Darkness Falls
Darkness Falls
| 27 August 1999 (USA)
Darkness Falls Trailers

With his pregnant wife at death's door after a car crash, desperate husband John Barrett invades the home of Mark Driscoll and his rich, neglected wife Sally. He holds the couple hostage in order to understand the events that led to his wife ending up in a coma.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
artie412 I enjoyed this movie despite two problems: First, the damned synopsis tells far too much and ruins a nice surprise.Secondly, I was dissatisfied with the ending. . . you'll see why.But the acting, and the general story was excellent. I especially appreciated the arc of the Sherilyn Fenn character, and totally believed it! This is rare, as often it is forced. But the circumstances of this story called for it. Also, Ray Winstone shows his range here (see Sexy Beast for the other end of the spectrum).Darkness Falls could just as well have been stage play, and a good one at that. Give it a shot.
rrnovak My insomnia came in handy as I watched this movie in the early hours. This is a wonderful movie. It is like watching a play, which I like, so the movie depends upon the quality of the actors. The three main actors were well-cast. The acting of Sherilyn Fenn and Ray Winstone were extraordinary.The plot gave me chills, especially the ending. The baby was a nice touch, especially with Sally Driscoll holding her, but seeing the conniving husband get his due was the best part.Okay, so I related to the plot personally. I'm not rich, but I did have a husband who tried to put my house up for collateral for his debts. And he was a womanizer.This is a movie for our time. It exposes what the modern marriage relationship has become, or can become. I expect that faithless spouses will not like this film and find it unnerving. Spouses on the other side of the coin will be intrigued.
bluerob Another superb performance from the versatile Mr Winstone in this thrilleresque tale of a man who holds a well off couple as hostage to nobody but themselves. Not your usual tough guy role from Ray - he manages to leave the viewer thinking as to how far off the rails is he going to go. The three main characters (Winstone, Sherilyn Fenn and Tim Dutton) hold your attention throughout the main plot, which mainly occurs in the same room. There is a bit of a sub-plot that doesn't really add to the drama but just makes you ask the question "what's that all about" until all is revealed at the very end. Was obviously filmed on a limited budget but comes across as fairly stylish from an independent film company - possibly running out of the Isle of Mann judging by the location. My only real criticism is that the other "names" in the cast have mere walk on parts that are really no longer than a couple of minutes on the screen. Final summary - well worth watching but don't expect a fast action movie. Sit back and think about it!
jughead-2 This had quite a low budget ($3m) and it shows. Right from the wonky opening credits to the ending that comes about an hour too late, the film smacks of amateurism.The plot is a good idea (man's wife dies in car crash after having an affair. Husband seeks out adulterous bloke who escaped car crash and terrorises him and HIS wife), and the ending is satisfying, if a little obvious.But, the direction and sets try to look Hitchcockian, but look like a pastiche of late-70's/early-80's tv series, Tales of the Unexpected.US funded, but British set, this could have been as good an effort as other recent Brit-pics (see Lock, Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels). Unfortunately, it's not. Despite, good acting (especially from Ray Winstone) it looks like it was made for TV, and could have easily been fitted into one hour instead of two.