Day of Wrath
Day of Wrath
R | 27 June 2006 (USA)
Day of Wrath Trailers

At the height of the Spanish Inquisition, high-ranking noblemen begin dropping like flies, with alarming frequency and unexplained violence. But can local 16th-century sheriff Ruy de Mendoza discern who's responsible when no one wants to cooperate? After all, before Mendoza can even identify the bodies, the crime scenes are mysteriously cleared - and the villagers pretend the murders never happened.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
funkydvd I'm not sure where people are coming from when critiquing this movie. One review sounds like a group of frat boys rented it to make fun of and were disappointed that it wasn't funny? It's a costume/period piece about the Spanish inquisition! What are people expecting? Action? Comedy? This movie moves very slowly in parts, but it is simply telling its story. You've got to be patient to watch a movie about the Spanish inquisition in the first place, so be forewarned. Other than that, Lambert gives a good performance, the costumes are excellent. I love the little twists and turns.Is it suspenseful? No. Is it supposed to be? I never got the idea that it was. I guess the bottom line is: What are your expectations of a movie before you watch it? If you go into it with none, then you are a lot better off. This movie doesn't fit a lot of people's expectations, but that doesn't make it a bad movie. In fact, what I liked about it was that it doesn't fit into the normal American movie genres of: action, comedy, buddy movie etc. I was actually pleasantly surprised by the stark beauty of many shots and could accept its low-budget shortcomings because the story and acting were good enough for me to enjoy.
smoore-39 There is a reasonably interesting, albeit implausible, concept behind Day of Wrath (which I cannot reveal without spoiling the plot). Unfortunately the film fails to deliver much beyond this. 16th century Spain is potentially a very rich background for a film (and is vital component of this film's plot), but the producers of Day of Wrath have made virtually no attempt to localise the film. Just about the only thing discernibly Spanish about the film, apart from the actress Blanca Marsillach, was a leg of ham which appeared briefly in a single scene. Some viewers might be able to suspend their disbelief, but it was impossible for me to ignore the fact that this film was obviously made on a low budget in Hungary. It didn't help that the film's producers were lumbered with a leading man who can't act and a director/script-writer who lacked imagination. Oh wait, one of the producers was the leading man! That explains it. This was a vanity project for Christopher Lambert. Some of the cast put in convincing performances (Brian Blessed, Phylidda Law) and others did their best with very one-dimensional characters (Blanca Marsillach, James Faulkner, Szonja Oroszlan). But Christoper Lambert just failed to engage the audience with any sympathy for his character, and his voice - possibly an attempt at a Spanish accent - was just atrocious. To be fair, the director did manage to input a certain degree of atmosphere and suspense into some of the scenes (despite the presence of Lambert). But towards the end of the film the gratuitous use of blood and gore was completely over-the-top. Neither did the naked breasts do anything to advance the plot. I sense that the director needed to make use of an underemployed special effects expert, and felt that as two of his actresses had shapely mammaries he might as well display them. The only real credit goes to the Hungarian actors for doing their best in a foreign language - especially Lukács Bicskey who played the Hungarian mercenary. Why he had to play a Hungarian beggars belief when his English was delivered perfectly (a pity he couldn't have taught Lambert a thing or two about delivering in English).
gazebo This movie takes place in Spain during the horrible Spanish Inquisition. Nobles are being murdered horribly and letters are carved into the corpses' chests. The sheriff, a good and decent man (played by Lambert) tries to find out who killed these nobles. The sheriff is met by resistance from the inquisitor and even his own boss (played by Brian Blessed) when he tries to uncover this murder mystery. Eventually, the sheriff realizes that these murders are connected to his family history and he must act quickly to save his life and the lives of his family.I love the look of this film. It is a costume drama and a murder mystery and it takes place during a particularly horrible time in Spain's history.The acting is very good. Congratulations to all the actors in this film, they've really outdid themselves. Christopher Lambert actually does a really decent job in this film and for the first time, I'm watching this guy actually act and not go on auto-pilot. The plot of this film is extremely intriguing and I greatly respect a film that still makes me think after the movie is long over.This is a beautiful looking film and a good mystery, though I must warn some viewers that some of the murders are extremely graphic but it is not gratuitous violence as it is central to the story.Absolutely worth viewing, maybe even worth viewing more than once.
whynot_joek An awful script and terrible direction saved only by some decent local and imported actors. Lambert is fine but not given much to work with. Most of the time he seems to have the same slightly puzzled look on his face. Blessed, Faulkner and Law do the character work that they do best and the director should be glad to have had them in. Local Hungarian actors, including Szonja Oroszlany do solid work as well proving that the country has real talent available. Would have been good to see newcomer Ben O'Brien more in the role as Lamert's deputy. Unfortunately, the script sinks the boat and viewers don't have any time to develop a relationship with the characters much less care about any of them. Quick-pace editing means that the whole story moves much too fast.