Danger Lights
Danger Lights
| 09 January 1931 (USA)
Danger Lights Trailers

Head railroad man Dan is as ugly as he is honorable. When he spots a drifter who'd hopped a freight held up by a landslide, Dan offers the man a job; then he finds the man was a railroader, too, and takes him under his wing. Engaged to Mary, Dan doesn't notice the growing attraction between his protégé and his intended but focuses instead on running the railroad.

Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
atarmstrong Being a fourth generation railroader, and also a fourth generation railroad engineer, i found the movie very interesting, and by accident as it was stored away on an old beta tape in my grandfathers attic. It was simply wrote with the words "Danger Lights" 1930 railroad movie. Well that got me thinking about what was on it. So i dug around for the player but was told by my dad that it was long gone so i looked at local garage sales and such and finally found one off of ebay to actually watch the movie. I still do not know when the movie was recorded to the beta tape, sometime in the mid to late 70's as I'm 39 and remember the beta tapes but don't remember when they actually came out, all i know is that the VHS tape replaced them and later the DVD.Since the movie was filmed in 1930 as the opening showed the RKO pictures and the date, i was like i'm probably not going to like this. Well right off there is a rock slide and all hell breaks loose as the superintendent fights to get his railroad open for traffic and even forcing hobo's to work towards that goal and taking one of the hobo's under his arm so to speak and the movie takes off from there. I was amazed by both the picture quality and, for the first in Hollywood how a railroad really operates. All the main positions were there, either part of the regular cast or as extras, like the Superintendent, General Manager, Trainmaster, Train Dispatcher, Roundhouse Foreman, even the Train order clerk was cast into the movie. Most Hollywood films have the conductor or engineer type running the whole railroad, far from the fact.Even they have a boss who answers to a boss who answers to a boss so on an so forth. My only problem was the hundred mile an hour run to save the supers life at the end after getting hit by an express passenger train. The intentions were good since i'm sure the railroad hospital was the only one around and Chicago being the main hospital they had to get him there in a short time. No engineer would climb out the window going a 100 mph to cool off a overheated wheel bearing and keep going, they would have stopped repacked it re oiled it and then kept going, that would have been believable. But i will say it payed homage to a time when railroads were the king of industry and transportation. Even today we haul over 38 percent of the nations tonnage, with the rest belonging to the trucking, barge and pipeline industry and over 150 years later we are still considered a monopoly, and have what is generally referred to as legacy contracts, some of the oldest contracts between two businesses in the U.S.A.I grew up hearing about the steam engines that my Dad( in his early years on the railroad 1948-1957 retired in 1995) and grandfather (1920-1957 retired 1974) great grandfather( 1892 till he retired 1933) and great great grandfather ( 1878 till he retired in 1925)operated across the very rails that i operate todays most advanced dash 9's and 90 MAC diesel locomotives on. And this movie gave me a look into what it was like to be a railroader then, when the chances of getting killed on the job was higher than retiring from it. For anyone who loves trains this is a must see.
bigboy3272 I have stood near the spot that the film crew was filming the scene where the speeding train carrying the injured Dan Thorn is crossing the Missouri river. It was Lombard Mt..There is absolutely nothing left of the town. The funny thing is that the train is speeding WEST to get to Chicago. Rare scenes of "Big Hook" steam crane in action, and Eagle Nest tunnel, where as soon as you come out of the tunnel you are on top of a high bridge.This movie was not filmed in Hollywood but on location in western Montana where not much has changed since the movie was made except the removal of the rails on the Milwaukie Road.All in all excellent vintage railroad movie.
movingpicturegal Entertaining yarn about tough railroad man Dan Thorn (Louis Wolheim), really quite a decent guy in spite of his rough exterior - he seems to help all around him, including his sweet and pretty girlfriend Mary (Jean Arthur) and her father. A new guy recently down-on-his-luck, Larry Doyle, comes to work at the rail yard, thanks to Dan - but when Larry meets Mary - sparks fly. But Mary wants to remain loyal to Dan, who apparently has taken care of her and her father since she was a child - not to mention her dad is completely gung-ho for her to marry Dan.This is a very good film, with interesting plot line and exciting action scenes, plus lots of well-done, scenic shots of the running trains and railroad yards filmed on location. Louis Wolheim is an appealing actor, I have enjoyed his performance in every film I have seen of his. The romance between Mary and Larry is well played out by the two actors and comes across as realistic. A strong, engaging film, well worth seeing.
eojohnsonww2 I taped the movie from TV broadcast about 15 years ago. My wife saw the movie being filmed in Miles City, Montana ( 8 years old at that time ) She and her older sister and parents were thrilled to see Jean Arthur in person. I liked the railroad scenes. Jean Arthur has long been a favorite of mine. I have been a movie buff most of my life and have collected just about every format that was available to the public. Currently collecting DVDs