A Disappointing Continuation
Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Yes, absolutely, there is fun to be had, as well as many, many things to go boom, all amid an atmospheric urban jungle.
Nigel P
'Vampire foreplay almost stretched to feature length,' is my favourite description of this film. It is so apt, I had to share it.Having sat through a couple of mainstream horror films recently and desperately wanted them to end, my faith in this genre has been well and truly enlivened by this sloooow slow-burner that documents a lonely woman Virginia (Mora Recalde) visited by her cousin Anabel (Romina Paula), who is reportedly recovering from an illness.Anabel is virtually somnambulistic much of the time and actually asleep for the rest of the day, but comes to life at night, leaving the sprawling house and making for the neighbouring forest and woodlands. The two cousins do have moments where they converse and become close, however, none more teasingly demonstrated than when they are drinking and dancing to music played on crackling old vinyl LPs. Director Martin Desalvo concentrates mainly on their eyes, the way Anabel coyly glances at her cousin, providing the suggestion of sensuality (which is expanded upon later).The setting here is utterly wonderful. Virginia's beautiful old fashioned country home, the tangle of trees nearby, the rolling, sighing skies and the thrashing sea beyond create a tantalising outland in which Virginia exists, far away from society. The accompanying amenities are threadbare and desolate and makes her seclusion even more enviable.This isn't a production that will please everyone; I love leisurely paced films with lots of atmosphere – and this has it in abundance. No CGI in sight. In fact, the night scenes were filmed during the day and filtered, not that you would notice (maybe that's why the translation of its title is 'Darkness by Day??'). And here's the thing – this Argentine film has no subtitles. I could not understand dialogue scenes, other than by the gestures – and I still enjoyed it.
Yesterday a saw EDTO in BARS festival, and it's a nicely done movie, with great visuals and atmosphere, but without any passion at all; maybe it's because of the wooden acting from the two girls and specially from the two males characters that are so bad! they speak as kids from a school play, telling their lines with no emotion and almost in a robotic way... so you have a great location near the sea, a beautiful house with a somber forest nearby, excellent visual and audio effects, and a very interesting story: a girl living with her father in this country house receive an unexpected guest: her ill cousin, a gorgeous brunette that, as she gets better, escape to the forest every night and... I'm not gonna tell you but there will be blood, dark secrets, girls play... all these promising ideas go away because of the wooden acting, the lack of passion or chemistry between the two girls (specially a key scene in the film, that involve the two girls kissing each other, my god I kiss my mother in the cheek with more passion!) and a poor ending; so this is a 5 mostly for the atmosphere and visuals...