Dead Moon Rising
Dead Moon Rising
NR | 01 April 2007 (USA)
Dead Moon Rising Trailers

A mysterious disease overtakes the world, and the infected develop a hankering for human flesh. Jim and his fellow Cheapskate Car Rental clerks are oblivious to the changes going on right outside their door, until it literally gets right in their faces. Jim struggles with disgruntled customers, hordes of cannibals, the barely legal April, his certifiable ex-girlfriend Vix (the sexy "Terminatrix"), reconciling issues with his brother, an aversion to guns, and the "pants thing." Can Jim pull it together and rally Louisville's remaining bike gangs and defeat the infected hordes? Maybe with the help of 1000 rounds a minute minigun...

WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
ohsweetheartache The DVD cover is crazy awesome, so I thought I'd give it a chance. Unfortunately, the DVD cover was made with a hundred times more professionalism than the film it's self. The movie obviously had no budget, which is not a reason to condemn the movie. However, the skills (or lack of skills) of the director are reason enough.THE BAD: poor film quality (My personal digital cam looks sharper), dreadful and unflattering lighting in almost every shot, very poor editing (not nearly enough cutting), The musical score is both ridiculous and annoying (1976 called, it wants it's music back. PLEASE, lay off the synth !!!! ), sound is pathetic (background noise shifts from cut to cut, pulling you out the film, sound FX are too bad to even comment on), fight choreography is TERRIBLE, most of the jokes fall flat, Blood FX are poor (far to light, light pink isn't very threatening), worst of all is the Zombie make up (what's up with the yellow face paint?!?! If you put yellow face paint on someone, it doesn't look like a looks like a person wearing yellow face paint. Not scary, just stupid).THE GOOD: There are a few nuggets of goodness littered through out this calamity. While most of the cast cant act their way out a wet paper bag, there are a couple that display some talent (the character of Nick was likable). The suicide head shot looked good. While most of the jokes are just stupid and immature, I admit to busting a chuckle a couple times. I was impressed by the number of zombies. So kudos on the gathering such a vast amount of extras. Unfortunalty, the zombie extras were poorly directed and poorly instructed. When the undead mob is running past the camera, most of them lean at the camera (and actually look directly at it) as if trying to get their moment in the spotlight. The director should have done something about that.A note to the director: Take some film classes, read some books, watch some movies, take notes. Keep trying, you might someday figure out what you're doing. You obviously have tremendous drive, but that's not always enough.Not the worst Indy film I've ever seen....not by far. However, I can't call it good. I really WANT to like this movie, because it looks like such a labor of love. I'm a fan of gorilla film making, and I respect the film makers for their efforts in overcoming the lack of budget (and I do mean lack of ANY budget). Unfortunalty, the lack of skill and knowledge far outweigh the efforts. As I said in the beginning, the DVD cover is great. But remember, its the product (not the packaging) that you'll be judged on.
dakillo34 I loved this movie! It was probably one of the worst movies I've ever seen considering effects, props, camera, sound and general feel, and still I loved it!So if it is so bad, why did I love it? It's a standard clichè movie with flesh-eating zombies, so you already know the story of this movie. The internal organs that are being eaten look really cheap, and I even think I saw a string of sausages somewhere in the mess... You can clearly see a difference in image-quality throughout the different cuts. You can clearly hear that sound-effects have been added, because they sound really cheap. Cutting seems a bit weird at times... So why did I love this movie??It is clear that this movie had a low budget, but it was VERY WELL made despite this fact! Most of the actors are doing a very descent job, many of their comments made me laugh out loud and fall off my chair, the women are beautiful, and the constant weird twists throughout the movie are actually a bit interesting! All the shortcomings (bad effects, sounds etc..) actually added to the experience in a strange way, setting a special atmosphere throughout the movie. All that put together (and being able to look past the rough surface this movie very noticeably carries) left me feeling slightly impressed and very entertained. This movie is WELL WORTH WATCHING all the way through!If you didn't like Bad Taste, then you will likely dislike this movie. But with the right sense of humor and an open mind (as stated in a few other comments as well), you will with no doubt love almost every minute of this movie!In conclusion, this movie isn't for everyone, but it proves that entertainment doesn't need a budget!
Martin Saulis what an awful movie. save yourself the time. read a book. take a shower. from the first titles I saw it was the kind of TV movies - made with a semi-amateur camera, lots of crappy acting and stupid synthesized soundtracks. and I was correct!why do people make such stupid movies? why do people act in such stupid movies? one of the worst movies I skipped (yes, I started watching it, though couldn't last long - the music and the acting took over me). it's the one of the American amateur movies - I suppose we could call it a category. exceptionally crappy operator, lightning, sound job, grim, script etc. everything in this movie is of exceptionally low quality. or no quality at all.the worst of the worst.
laserdragon I won't say this is the worst film ever (I've seen Dark harvest 2) but in spite of the fact that it was made in my hometown, I can't give it a glowing review either. I kept having to stretch my sense of the believable a little too far in order to accept certain scenes (especially one where the bikers and monsters meet in the supposedly "deserted" city, while you can see a busy intersection up the road.However, the women were pretty hot, and the movie sometimes came off a little bit humorously, which I understand was the point - so I will give it a halfway decent grade. But this movie is probably a lot better if you've had a little to drink first.