Daphne & Velma
Daphne & Velma
G | 29 April 2018 (USA)
Daphne & Velma Trailers

Before their eventual team-up with Scooby and the gang, bright and optimistic Daphne and whip-smart and analytical Velma are both mystery-solving teens who are best friends but have only met online - until now. Daphne has just transferred to Velma's school, Ridge Valley High, an incredible tech-savvy institute with all the latest gadgets provided by the school's benefactor, tech billionaire Tobias Bloom. And while competition is fierce among the students for a coveted internship at Bloom Innovative, Daphne and Velma dig beyond all the gadgets and tech to investigate what is causing some of the brightest students in school to disappear - only to emerge again in a zombie-fied state.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
sxcsag This is a great little movie for any kid who likes technology and a mystery. My 8 year old daughter loved it and wanted to go to the school with the cool gadgets. Please be warned, it has nothing to do with Scooby-Doo, hence the name of the movie. Please do not watch it with the idea of the "Gang" because you will be disappointed. However, if you like cute movies with impressive gadgets and funny one-liners...this is it. Great for girls of any age, but boys might not be so impressed. In any event, we loved it!!!
brandonrhewitt Its such a good film very funny at times, definitely looking forward to see how this part of the universe goes, amazing acting, don't listen to the haters there just boring people who can never be happy so they just diss anything and everything
Paul Magne Haakonsen I sat down to watch this movie with my 8 year old son, whom is a big fan of Scooby Doo and the Mystery Gang.Let's just say that he left after about 15 minutes of suffering through the torture method that is known as "Daphne & Velma", while I managed to endure 45 minutes of this garbage.Right, well there was so many things wrong with this.First, the movie was lacking a proper storyline and seemed like director Suzi Yoonessi was given no limitations and just put together a series of random segments here and there. Sarah Jeffery, playing Daphne, looked nothing like the cartoon character in any way, except for their hair color, and it didn't help that she was stumbling through what were supposed to pass as being acting. Sarah Gilman, playing Velma, fared little better in the acting department, but at least they made her look very much like the cartoon character.The characters in the movie were one-dimensional cardboard cut out figures that offered absolutely nothing to the storyline. And they were so irrelevant that you didn't even bother about them in any way."Daphne & Velma" was also hindered by an abysmal set of dialogue. Wow, it was such a pain to listen to.According to the synopsis, then this movie was supposed to take place before the gang all got together to form the Mystery Gang. Right, well plausible enough. But no! Then the movie should be set in the time according to prior to the first Scooby Doo episode, which it clearly was not if you look at all the gadgets and technology in the movie. That was just a downright horrible flaw to the movie. Sure, they attempted to appeal to the audience today, but good luck getting the youngsters to raise their heads from their phones and tablets long enough to get any interest in this derailed movie project.This movie was a swing and an atrocious miss. Not going to bother coming back to this. In fact, I will pretend I never saw those God awful 44 minutes and not let it taint my view on the legacy of Scooby Doo and the Mystery Gang.
the_platinum_dragon The word dross was invented with movies like this in mind. It was a good idea in practice and with the Scooby Doo link, should have been an easy solid 5 star movie, or at least be entertaining to children. Unfortunately it was neither of those 2 things. My children, ranging in age between 3 and 14, disliked this movie more than me and wandered off thoroughly bored not even half way through. And thats the main problem with this film, it doesn't seem to know who it's aiming itself at. Too mature for small children and far too boring and uninteresting for teenagers. It starts off irritatingly sugary sweet, like those aweful disney children's entertainment series, where everything's so cutesy and gender/race neutral. Daphne is now Latino at a guess (with a bad ginger wig), her mom's black and her dad's white... Regardless of race though, I found all three characters were poor choices for their roles and were all mildly irritating at best (Welma doesn't fare much better). I originally rated this movie 1 star before I'd finished watching it, but to it's credit the second half was much better than the first, so I upped the rating to reflect this. My advice would be to avoid altogether or just skip the first half, even then your children wont find it very interesting still, this film adds nothing to the Scooby Doo universe, infact it probably lowered it's stock considerably. A chance sadly missed.