G | 08 June 1991 (USA)
Darrow Trailers

The life and career of Clarence Darrow, the noted American lawyer and civil libertarian.

Supelice Dreadfully Boring
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
mandini63-208-358478 Cannot praise this film enough, Kevin Spacey was brilliant. I had never heard of Clarence Darrow. What a man , he was a Charles Dickens, he showed the courts how to be merciful.He changed so much of the laws , about black people , the union s etc . This is a must watch. First class film.I am going to read up about his writings, and find out more about this fascinating person.My husband and I were truly mesmerized , it captured the era. Its a shame they didn't make two films. What Darrow achieved was hardly touched on.
Jaqsny0562 This is my all time favorite movie. You must help fight for those who are placed into the spots of weakness in our society. And death is never the answer!!!!! Even for the most hideous crimes. Forget Usual Suspects and American Beauty --this is Spacey at his best!! Mr Darrow was a man that fought for what we take for granted today in this country. Watch this movie and you will appreciate what we today see as common laws. A movie like this will help us never forget the pain and suffering people like Mr. Darrow were willing to endure to offer future generations a better life. I recently visited the poor villages of a third world country and this movie came to mind as I saw many people who live without basic protections from exploitation. It is movie choices like this that have made me a Spacey Fan for life. Jackie
Theo Robertson I saw this on DVD; " Another breathtaking performance from the Oscar winning star of American Beauty . Kevin Spacey is Darrow " screamed the DVD cover . Turning the case over Kevin Spacey`s resume is the most prominent feature pointing out all he films he`s won awards for . Ironically for a true life film about truth and justice and law the DVD case doesn`t point out that DARROW is a TVM from 1991 when Kevin Spacey wasn`t a household name in his own household . Slightly naughty in my opinion to market this DVD as a sort of star vehicle for one of Hollywood`s biggest stars But as TVMs go this is pretty good . The production values are good as we see horsedrawn carriages traveling through the streets of America a hundred years ago . But as you may expect DARROW does suffer from a few flaws . First of all there`s maybe too many court cases involved to do them all justice . For example the McNamara bombing case and its consequences seems to have enough time dedicated to it , but the Eugene Debs case would have benefitted from more screentime while the summing up of the infamous Leopold / Loeb case takes up more screen time than the case itself , while the scopes monkey trial " My father`s most famous case " isn`t shown onscreen and is relegated to a voice over . Secondly Spacey seems to be sleep walking through most of the film . He`s by no means a bad actor but I do find him slightly overrated and in DARROW I failed to find much indication of star quality . Best acting performance is by Chris Cooper ( Yes that one ) an actor who`s as underrated as Spacey is overrated .All in all a good TVM . If you`re a Spacey fan you`ll certainly like DARROW. If you`re not a Spacey fan you`ll still find positive points . Just remember that it`s a TVM made before Spacey was famous and you won`t be disappointed
lunarbeauty Wow, a Spacey film with no reviews. I picked this one up from a pirate seller here in Shanghai. It's pretty good. It's got that made-for-TV feel, which is a bit distracting, but with its obviously modest budget it turns in a decent performance -- though the voice-over by the protagonist's son is largely superfluous.Spacey plays (the historical) Clarence Darrow, who turns from a meek early 20thC corporate lawyer into a champion of justice for the poor and downtrodden. Spacey nicely captures Darrow's growing surety and nuanced reaction to his growing fame. The resulting break-up of Darrow's marriage, however, is dealt with somewhat incoherently, though the aftermath of the break-up is tackled with more gusto.The surrounding cast turn in a workmanlike performance, though there's a hint of evil-baron-twirling-moustache to some of the villains, and too much `ard -working `onesty to the poor folk (sort of Goody Blake and Harry Gill)Darrow's rise was followed by a sharp fall; this too is covered pretty well. But his most famous case, The Scopes Trial, which was the one I most wanted to see (Spacey getting his teeth into the absurd christians) is not covered, merely voiced by his son. I'm not sure if that's a cop-out or quite admirable (cf. the son's voice-over ``The Scopes Trial, the one which everyone remembers him for..'').Thus the film closes with Darrow's return to notoriety, trying to save a pair of murders the death sentence. This calls for the lawyer-film favorite, the barnstormer speech. It's a trope ripe for melodrama, but Spacey sees the trap and sidesteps it. The make-up (Darrow's now elderly) is a bit ropey, it's true -- but that's no impediment to the actor. None of your cocksure lawyer here; he's half-broken, half-unsure, passionate but querulous. Nor is the speech wrapped up in a couple of paragraphs; it's a lengthy, judicious affair, Spacey dominating the scene entirely.In all, well worth a punt.