R | 18 April 2009 (USA)
Deadland Trailers

In the radiation-infected aftermath of World War III, one man's desperate attempt to find his wife in the wastelands that were once the United States inspires his fellow survivors to fight for humanity. The bomb has dropped, and in the blink of an eye, America has been plunged back into the Stone Age. Money is worthless, food is scarce, and those who once thought they were fortunate to survive the initial attack are now slowly being consumed from the inside out, the victims of an all-consuming nuclear scourge. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Micitype Pretty Good
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Lomedin As my summary states, the beginning of this film creates a lot of expectation. OK, I am a fan of nuclear holocausts and post-apocalypse (or, well, used to be, since the latest releases -the book of eli, the road, deadland...- have been quite disappointing). This said, a quarter of an hour into the movie I found myself looking through the window instead of at the screen. The search of the man's woman becomes tedious, slow, boring and lacking action or direction. I like the Asian looking character who befriends him, although his weird attitude doesn't really save the film. Then I decided to watch it at double or triple the speed since I had a bad feeling of wasting my time. I set the speed back to normal towards the end, however the "climax" was nothing of sorts and the overall feeling when the end credits started to roll was that of what have I done with my life for the past hour. Considerable attempt that stayed in failure.
aaron_distortedreality I'm not sure the director, writers, actors, and crew really knew what they were trying to pull off here. thumbs up to the DP for a different over all look and feel, but its not original enough to separate it from other post apocalyptic films. this was little more then a "The Road" clone shot for thousands of dollars cheaper. the dry or highly overacted actors made me cringe more then the imminent danger and insanity of people left to survive the aftermath of such event. they don't seem to notice the currant situation of the destroyed world, other then some vague mentions of medication and the plague not hunger or radiation. its so over-dramatized in its flashback love story, but gives us nothing to find a connection with the characters so that we will care about their reunion. the cover of the DVD case delivers a different feel then what this movie even represents (main protagonist wearing a leather jacket, gloves and belt of shotgun shells wielding a sawed-off double barrel shotgun.) none of this ever is seen in the film. the protagonist never actually holds of fires a weapon at all. the reverse side of the DVD box has him firing an M-16 rifle, none such exist in the film. pictures of an abandoned city are seen on the cover and reverse. but the whole film is set in either the forests in Georgia or interiors set in L.A. Nevertheless this film is what is is, a low-budget version of "The Road" shaky at best. its bound to be some sort of low-budget cult movie.
Perry Bee Damn where do they get this crap from? Terrible acting, over used storyline, directed and filmed by nobody's, and poor William Kat, had not seen him for years, he must be short of cash. Overall very poor B grade stuff, and I would give it a zero if I could,and I am running out of things to write, this is so lame and tame and a waste of your viewing time. I will copy and paste the above as I just can't add to this horror of a film.Damn where do they get this crap from? Terrible acting, over used storyline, directed and filmed by nobody's, and poor William Kat, had not seen him for years, he must be short of cash. Overall very poor B grade stuff, and I would give it a zero if I could,and I am running out of things to write, this is so lame and tame and a waste of your viewing time. I will copy and paste the above as I just can't add to this horror of a film.
hoiair Deadland is proof that you don't need a big budget in order to tell a compelling post-apocalyptic tale. Sure, special effects may help depict the terror that will undo the world, but if it's a post-apocalyptic tale you're telling, the emphasis should be about what happens after t...( read more)he destruction. And this movie does so very well.Don't be fooled by its shoe-string budget or cast of unknown actors. The movie is full to the brim with great action, suspense and drama. The story of a man in search for his long-lost wife after the seeming decimation of society is a classic tale of overcoming adversity.It's no "Road Warrior" neither in it excitement nor originality, but I imagine this would have been a very successful big budget film had it ever gotten that chance, not great, but worth watching.