Dead of the Nite
Dead of the Nite
| 03 April 2013 (USA)
Dead of the Nite Trailers

When a group of ghost hunters investigate the infamous Jericho Manor, they soon realise it's not just ghosts that go bump in the night! As people get murdered, the survivors need to discover who or what's killing them before it's too late.

Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Paul Magne Haakonsen Sometimes it is a good idea to take heed and observe the low rating of a movie on IMDb as a clear indicator of not to watch this movie. However, I figured that I would still give "Dead of the Nite" a chance, especially since Tony Todd was in it.I shouldn't have taken the warning serious...This was one of the more boring, uneventful and pitiful horror movies that I have had the misfortune to bear witness to in a long, long time. And it didn't help the movie one inch that it was presented in a sort of 'found footage' way, you know with the questionable and shaky camera that is all over the place.Furthermore, it didn't really help the movie either that it had no proper and solid storyline to sell the movie. "Dead of the Nite" was a shallow husk of a movie trying to pass off as being a horror movie.The acting in this abysmal movie was questionable. Sure, some people were doing fair enough jobs, but they had next to nothing to work with. While others were just appalling to witness on the screen. And even Tony Todd seemed to have lost his mojo in this movie. He was there physically, but mentally he seemed a million miles away.I didn't even make it to the halfway point of the movie before I had to give up out of pure frustration, sheer boredom and complete disbelief that movie like this still find a way into production and more scarily so onto the market.There was nothing interesting about "Dead of the Nite", aside from the title. But even there they managed to mess it up; "Nite", seriously? They couldn't even be bothered to spell the word properly? If you enjoy a good horror movie, then "Dead of the Nite" is definitely not the movie for you. However, if you enjoy a movie with no purpose and no entertainment value, then by all means do check out "Dead of the Nite".I am forced to rate this movie a mere one out of ten stars. Stay well clear of this one, folks.
red-lion-1 I didn't expect too much from this movie due to the low budget but was pleasantly surprised. I felt some of the acting was very good (Stuart Boother in particular was believable, fun and his fight scene was great). Others were not so good...the policemen were wooden and overacted their hearts out! The story was a good concept and the twist was believable, if somewhat predictable. This movie has the great Tony Todd and he was great as to be expected and lent a gravitas to the scenes he was in. Is this the best horror ever? Well, no! But taking into account the budget I thought it was well-made, fun, generally well acted (Tony Todd and Stuart Boother in particular) and well worth a watch. Not a gore- fest but it didn't need to be!
Robert Clarke Just watched dead of the nite and really enjoyed it.Some great homages to some more well known movies, the story was original and had me guessing right up to the end. A decent cast includes Tony Todd who owns the screen as he does in every film he is in. Cicely Tennant is a good leading lady, really plays up her role as the "desperate to be famous" drama queen and it was nice to see a fleeting cameo from scream queen Suzi Lorraine.The film was made with a very small budget and gets a far too low mark from some on here so i'm giving it a ten as it deserves better recognition. Well done to all involved, I look forward to future projects.
Flow Dead of the nite! Well the audience sure was. Boring. Weak. Unoriginal.I get it, people wanna make horror, they wanna show what they can do with a micro-budget, so founds will gather and they can make something even bigger. Well, we all love the underdogs, but as said, they rarely manage to do something great. And this is not the case here: "Dead of the nite" is one boring movie, that looks more like an episode from a very cheap and cheesy "twilight zone" series to be honest. By the end of it, you will be quite disappointed, and angry cause you didn't look for anything better than this. Therefore,I'm here to give one precious advice: look elsewhere!A movie with quite a similar plot is "Evidence", and although some of its comments are just mean, hey, keep in mind the fact that is a B horror movie with a grade of over 5 on IMDb. Am telling you, horrors rarely get good grades here. So go in that direction, you'll thank me later.Cheers!