Dark Descent
Dark Descent
R | 06 August 2002 (USA)
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Deep in the Mariana Sea Trench, a corporate underwater mining complex has been built - an industrial Atlantis. When an accident in a dry-dock chamber kills several miners an investigator is sent to find the cause and immediately finds out that it was not an accident. He becomes caught in the middle of a deadly conflict between the miners and the corporation, and fights to stay alive and uncover the truth.

Titreenp SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Sharkflei Your blood may run cold, but you now find yourself pinioned to the story.
Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin The movie really just wants to entertain people.
vchimpanzee Marshal Will Murdock is the "top cop" of a $375 billion facility referred to as a "plant", so deep under the ocean that a leak would cause six tons of water pressure per square inch. It is so big a train carries people from one sector to another. Most of the men who work there are miners; we see them working in an "excavation unit". TransGlobal wants to keep the miners down there for months at a time, so they are given the drug Xyloban to help them cope with the isolation.At the start of the movie, Will is in a gunfight with Vladimir and his friends. Almost on his own, Will defeats Vladimir.Four years later, Will is given a party to celebrate what a good job he has done making this place safe.But Vladimir is out of prison and he's comin' in on the noon transport. Everyone thinks Will should leave, but when he refuses no one wants to help him. In fact, they bet on whether he can defeat Vladimir again. There is no clock, but on screen we occasionally see the time.Will has another problem. Nine people have committed suicide in the past month, and Will suspects something is wrong with the Xyloban.Meanwhile, Will's ex-girlfriend Bin is with Niles, who resents that Will didn't recommend him for a promotion.Dean Cain occasionally shows signs of the charm and sense of humor he had as Clark Kent/Superman, along with the heroic qualities of that character. But most of the time, he's not nearly as good. I will say he has one scene that is really worth seeing. How can I say this without it being a spoiler? I know. The other character in the scene wears contact lenses.The actors playing Vladimir, Dr. Petrov and Bin give worthwhile performances, but there's not really that much here.There is some excitement--in fact, a lot of action toward the end--and a little violence, but it is not too graphic.The writers obviously have a sense of humor--emergency announcements, such as a warning to evacuate, are always followed by "Thank you for using TransGlobal", as if everyone is flying on an airplane or something. This is repeated numerous times in the space of about 10 minutes, although most of that time the audience doesn't really hear it. You won't believe what is happening the last time this expression is used.I suppose it is an okay movie, but certainly no classic. Not like the one that is suggested by Vladimir's return.
whpratt1 For some reason, I got the wrong conception that is film was really going to be an under water thriller and not turn into a complete Merry-go-round of people running from one place to another and shooting up the place like an old time Western. Dean Cain(Will Murdock), played a plastic cop who tried to keep law and order as a Marshall and tried to obtain help among the crew, and what do you think happened? All I can say about this film is that Dean Cain did his very best to keep this film together. However, there was a brief scene where a gal grinds herself up and down a pole for the men's enjoyment and that was probably a HIGH LIGHT to the film. Avoid, if you want to!
cosmicnut Most people that have some regard for sci-fi will have seen the classic Outworld with Sean Connery. This is basically a made for TV (or so it seemed) rip off. It certainly no classic and unfortunately does not have the charm of the original space based version. That said.. It does have it's tense moments and some well executed special effect and action shots. Don't expect too much as the budget obviously wasn't a record breaker, but it does well with what it has.Dean Cain is well, Dean Cain and you do spend the first five minutes of the film (as you do a lot of his other TV work) waiting for him to rip open his shirt to reveal the Superman logo. But that's our problem!If your bored and there's nothing else on the TV, grab a beer and give this a go
Jake_barnes Listen, if you're looking for Academy-Award consideration, go away! The deal with this film is this: it's entertaining, and fun, and the cast is fun to watch. If you're awake at 2am, and you've got nothing else happening, it's mindless entertainment and fun to watch. If anyone tries to go any deeper than that, you're an idiot. View this movie for what it is... mindless entertainment, and enjoy! Some films are made for a small budget, but the message and the story is clear... this one is a can't miss... Dean Cain "Out of Time" is always great to watch, and Hristo Shopov is as solid as he was in "Passion of the Christ." Enjoy!!