Dark Desire
Dark Desire
| 23 November 2012 (USA)
Dark Desire Trailers

A young man desperate to be connected to the people close to him resorts to devious measures to achieve that desire

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
satch58 I watched this movie because it was the only movie accessible where I was. The plot was very shallow, acting very wooden, and the script stilted. Predictable story. The characters were all as bad as each other, and the car chase scenes were rubbish. It seemed far too easy to take the patient home from the hospital---no papers signed, and a paid-off ambulance escort, I realize it's a "work" of fiction, but there was no believable basis, made worse by the poor acting and production. I do recommend that you waste your time, as I did.I don't know whether it had a release into a theatre, but it should have been a straight to TV movie.
ricey58 Dreadful movie, rotten script, wooden acting. It looks cheap and was obviously made quickly. Even the make-up looks amateurish. The key scene involving an "accident" has an hilarious stunt dummy in it. That dummy puts in the single best performance. Even the props get in on the awfulness: there is a wonderfully bad moment when a very, very bad actor gets whacked on the head with a fake bottle of vodka by another bad actor.If it is raining outside, your wifi is down, you have no books to read, no chores to do, nobody in the house to talk to, no dog to walk, no tax return to file and no car to wash then I guess it might be worth giving up a couple of hours of your life. Otherwise, don't bother.
alannasser We all know about Lifetime movies -or should I say Lifetime movie? These are variations on the same movie, which can admittedly take a (small) number of forms. Perhaps the most typical of these is the apparently ordinary but actually deranged individual who insinuates him- or herself into a family of innocents. Frequently the sicko will exploit an existing tension within the family for his/her own dastardly ends. Well, this is indeed what happens in this movie. But the similarity to a typical Lifetime movie pretty much ends there. This is no Anne Carlucci or Pierre David production. Nor is it directed by the ubiquitous, unimaginative, lifeless Douglas Jackson. Nor is the narrative punctuated with the characters' wholesome, sentimental, heartwarming chuckles. The film is directed with a sense of style, the actors are far above the level of mediocrity afflicting virtually all Lifetime actors, the camera work is relatively polished, the pacing and tempo never drag and the film is cut professionally. Armand Mastroianni is no star director, but he's way better than any of Lifetime's stable of inert "talents". What prevents Lifetime from turning out something like this more than every 3 or 4 years? A restricted budget? An obsession with low-budget Canadian dreck? Probably something along those lines. Lifetime would surely broaden its audience were it to look to put together more movies of this calibre. Make no mistake, Dark Desire is not a first-rate film. But it's got a polish and professionalism entirely lacking in just about every other of the network's products. It starkly underscores the low-rent, shallow and amateurish quality of most everything else Lifetime has tossed our way. It's time to put Carlucci and David out to pasture.
bastianb7097 This aired on the Lifetime Movie Network in late November, and wow! If I blinked, I might have missed it. So glad I recorded it to my DVR, as this was a FANTASTIC thriller! I'm rating it a 10 based on Television/Cable movie standards, but now that I think about it, this is a great movie even by theatrical standards! The acting was solid, the plot was fast paced and engrossing, while the tension was realistic. And there was also quite a bit of man candy, enough to satisfy those on BOTH sides of the fence. I agree wholeheartedly with the other reviewers (the 3 dated before mine) and highly recommend this as a great romantic suspense thriller. Look for it in your local TV listings as I believe it will rerun soon (as of December 2012). Lifetime has been cranking out some excellent movies over the past several years, and while some are turkeys, there are more than a few that are above average. This one is at the top of my list for 2012!