations between the suspect and the husband but nothing ever happens with the husband at all. Really a missed opportunity there.But sure, the movie also has its expected flaws and it lacks in credibility at times. Still the movie and its story work effective enough to keep you watching till the end. It isn't terribly exciting and to be honest it also was quite predictable but the way the movie is constructed and the way the story is told, provides the movie with some good sequences and moments.Also the two main leads are a reason why the movie works effective enough and serves its purpose. David Caruso is a convincing leading man and Charles S. Dutton is good as the hostage taker. He portrays his character very humane and understandable. Most of the other characters aren't really interesting enough, mainly because they don't play a prominent enough role in the movie.It all in all was a better than expected, made for TV thriller with some good moments that mainly works because of the two main actors of the movie. It's a movie well worth watching if the opportunity is there but obviously by no means a must-see.6/10
BreanneB This movie is excellent! I loved it! It has everything, great acting, costumes, production, script, photography, directing, and a great storyline. I definitely give kudos to the cast, crew, and filmmakers for this two thumbs way up movie. 10 out of 10 stars.In this edge of your seat drama-thriller, a man whose son was convicted of first-degree murder and is now facing the death penalty, is convinced of his innocence. With that during the penalty phase of the trial he testifies for his son . But he loses his cool and gets out of control. He then takes the jury hostage in the deliberation room. He demands that the prosecuter, Ned Stark, (David Caruso), to find sufficient evidence to exonerate his son. If he finds it no one will die but if he doesn't then he will kill all of the jurors and anyone else who stands in his way.The truth is extremely surprising. It turns out that the victim was having an affair with the convicted killer, who was an employee at the company she worked at. It turns out that the husband caught them in the act and killed her. The convicted killer is exonerated and the husband is charged with her murder. Justice Is Served!
carole Deadlocked was a fast-paced, up-to-date TV movie which gave a realistic view of our criminal justice system. David Caruso and Charles Dutton were excellent in their portrayals of this system. David Caruso, as always, gave a superb performance!