Dark Rising
Dark Rising
R | 23 August 2009 (USA)
Dark Rising Trailers

A weekend camping trip turns into a frantic fight against the supernatural when an ancient demon and a fearsome female warrior bring their eternal battle into the present day. Jason Parks is trying to win back his ex-fiancee, Jasmine, by arranging a camping trip with the lost love in question, his best friend, Ricky, and their witchcraft-obsessed friend, Renee. Little does Jack realize that Jasmine has switched teams--these days she's more interested in seducing Renee than marrying the man she once loved. But lately Renee's been having horrible dreams about Summer Vale, a little girl who vanished without a trace 20 years ago. When Renee attempts to contact Summer's spirit, she inadvertently opens an interdimensional portal and unleashes a vicious demon. Fortunately for the frightened campers, a grown-up, sword-wielding Summer manages to get through the portal as well, and sets out to slay the malevolent hell-spawn.

HeadlinesExotic Boring
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
SnoopyStyle As a girl, Summer Vale witnesses her father attacked by dark forces. She is taken by those dark forces into a brutal S&M existence. Jason Parks is organizing a trip with brutish friend Ricky. Marlene brings along his ex Jasmine as her lesbian partner. Renee uses her natural skills, a magic book, and a special place to call upon Summer Vale.This is straight up B-movie territory. It's better than most but it's still bad. The dialogue is clunky and cheesy. It's not quite bad enough to be funny. Jason's jokey tones do not work. The lead is a bad actor. Why would Summer's childhood home still exist in pristine condition after 20 years? The demon design is a mess. The acting is mostly B-level. It is curiously watchable but lacks any goodness.
davis2000 The actors in this movie did try and it shows, but the script and story were just awful. The brief nude scenes (topless girls x 2) were very gratuitous but the lesbian scene was totally unnecessary since one of the girls is killed soon after.The humor is lame but they do try to lighten things up. The story is convoluted and vapid with a blend of science and witchcraft and nonsense. At one point the "scientist" father reads words that make an incantation and open a dimensional portal. Uh-huh. That's right up there with the spaceship in Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls which added a redundant dimensional portal. This is more forgivable as it's clearly done on a tiny budget but if you're mixing magic with science try to make it a little bit sensible and have a witch do the magic and let the scientist do science.The acting isn't terrible but it's very uneven. The girls are all attractive and fairly sympathetic but I wanted to turn into a beast to kill both of the male actors. One is so pathetic and clingy he's hard to take, the other starts at the other extreme but turns coward at the end. And the ending. Wow. Build sympathy for the mousy girl only to have her neck broken in an instant and never seen again. The coward somehow gains fighting skills to take on the warrior girl who has honed her skills in the other dimension for most of her life. Yet he beats her down. Finally the wimp and warrior girl get re-united and somehow a bunch of freaky vigilantes show up out of nowhere to help out...and then it ends. I'm really hoping they don't plan on a sequel, the flashes of talent that came through here should be put to better use than continuing this story.The music tended to be too loud and didn't fit too well but it was the highlight of the movie I'm afraid. I might have missed some finer points because I watched parts of it on fast-forward on my DVR as it was just painful to listen to the dialog.
mergatroid-1 Don't believe the main review here. Obviously that person has only ever seen two movies in their life, and this was the better one.This movie has:Bad Acting (what would you expect from a wrestler?) Bad script Bad production values Poor story Poor musicEverything that can make a movie bad, this movie has. If you see this movie in the bargain bin at your local big box store, I recommend you scream like a little girl and run away to a different store.If you are contemplating committing suicide then go ahead and watch this movie first. It will push you over the edge.
commonwealthofcanada Dark Rising is your typical bad, obviously quickly produced horror/sci-fi/fantasy movie. It has a strange, unexplained plot with holes so big you could fit an elephant through them. Most of the time I didn't know what the hell was going on but it didn't really matter, it was a simple demon hunter returns from hell dimension to save campers story with confusing stuff added on about witches and a book of evil with plot elements and characters who make no sense or disappear totally for no reason. The acting is bad but there honestly is not much they can do with this script I am guessing. There is a couple topless scenes which is probably the only reason this bad movie got made (like so many other bad movies). Give this one a pass unless there is nothing else on T.V.